сценарии театральных постановок на английском языке
материал по английскому языку по теме
Несколько сценариев на английском из опыта работы с театральным проектом шекспировский театральный фестиваль.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Canterville Ghost
By Oscar Wilde
- Mr. James B. Otis, American Minister
- Mrs. Otis, his wife
- Mr. Washington Otis, his elder son, 23
- Miss Virginia Otis, his daughter, 18
- Naughty twins
- Lord Canterville
- Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper
8. The Canterville Ghost
Scene I
(Занавес закрыт. Звучит музыкальный фрагмент, передающий настроение спектакля. Занавес открывается. Комната в замке - камин, столик со скатертью, пара кресел,окно. За окном виднеется сухая ветка дерева. Лорд Кентервиль и мистер Отис просматривают бумаги. Отис с сигарой в зубах)
Lord – So, sir, as I told you before, here, in our old castle lives a ghost. He has been living here for more than 300 years.
Mr. Otis – Rubbish! We, Americans don’t believe in all these things. We live in an advanced country, where you can buy everything... for money.
Lord – But not a ghost! I’m afraid that the Canterville ghost exists. Usually he appears just before the death of the family member.
Mr.O – In such cases only a doctor can help. The laws of nature are the same in Britain and in America.
Lord- You, Americans, have always been so close to nature…But if you take the castle together with the Ghost, it’s all right. Don’t forget I’ve warned you.
(Склоняются, чтобы подписать бумаги, раскат грома, свет мигает и гаснет)
Mr. O – Poor old England! Something wrong with electricity… Doesn’t matter…
(Достает фонарик, подписывают бумаги, пожимают руки, шум за дверью, входит семья мистера Отиса, свет)
Mr.O-Oh, here they are. Let me introduce you my family: my wife, Mrs. Otis, my elder son, Washington- a future diplomat. My daughter Virginia, she is very good at horse riding. And here are my twins- we call them “The stars and stripes’, you see, because I have to whip them for their monkey tricks sometimes.
Lord- Glad to meet you. And here is Missis Umney, the housekeeper. She will show you to your rooms.
Mrs. O- Look, there is something on the cloth! What could it be?
Mrs. Amny- It’s blood, Missis. Just on this place Lady Eleanor Canterville was killed by her husband, Sir Simon Canterville in the year 1575. Having done so he disappeared and his body was never found. The tourists who come to the castle like watching this spot of blood. It’s impossible to take it away.
Mr. Wash – That is all nonsense! Pinkerton’s Stain remover will clean it up in no time!
(Поливает скатерть очистителем, показывает всем чистую)
- It never lets me down!
( Вспышка молнии, гром. Миссис Амни подает в обморок)
Mrs. O- What a monstrous climate! Will she fall down every time when she hears some noise? Mrs. Umney, get up, its time for supper. Would you join us, Lord Centerville?
(Все удаляются со сцены ужинать, гаснет свет, звучит тревожная музыка)
Scene II
( Ночь в замке. В комнате горит светильник. Мистер Отис сидит в кресле, читает, откладывает книгу)
Mr. O –Well, it was a hard day. It’s time to go to bed. (Смотрит на часы) It’s twelve! So late! (Потягивается, зевает, видит пятно на скатерти) –Hm, what colour is it now? Yellow? Isn’t it strange? But what’s this? (Прислушивается. Слышатся шаги, лязг металла) Am I tired?( Проверяет пульс) Or ill?( Трогает лоб. Звуки доносятся все отчетливее. Подходит к саквояжу, копается в нем, смотрит разные флаконы, находит нужный)
- That will help!(Выходит из своей комнаты, видит призрак, в лохмотьях, с цепями на руках)
Sir, I have to ask you to oil your chains from this time onwards not to bother my family at night. Just for this purpose you can use this wonderful American oil “The rising sun of democracy”. The instruction is given. If you want some more, let me know. Good night, sir. ( Уходит к себе. Привидение хватает флакон, читает, бросает на пол, уходит, глухо стеная. Не успевает он пройти несколько шагов, в него летит подушка, слышно хихиканье близнецов, воет от возмущения,
GH- I’ll take revenge! Потрясает цепями, убегает)
( В комнате призрака: перебирает гардероб, ищет образ для устрашения:
GH- Shall I put on this- to remind them a vampire? Or this- I remember Lady Johns fainted having seen me in her mirror. Probably this armour will do? Sir Statfield died immediately when he saw me in his wardrobe staying with a sward. No, no! I’ll put on a shroud and play the part of Crazy Martin. That will work, I know! (Одевается в саван, мажет лицо зеленым, берет кинжал, выходит. Крадется в темноте - часы бьют - замирает, прислушивается, идет дальше, бормоча ругательства, размахивая кинжалом – и вдруг наталкивается на другого призрака с табличкой на груди. Пугается, бросается наутек с воплями, вбегает к себе, прячется с головой под тряпье. Борется со страхом, гордость берет верх)
GH- No, never Simon Canterville was a coward! I’ll make acquaintance with this powerful ghost and we’ll fight together! We’ll show these Americans! We’ll make them estimate us! (Решительно идет обратно, подходит к призраку, у того отваливается голова. Дрожащими руками берет табличку, читает:
The Otis Ghost. The only trueand original ghost .Beware of imitations!
