Конспект урока в 4 классе My Relative
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
A writing lesson template (product approach)
Topic: My Relative.
Level: Primary school.
Learning Outcome:
By the end of the lesson learners will: can write a short text about his/her relative (according to a model).
How will learners work: individually, in pairs, whole class.
How will learners be assessed and given feedback: in pairs, crawl-wall.
Spotlight. Английский в фокусе, 4 класс. Ваулина Ю.Е. и др.
Prompt: Present simple
Stage | Stage aims | Procedure | Interaction patterns | Timing | ||
Teacher | Students | |||||
Pre-Writing | Lead-in | to introduce the topic | Good morning! Today we have a very unusual lesson! Our class is a gallery of your relatives’ portraits (pictures). Your homework was to draw your relative (aunt, uncle, mother, father or others). Don’t show anybody, just give me! (T sticks them on the walls of a class). | Ss give their pictures to T. | Whole class | 2 min. |
Task analysis | to analyse the task (communicative purpose, target audience, genre, assessment criteria, etc) | What do you see on this portraits? Pay attention to details! Can you write a short text about your relative to your classmates so they can guess the picture and the text? | Ss answer (appearance, age, character, hobby, job and so on). | Whole class | 3 min. | |
Working with a model text | to read a model text and check understanding | Now let’s read the text (our model), ex.4 in your textbooks! Let’s read individually! Then let’s make a plan what information do we have about relative (in pairs)! T monitors! | Ss read the text and then discuss the plan in pairs. | Individually, in pairs | 5 min. | |
to highlight features of the text (content, lexis, organisation, grammar, style, layout) | Let’s discuss your ideas for the plan! (T makes the plan on the board).
What tense of verbs do we have in the text? | Ss take part on discussing the plan (filling the ideas with vocabulary) and tense. | Whole class | 5 min. | ||
Controlled practice | to practise the highlighted features | Continue the list for each section of the plan! Choose the right form of a verb for each gap. (in pairs) T monitors! Let’s discuss your answers together! | Ss continue making vocabulary list for every section of the plan. Ss fill in the gaps. (tense) | In pairs, whole class | 5 min. | |
While-writing | Freer practice | to generate and organise ideas | Write the beginning for each section of the plan (in pairs). T monitors! | Ss write the beginning for each section of the plan. | In pairs | 3 min. |
to write own texts | Write your own texts. Continue writing your sentences individually! Use vocabulary on the board, use Present Simple. T monitors! | Ss write their texts. | Individually | 7 min. | ||
Post-writing | Peer evaluation | to get and give feedback | Change your texts in pairs! Check them! Pay attention to vocabulary, grammar and opinion! | Ss check their partner’s texts. | Individually | 3 min. |
Reviewing | to edit the text | Discuss the possible mistakes in pairs and come to an agreement! | Ss discuss the mistakes. | In pairs | 3 min. | |
Publishing | to share the text with others | Stick your texts on the walls of the class! Stand up, read the texts. Guess the pictures and the texts! Draw “hearts” texts you like most of all! | Ss read all the text as they can and guess the pictures to the texts. | Individually, whole class | 4 min. |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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