Методическая разработка урока «My native рlace».
план-конспект урока на тему

Методическая разработка урока "My native рlace". Цель урока: активизация страноведческого материала посредством совершенствования навыков и умений монолого-диалогогической речи.


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Предварительный просмотр:


«My native рlace»


                                                               Педагог дополнительного образования

                                                               Преподаватель английского языка

                                                               Полковникова С.Н.

Цель урока: активизация страноведческого материала посредством совершенствования навыков и умений монолого-диалогогической речи.


Образовательная: расширение общего кругозора учащихся

посредством активизации их творческих способностей, монолого-диалогическую речь.

Развивающая: развитие иноязычной компетенции посредством монолого-диалогических высказываний, развитие логического мышления учащихся с опорой на визуальные средства.

Методическая: отработка методики работы с творческими заданиями по развитию устной речи в пределах изучаемой темы.

Воспитательная: формирование социокультурной компетенции.

Организационная: организация работы с группой в целом, в микрогруппах и макрогруппах.

Оснащение урока: иллюстрированный материал (2кн. « О Ноябрьске»), наглядные пособия (таблицы),раздаточный материал (карточки), магнитофон (плёнка-гимн Ноябрьска, автор Оскар Фельцман или CD).

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is «Our native place». We are to speak about our town, its beauties and famous places, its climate and nature. We live in this place and we get to know a lot of interesting details about our region from different sources.

1.        Т.: But first let's start with our weather. Look through the window

and give 2 or 3 sentences about it using phrases from these 2

Table l:  rainy

foggy          cloudy

stormy        windy

frosty        shiny

Table 2:  it is winter

It is sunny and frosty

What a windy day!

How frosty it is today!

It is snowing outside

It is sleepery

Be covered with

Play snowballs

Make a snowman

This is the kind of weather I like!

What a terrible day!

What terrible weather!

2.        Т.: I'd like you to begin our active work with drilling some

expressions which are necessary for your talk.

a). Look at this list of word combinations and repeat after me:
Таblе З: to cover (a large territory)      Table 4: stretch for kilometers
             be covered with
         to occupy

be situated         in different directions

the arctic region         moss and grass

the Yamal district         be full of

lake Khanto         many-storeyed building

be surrounded by         attract one's attention

35 degrees below (above) zero         in Siberia
be well planned
        local inhabitant

 national minority

b)     Т.: Make up  sentences with 1 phrase one by one (2-3 sentences to each phrase using Таblе З, Table 4.)

3.     Т.: Our town is situated in the picturesque place in Siberia It is very young and has a well developed industry which helps our people to live well.

        a) Here are some colorful pictures of our native place  ( 5-6 pictures of Noyabrsk) . Look at them and describe them in a few sentences using these word combinations of tables 3 and 4 and our picture-plan (Table 5):  

        Table 5:             1. I can see...

  1. in the picture
  2. it is...
  3. nice, wonderful, colorful, exciting, interesting

5.        it attracts my attention because...
6.1 think (believe, am sure)...

           b)    Т.: So it is now natural to get more information about our town. Our native peace is situated in the arctic region. Give some more details about it.

           Pupil 1: The name of my native town is Noyabrsk. It is situated in a very beautiful place in the arctic region in Siberia. It covers not a large territory in the Yamal district. It is one of the main towns in our district. And it is surrounded by forests.

                   Т.: Of course, it is, because Siberia is rich in forests, lakes, rivers and other natural beauties. But forests are of great value, aren't they?  

           Pupil 2:   Forests stretch for kilometers and kilometers in our district. They occupy a very large territory in different directions. The ground in forests is covered with moss and grass. We can often find marshy places in our forests.

                  Т.: The Arctic weather is very severe. But nevertheless our forests are rich in different mushrooms and berries. Can you name  them?

            Pupil 3: There are different mushrooms in the forests. They are: orange-cap boletus, brown-cap boletus, boletus edulis, moss boletus.

            Pupil 4: Here we can also find arctic berries, such as: cranberries, great

bilberries, cowberries, blueberries.

 Т.: Nо more facts about Siberia?

 Pupil 5: Different Siberia animals live there: squirrels, boxes, wolves, bears.

       Pupil 6: A lot of small and big rivers are full of different kinds of fish.

        Т.: Much of Siberia is very cold most of the year. And many Siberian places differ in their temperature. What is your opinion about our climate?

        Pupil 7: The climate in this part of Siberia is terribly cold. Winter is here most of the year. Usually we have 25-35 degrees below zero in our place. And strong wind blows nearly all the time.

4.        Т.: Now I suggest that we should go straight to our town at last.

Take these cards and insert necessary words or phrases

according to the topic (cards to all pupils). Put down only the

word and cross out the used word.

 Card: Our town is  1_  . We have  2_  streets, many  3_  buildings in it. Nice clubs and sport  4_ , musical , sport and secondary   _5  are in our _6 . We have the nice children's 7_ where we can  8_ our free  9_ . There are a lot of exciting  10_ .

( 1-park, 2 -halls, 3- schools, 4-side-shows, 5-well-planned, 6-time, 7-storeyed, 8-town, 9-straight, l0-enjoy.

 Keys: 1-5; 2-9; 3-7; 4-2; 5-3; 6-8; 7-1; 8-10; 9-6; 10-4.

 Т.: May I have your cards back, please?

5.        Т.: Day by day the town of Noyabrsk becomes more beautiful and we want it to be our best place in our country. So, let's work in pairs and ask each other questions about our native peace. Don't forget to use our topical phrases (Tables 3, 4) and our colloquial phrases (Tables 6, 7) .   Dialogues).

Таblе 6: I think        Table7: I fully agree

 to my mind         I agree with you

 I believe         I quite agree here

 as far as I know         I suppose so

 If I am not mistaken         I believe so

 In my opinion         I see

 let me see         I think you are right

 you see         that's true

I can say        that's right

I suppose        that's just it

I'm sure        looks like that

I know        quite so

Yes, certainly

6.        Т.: То sum up the material discussion, I'd like you to speak on it.

But first look at these questions on the blackboard and work in groups of 4 (5). Give your opinions about our native peace.

  1. How do you like our climate?
  2. Do you like to go to the forest and why?
  3. What berries do you like to pick up?
  4. In what region is our town situated?
  5. What can you say about our town?
  6. Do you like our native place or not? Why?

Т.: Discuss these points for a while (have some time).

     Your time is up. So, the leaders of the group, share your opinions on the points. You are welcome.

7.        Т.: A lot of songs are devoted to our town. Oscar Feltsman, the

great Russian composer, first visited Noyabrsk many years ago. Hence  he has been to Noyabrsk not once. He wrote a nice song called "Homewards, homewards!" devoted to Noyabrsk and it became the anthem of our town. Listen to it, please, and give your opinion (feelings, thoughts, emotions, likes, dislikes) about it.

(делать остановку записи песни после каждого куплета; выслушивать 2-3 предложения учеников).

8.        T.: Good for you! Well done! You have given a lot of useful information and your wonderful thoughts about our native town and it is great! Your marks are: 5,5,4.Thank you very much! Good luck!

( H.W. – write a composition ‘ My native town’).

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