(Воздевает к небу руки:
GH- They’ve played a trick! On me! Murder! No sooner the moon would rise again a murder would come to Canterville House! (Кричит петух) Damned bird! It’s time to get back! ( Пятится назад, ноги скользят, падает, встает, кряхтя, потирая спину, смотрит на руки
-What’s the hell is this? Oil? I know who has done it- these hellish twins!
Twins: Here we are, sir! (С визгом выскакивают, заплевывают призрак горохом из трубочек, он мечется, закрывает лицо руками. На шум выскакивает мистер Отис со свечой и револьвером в руках):
Mr. O- Hands up!
( Призрак дует на свечу, убегает, завывая, останавливается, переводит дыхание, издает дьявольский хохот, выходит миссис Отис с микстурой в руках)
Mrs. O- Are you OK? I think you have a bad cough. Take this medicine three times a day and it will surely help you!
( Хватает у нее бутылочку, выпивает залпом, стонет, близнецы крадутся к нему с веревкой, кричат в ухо. Он, стеная, уносится к себе)
(Утро, Вашингтон пьет кофе, рассматривает пятно на скатерти)
Wash. - Don’t you think the spot has changed its colour. It was first red, then yellow? And now? Look? It’s green! Does it mean that my Pinkerton Stain remover doesn’t work properly? I should write to the firm a reclamation letter.( Входит Виржиния)- Virginia! Here you are! We go for a walk to the forest all together. Will you join us?
Virg. –Oh, yes, Wash, in a moment. I’ve forgotten my gloves.
Wash. - So, be quick. We’ll be waiting for you in the park. (Уходит, Виржиния идет к себе за перчатками. В это время входит призрак. Он удручен, боязливо оглядывается, прислушивается, вздрагивает, услышав голоса близнецов, подходит к окну, садится, замирает, задумчиво глядя в окно. Входит Виржиния. Сначала пугается, хочет уйти, потом останавливается, внимательно смотрит на него, лицо становится сочувственным, неслышно подходит к нему.)
Virg. - Sorry to trouble you, sir. I just wanted to say how much I am sorry for you! Tomorrow my brothers are going back to school. Nobody will offend you, if you promise to behave well.
GH. - But how can I behave well? I am a ghost! I must walk at night, must moan, and must clank my chains! This is the reason of my existence.
Virg. - I see no reason in it. Mrs. Umney told us you had killed your wife.
Gh. –Yes, I had. But it’s my own business.
Virg. - No, it isn’t. It’s very bad to kill people.
Gh- But you didn’t know her. She was ugly! Besides she couldn’t cook at all. Yes, I killed her, but why did her brothers made me die of hunger?
Virg. - You died of hunger? Poor mister Ghost! Are you still hungry? I’ve got some cheese sandwiches. Would you like one?
GH- I am afraid, no, young lady. I have gone without food for 300 years. But it was rather nice of you to offer me a sandwich. Cheese, you say? You are a nice young lady, much better than all your American family!
Virg. - You mustn’t say so! It’s you who is awful! Who has stolen all my paints to renew this stupid blood spot! First you took the reds so that I couldn’t paint sunsets, then you stole the yellow ones. And yesterday you took the green emerald! How could blood be green?
