Сценарий театрального представления на английском Златовласка и три медведя
методическая разработка
Сценарий театрального представления на английском Златовласка и три медведя
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Сценарий музыкальной сказки "Златовласка"
Сцена 1
Narrator 1: Once upon a time there were three bears.
Narrator 2: Three what?
Narrator 1: Three bears.
Narrator 2: One (clap). Two (clap clap). Three bears (clap clap clap).
Narrator 1: First there was Mama Bear.
Narrator 2: Mama Bear?
Narrator 1: Mama Bear.
(Мама Медведица выходит)
Mama Bear: M – A – M – A Mama Bear!
Narrator 1: Then there was Papa Bear.
Narrator 2: Papa Bear?
Narrator 1: Papa Bear.
(Папа Медведь выходит, кланяется)
Papa Bear: P – A – P – A Papa Bear!
Narrator 1: And there was Baby Bear.
Narrator 2: Baby Bear?
Narrator 1: Baby Bear.
(Выбегает Медвежонок)
Baby Bear: B – A – B – Y Baby Bear!
Narrator 1: They lived in the wood.
Narrator 2: Thick wood?
Narrator 1: The wood of flowers.
Narrator 2: Beautiful flowers! (louder)
Song of flowers (Выходят девочки в костюмах цветов, )
Flowers: Welcome to our magic wood!
Сцена 2
(Занавес открывается, на сцене накрытый стол, стулья, медведи сидят за столом)
Narrator 1: One morning the three bears cooking some food.
Narrator 2: What are they doing?
Narrator 1: Cooking some food.
Papa Bear: I'll make the porridge.
Mama Bear: I'll pour the milk.
Baby Bear: I'll set the table.
Narrator 1: And they all sat down and started to eat .
Baby Bear: Ow, Wow! Hot, hot, hot!
Mama Bear: Ow, Wow! Hot, hot, hot!
Papa Bear: Ow, Wow! Hot, hot, hot! Let's go for a walk and let it cool off.
Mama and Baby: That's a good idea, let's go.
Narrator 1: And the three bears left with their breakfast on the table.
(Занавес, медведи уходят под песенку We more we are together…)
Сцена 3
(Занавес открывается, в центре стоит домик, вокруг цветы)
House: I am empty, I am sad, I am lonely without three bears!
Flowers: He is so lonely.
(Звучит песенка красной шапочки, на лесной опушке появляется Goldilocks)
Narrator 1: At that time somebody was walking in the forest.
Narrator 2: Who was walking in the forest?
Narrator 1: Somebody was walking in the forest. It was a little girl with golden hair.
Flowers: Who are you?
Goldilocks: Little girl with golden hair.
Flowers: What's your name?
Goldilocks: Goldilocks!
Flowers: Say it again.
Goldilocks: Goldilocks! Goldilocks! Goldilocks!
House: What a beautiful girl! What a beautiful name!
(Цветы и Златовласка закружили в танце, Занавес)
Сцена 4
(Занавес. Дом медведей, накрытый стол, стулья, кровати)
Goldilocks: Look at the table. Set for three.
Narrator 1: She sat down in Papa's chair and tasted his porridge.
Goldilocks: Oh no! The chair is too big and the porridge is too hot.
Narrator 2: She sat down in Mama's chair and tasted her porridge.
Goldilocks: Oh no! The chair is too hard and the porridge is too hot.
Narrator 1: She sat down in Baby's chair and tasted his porridge.
Goldilocks: Mmmmm! Just right.
Narrator 2: She walked in the bedroom and saw Papa's bed.
Goldilocks: Too big! Much too big!
Narrator 1: Then she saw Mama's bed.
Goldilocks: Too hard! Much too hard.
Narrator 2: Then she saw Baby's bed.
Goldilocks: Just right! Not too big and not too hard!
Narrator 1: Goldilocks fell fast asleep.
Narrator 2: Three bears came home.
Papa Bear: Someone's been sitting on my chair. Someone's been eating my porridge.
Mama Bear: Someone's been sitting on my chair. Someone's been eating my porridge.
Baby Bear: Somebody broke my chair and ate my porridge.
Papa Bear: Someone's been sleeping in my bed.
Mama Bear: Someone's been sleeping in my bed.
Baby Bear: Someone's been sleeping in my bed. And here she is!!!
Goldilocks: Oh, the three bears! Try and catch me!
Bears: Goldilocks gone! What a shame.
Flowers: Goldilocks! What a beautiful name.
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