Урок повторение в 4 классе
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Соловьева Светлана Анатольевна

Урок повторение по учебнику  "Forward" 1 часть


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Предварительный просмотр:


 Teacher’s activities

Children’s activities


  1. Warm-up

Song ‘Hello’

How are you?


 You see  the word –puzzle.

Name me smth bigger.----------

Smth smaller…………………..

A verb  that goes with it---------------

A word that comes earlier  in the dictionary_________________

A longer word beginning with the same letter-----------------------------

A shorter word beginning with the  same letter------------------------------

An adjective to describe it________

The opposite  of that  adjective_____

Another word  the adjective go with_____________

Oral dictation


Everyone of you has  some puzzles too, please,  gather them.

What about  do we speak today?

What for?

Gather their puzzles

Children  name their puzzles’ theams.

Children puzzle.


Who has sign ‘?’ ?

P1 gives questions to his classmates.


Who has puzzle ‘identity card’?

P2 tells about himself/herself


He/She is from  Russia. Where are you from? Do you know about Russia?  Please, look, watch and answer questions.

Who has the puzzles ‘Russia’ and ‘Moscow’? What do you know about Russia? And about Moscow?

Children answer questions.

P3 and P4 tell about these topics.


Good job. You know about Russia and Moscow. And what do you know about Russian animals and insects?

Who has  puzzle ‘Animals’?

 Pair  work. Children choose descriptions to animals

Children clacificate animal idioms

P5 tells about animals

P6 ‘Step by step’ (animals, clothes, furniture, rooms, weather)

It’s time for relax


Who has puzzle ‘hobby’? What are you going to take to the rain forest?

P7 tells about his hobby.



Who has the puzzle ‘tropic forest’?

Children work with the text. (missing word) or(translation from Russian into English)

P8 tells about the rain forest


When you grow up, you will travel a lot. I’m sure  you will go to London. What do you know about London? Who is next?

Quiz about London ,

P9 tells about London


Jump to the conclusion

  1. Name the topics we repeated today;
  2. What was the main idea of our lesson?
  3. Was this lesson useful for you? Why?
  4. What was the problem with?
  5. Can you write a letter to your new friend about

yourself? (homework)

5.What do you think about your classmates activities?

Children work with Bloom,s flower

Children answer the questions

To write a letter to your new friend about Russia, Moscow, your hobby

Children pick up on the wall their grades: A, B, C, below 70

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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