GH- But what should I do! It’s too difficult now to find real blood. You say “green”- well, why not? We, the Canterville have the blue blood. But I think you Americans don’t mind.
Virg- Every American family would be glad to have a true family ghost. Would you like me to ask my dad? He could buy you a ticket to America.
GH- I’m afraid, I don’t like your America.
Virg. - OK, sir, stay alone then. (собирается уйти, призрак бросается за ней)
GH- Don’t leave, miss Virginia, I beg you! I’m so lonely and unhappy. I don’t know what to do! Most of all I’d like to fall asleep, but I can’t.
Virg- You should just go to bed and close your eyes.
GH- It’s impossible. I haven’t been sleeping for 300 years! I feel so tired!
Virg- Oh, my poor, miserable ghost! Don’t you know such a place where you could fall asleep?
GH-Yes, I do. Far-far away there is a small garden, the grass is long and soft there, the flowers are as white as stars and a nightingale sings there all the night.
Virg- You are speaking about the garden of death, don’t you?
GH- Yes, my child. How nice it would be to rest there. And this is you who can open me the gates of this garden.
Virg- Me?
GH- Yes, you. Have you ever read the oracle on the window?
Virg- Yes, I’ve read it many times. I remember it:
When young and pure virgin will deliver a pray
From all her heart to gracious skies,
When almond tree will blossom in the moonlight
The Ghost will stop his endless painful flight
And washed with tears prediction will fulfill
And peace would come again to Canterville
But I don’t understand what it means.
GH- It means that if you cry for me and pray for my soul, the Angel of Death would be merciful to me. It won’t be easy for you, as demons would scare you, but if you stay kind and pure and loving as you are they won’t do any harm to you.
(Виржиния не поднимает голову, призрак, глядя на нее, ломает руки, вдруг девочка встает)
Virg- I am not scared. I’ll pray for you and the Angel of Death would become merciful.
(Призрак радостно восклицает, подходит, со старомодной грацией кланяется, целует ей руку. Ведет ее за руку через зал. Грохочет гром, мигает свет, звучит тревожная музыка, свет гаснет)
GH- Quick!Quick! Or it will be too late!
(Продолжает звучать музыка, стихает, зажигается свет, на сцене миссис Отис сидит в кресле, вытирает глаза, мистер Отис нервно расхаживает, миссис Амни наливает в стакан воду, подносит миссис Отис, вбегает Вашингтон).
Wash- Mum, dad, I haven’t found her anywhere!
Twins- (вбегают встревоженные, запыхавшись, с фонариками в руках) - We have looked for her in the garden. She has disappeared!
Mr. Otis(нервно прохаживаясь по комнате)- Virginia should have told us where she went.
Mrs. Otis –Stop it, James! Our girl has disappeared! Someone has kidnapped her!
Mrs. Umeny- It’s the ghost! I’ve told you how dangerous he is!
Wash. - Rubbish! She’ll be back, I know! She’s just reading or painting in some corner.
(Бьют часы, звучит завораживающая музыка, входит Виржиния с маленькой шкатулкой в руках)
Мrs. Otis- My girl! Oh, Lord! Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you everywhere!
Mr. Otis- Please, never else play such tricks!
Twins- Play tricks only on the ghost! Only on the ghost! Oh, look!
Virg- Papa, he has died. I’ve been with him all the evening. He had done a lot of bad things, but he was very sorry. The Angel of Death came for him, now he rests in peace. He has left me this box of treasures.
Twins- Look! The dry almond tree has blossomed! There are flowers in moonlight! We can see them! (Показывают на окно, за которым видна покрытая цветами ветка)
Virg- God has forgiven him! And you all- forgive him! Poor sir Simon! He showed me what Life is and what Death means. And now I know that Love is stronger than both!
(Звучит музыка)
Virg. - Sorry to trouble you, sir. I just wanted to say how much I am sorry for you! Tomorrow my brothers are going back to school. Nobody is going to offend you, if you promise to behave well.
GH. - But how can I behave well? I am a ghost! I must walk at night, must moan, and must clank my chains! This is the reason of my existence.
Virg. - I see no reason in it. Mrs. Umney told us you had killed your wife.
Gh. –Yes, I had. But it’s my own business.
Virg. - No, it isn’t. It’s very bad to kill people.
Gh- But you didn’t know her. She was ugly! Besides she couldn’t cook at all. Yes, I killed her, but why did her brothers made me die of hunger?
Virg. - You died of hunger? Poor mister Ghost! Are you still hungry? I’ve got some cheese sandwiches. Would you like one?
GH- I am afraid, no, young lady. I have gone without food for 300 years. But it was rather nice of you to offer me a sandwich. Cheese, you say? You are a nice young lady, much better than all this your awful American family!
Virg. - You mustn’t say so! It’s you who is awful! Who has stolen my paints to renew this stupid blood spot!? First you took all the reds ones and I couldn’t paint sunsets, then you stole the yellow ones. And yesterday you took the green emerald! How could blood be green?
GH- But what should I do! It’s too difficult now to find real blood. You say “green”- well, why not? We, the Canterville have the blue blood. But I think you Americans don’t mind.
Virg- Why?You should go to America. Every American family would be glad to have a true family ghost.
GH- I’m afraid, I don’t like your America.
Virg. - OK, sir, stay alone then. (собирается уйти, призрак бросается за ней)
GH- Don’t leave, miss Virginia, I beg you! I’m so lonely and unhappy. I don’t know what to do! Most of all I’d like to fall asleep, but I can’t.
Virg- You should just go to bed and close your eyes.
GH- It’s impossible. I haven’t been sleeping for 300 years! I feel so tired!
Virg- Oh, my poor, miserable ghost! Do you know such a place where you could fall asleep?
GH-Yes, I do. Far-far away there is a small garden, the grass is long and soft there, the flowers are as white as stars and a bird is singing there all the night.
Virg- The garden of death?
GH- Yes, my child. How nice it would be to rest there. And this is you who can open me the gates of this garden.
Virg- Me?
GH- Yes, you. Have you ever read the oracle on the window?
Virg- Yes, I’ve read it many times. I remember it:
When young and pure virgin will deliver a pray
From all her heart to gracious skies,
When almond tree will blossom in the moonlight
The Ghost will stop his endless painful flight
And washed with tears prediction will fulfill
And peace would come again to Canterville
But I don’t understand what it means.
GH- It means that if you cry for me and pray for my soul, the Angel of Death would be merciful to me. It won’t be easy for you, as demons would scare you, but if you stay kind and pure and loving as you are they won’t do any harm to you.
(Виржиния не поднимает голову, призрак, глядя на нее, ломает руки, вдруг девочка встает)
Virg- I am not scared. I’ll pray for you and the Angel of Death would become merciful.
(Призрак радостно восклицает, подходит, со старомодной грацией кланяется, целует ей руку. Ведет ее за руку через зал. Грохочет гром, мигает свет, звучит тревожная музыка, свет гаснет)
GH- Quick!Quick! Or it will be too late!
(Продолжает звучать музыка, стихает, зажигается свет, на сцене миссис Отис сидит в кресле, вытирает глаза, мистер Отис нервно расхаживает, миссис Амни наливает в стакан воду, подносит миссис Отис, вбегает Вашингтон).
Wash- Mum, dad, I haven’t found her anywhere!
Twins- (вбегают встревоженные, запыхавшись, с фонариками в руках) - We have looked for her in the garden. She has disappeared!
Mr. Otis(нервно прохаживаясь по комнате)- Virginia should have told us where she went.
Mrs. Otis –Stop it, James! Our girl has disappeared! Someone has kidnapped her!
Mrs. Umeny- It’s the ghost! I’ve told you how dangerous he is!
Wash. - Rubbish! She’ll be back, I know! She’s just reading or painting in some corner.
(Бьют часы, звучит завораживающая музыка, входит Виржиния с маленькой шкатулкой в руках)
Мrs. Otis- My girl! Oh, Lord! Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you everywhere!
Mr. Otis- Please, never else play such tricks any more!
Twins- Play trick only on the ghost! Only on the ghost!
Virg- Papa, he has died. I’ve been with him all the evening. He had done a lot of bad things, but he was very sorry. The Angel of Death came for him, now he rests in peace. He has left me this box of treasures.
Twins- Look! The dry almond tree has blossomed! There are flowers in moonlight! We can see them!
Virg- God has forgiven him! And you all- forgive him! Poor sir Simon! He showed me what Life is and what Death means. And now I know that Love is stronger than both!
(Звучит музыка)
Предварительный просмотр:
after Rudyard Kipling
На сцене:фоном-шум джунглей. Балу и Багира лежат, Маугли пытается раздобыть огонь-трет палочку.
Mo. –Look! Look! Baloo! Bagheera! It’s a wonder! How beautiful this red flower is! Oh, it’s hot!
Boo- Stop it, Little Frog, It’s a dangerous flower. It can hurt you and us all.
Mo- Not, it can’t! I am its master!
Boo- Master! Look at him! Come here, man-cub, and tell Bagheera the Master words I have taught you.
Mo- The jungle has many languages. Which shall I speak?
Boo- Say Mater words the birds.
Mo-We be of one blood, you and I! (свистит)
Boo- And for the Snake-people?
Mo- шипит We be of one blood, you and I!
Ba- Well done, Little Brother. But remember, there is no word for Monkey-people.
Mo- Never mind! I’ll become their leader, I’ll jump all day in the trees, eat bananas and throw dirt at old Baloo. (показывает все это)
Bo-(ударом лапы сшибает его) You talked to Monkey –People!
Mo-And they cared about me when you hurt me!
Bo-What a shame!
Mo-And they gave me nuts and tasty things to eat. They say I am their blood-brother. They want me to be their leader!
Bo-Listen to me, foolish man-cub! They are very-very bad. They have no law. They are dirty and shameless. They are forbidden. Never talk to them. (град орехов)
Ba-We do not notice them. Never play or go with them. (град орехов)-Багира встает, угрожающе рычит, Балу тоже. За сценой треск обезьян, топот)
MO- OK, OK, I promise I never play or go with them.
Bo- All right, then. And now go to sleep. Night has come to the jungle. (Музыка, свет меркнет, Маугли строит себе шалаш из веток, ложится, свет гаснет, на авансцене появляются бандерлоги, крадутся)
М1- Hush! They are sleeping!
M2-Look! The man-cub is sleeping in a hut!
M3-How clever he is!
M4-Wow! He can get a red flower!(нюхает уголек)
M3-How clever he is!
M1- We want him to be our leader!
M2- We’ll live in huts!
M4-We’ll be warm!
M3-How clever we are!
(Танец обезьян, затем подкрадываются, хватают Маугли за руки и ноги и быстро уносят его, затем появляются на авансцене, он уже идет, они тащат его за руки)
M1-Run, Monkey-Brother, run!
Mo-I am tired. let me have a rest!
M2-Just for one minute. We’ll bring bananas and water/ (убегают)
Прилетает коршун.
Chil -Who are you, man-cub?
Mo- We are of one blood, you and I. Tell Baloo and Bagheera where I am.
Chil-In whose name, little Brother?
Mo- Mowgli, the Frog.
Chil-I’ll fly and tell them at once! (улетает)
Возвращаются обезьяны, устраивают гвалт, съедают бананы сами, Маугли ничего не достается. Хватают его и тащат дальше. Коршун прилетает к Балу и Багире.
Chil-Hello, Brothers! Hurry up! The man-cub is in danger!
Ba- Have you seen him?
Chil-yes, and he said Master Words to me.
Bo-Such a clever frog!
Chil-The banderlogs are carrying him to the dead city. They can hurt him!
Bo-Oh, poor man-cub! Fool that I am! Fat, brown fool that I am! How can we get them, they jump high. They are not afraid of us!
Ba- I know where we go! WE go to Kaa, the Rock Snake. He can climb. He takes young monkeys at night. They are afraid of him, only of him!
(музыка, идут к Каа. Тот греется на солнце)
Ba- Good hunting, Kaa!
Kaa-Good hunting to us all. BALOO, Bagheera, what are you doing here.
Ba- We are going to hunt.
Kaa- Let me come with you. I am so hungry!
Ba- I don’t know if you like it. We are hunting for monkeys.
Kaa-Hiss, they are evil. They call me a footless yellow earth-worm.
Ba- Yes, they do. And today they’ve cried you lost your teeth and you are too old to hunt.
Kasa- Me? Old to hunt? Lost my teeth? Hiss! They also called me a fish.
Ba- Yes, a fish. And an earth-worm.
Kaa-We must teach them to speak to their master. As-sh! Where are they?
Boo-Chil said they went to the dead city.
Kaa-All one. Let us go on. ( Уходят. Мертвый город. Маугли среди обезьян.)
Ma- I want to eat. Let me hunt!
M1- No, stay here. We’ll bring you food. (убегают, прибегают с фруктами, начинают толкаться, роняют все в драке. Маугли пытается уйти, догоняют его, волокут обратно. Говорят, перебивая друг друга)
M2- No, no! Don’t leave us! It’s so foolish!
M3- We are great!
M4- We are wonderful!
M1- Stay with us!
M2-Be our leader!
M3- We are the best!
M4- What we say is true!
M1-Look! There is a Black Panther.
M2- He is alone! Kill him!(все бандерлоги бросаются к Багире)
M3-(охраняет Маугли) Stay here !We’ll kill your friend!
Boo- I am here! I am climbing! I hurry! Oh, the most infamous banderlog!(вступает в битву)
Музыка, пятно света на появившегося Каа.
M1234-останавливаются.- It’s Kaa! It’s Kaa! Run! Run!
Mo-We be of one blood, you and I. You gave me life tonight, Kaa.
Kaa-All thanks, Little Brother.
Mo-If ever you are in a trap, I’ll pay the debt.
Kaa-Well said. A brave heart and a clever tongue. And now go and sleep. It’s not well for you to see what’s going on here.
(Ba, Boo, Mo- уходят, музыка факира, свет меркнет)
Kaa- The moon sets. Can you see me, banderlogs?
M1234- We see you, Kaa!
Kaa- Begins now the dance. Sit still and watch! (танец Каа)
Kaa- Banderlogs, can you move your foot without my order?
M1234- No, Kaa!
Kaa- Good, come nearer to me! … Closer! …Closer!
(Багира и Балу пытаются вернуться, Маугли удерживает их:
Mo- No! You stay with me!
Ba- Keep your hand! Or I must go!
Boo- I must go!
Mo- No, friends! We’ll keep together! Forever!
(Занавес медленно закрывается- бандерлоги все ближе подходят к Каа)
Предварительный просмотр:
Scene I
Prof. -Well, Pickering, the performance was not bad. Let's go and find a cab.
El -Two bunches of violets in the mud. And runaway without paying.
Pick. -Look, where you are going, dear!
El- I'm awfully sorry. Captain, buy a flower off a poor girl!
Pick.-Pardon.. I haven't any change.
El- Oh, I can change half a crown. Wait a minute. Oh, yes, here is three ha'pence. Thank you ,sir.
Policeman- Hei, you! Be careful, better give him_a flower for it.
El - Why you touch me! I'm a respectable girl! I've a right to sell flowers.
Policeman - Oh, don't start!
El - I'm making an honest living. Sir, 'elp me! I'm a good girl!
Prof.- Yes, dear, you are.
El - I just wanted to sell flowers to the gentleman.
Prof.- Well, madam. It stopped raining. You may take a bus and go to where you live. To Hampton Court, I mean.
El.- How'd you know I live there? You spied?!
Prof.- Never. The science of speech. It's my profession. And a hobby, too.
El.- Kidding! And this cop?
Prof.- Irish. Sorry, officer, are you from Ireland?
Policeman- Well, yes,sir,Belfast.
Prof.- You see.
Policeman -Woman, get away!
El -I've a right to be here, if I like.
Prof.- A woman, who speaks so disgusting English has no right to live. Remember, your native language is
the language of Shakespeare. And the Bible!
Hear them down in Soho square,
Dropping "h's" everywhere. Speaking English anyway they
You, sir, did you go to school?
Man : Wadaya tike me for, a fool?
No one taught him 'take” instead of 'tike”
Why can’t the English teach their children how to speak?
The French learn French, The Greek learn Greek
But use proper English
You're regarded as a freak.
Why can't the English,
Why can't the English learn to speak?
Prof.- Well, Pickering, I bet in six months I could pass her off as a queen of... of Sheba to the ball.
Pick. -Do you mean it?
El.- Here, what did you say?
Prof.- Yes, you, a squashed cabbage leaf, you, disgrace to the noble, I could pass you off to the ball as , well, a queen of Sheba.
Pick. -I can hardly believe. Well, we'll discuss it at supper. You know, I've just come from India. There are a lot of dialects there...
El.- Buy some flowers from a poor girl.
Prof.- Sorry, Madame, no change.
Pick. Sorry, Ma'am, no change.
All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air.
With one enormous chair,
Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?
Lots of choc'lates for me to eat,
Lots of coal makin' lots of'eat.
Warm face, warm 'ands, warm feet,
Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?
(Aow, so loverly sittin' abso-bloomin'-lutely still.
I would never budge 'till spring
Crept over me windowsill.
Someone's 'ead restin' on my knee,
Warm an' tender as 'e can be.
'ho takes good care of me,
Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?
Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly )
Scene II
Mrs.P. - I'm Mrs. .Pearce, the housekeeper. Can I help you?
El.- Oh, good morning, missus. I'd like to see the Professor, please. Could you tell me, what it's about? It's a business of personal nature.
Mrs.P - Oh, one moment, please. Mr. Higgins!
Prof.- What is it, Mrs. Pearce?
Mrs.P - That's a young woman who wants to see you, sir.
Prof.- A young woman? What does she want?
Mrs.P - Oh, You see ,sir, she says it's business of personal nature. She is quite a common girl, sir. Very
common, indeed. I should have sent her away, only I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk to
your machine.
Prof.- Has she an interesting accent?
Mrs.P - Simply ghasty, Mr.Higgins.
Prof.- Good, let her in.
Mrs.P - Very well, sir. It's for you to say.
Prof.- It's just a bit of luck, Pickering. I'll show you how I make my records.
Pick. - Oh, really? I'll enjoy it!
Mrs.P -This is the young girl.
El.- Good morning, my good men.
Prof.- Oh, no, no! She is no use. I don't want you, lady!
El.- Don't be so saucy. Did you tell 'im I come in a taxi?
Mrs.P -Nonsense, girl. Do you think a gentleman like Mr. Higgins cared what you came in?
El.- He ain't said he's giving lessons? I heard 'im say. If my money is not good for him, I can go
Prof.- Money? Good for what?
El - For you! Now you know. I'm come to have lessons, I am. And to pay for 'em.
Prof.- Well, what do you want me to say?
El -If you was a gentleman, you might ask me to sit down.
Prof.- Eh, Pickering should we ask this baggage to sit down or just throw her out of the window?
Pick. - What do you want, my girl?
El.- I... I want to be a lady... in a flower shop. But they won't take me unless I can talk more genteel.
He said he could teach me, but he...
Pick.- What's your name, child?
El.- Eliza Doolittle.
Pick. -Won't you sit down, miss Doolittle?
Prof.- Well, how much do you propose to pay?
El.- I can offer a shilling.
Prof.- You know, Pickering, a shilling... her shilling is the same as 60 pounds of a millionaire. It's the biggest offer you've ever had, Higgins. 60 pounds!
El.- 60 pounds? Where would I get 60 pounds? I never offered you 60 pounds!
Prof.- Oh, don't cry, silly girl. Nobody is going to touch your money.
El.- What's this?
Pick. - To wipe your eyes. That's your handkerchief. Use it, not your sleeve.
Higgins, it's really interesting. I'll say you are the greatest teacher in the world if you can make a
queen of this lady in six months. I'll pay for her lessons.
El.- You are real good. Thank you, captain.
Prof.- It's nearly impossible. She is so deliciously low, so horrible dirty!
El.- I ain't dirty! I washed my face and hands before I come, I did!
Prof.- Mrs. Pearce, take her away. Take off all her closes and burn them.
El.- You are not a gentleman to talk so. It's my best dress!
Mrs.P -I'll wrap it in a brown paper. But where shall I put her?
Prof.- Put her in a dustbin!
El.- Me?
Prof.- Mew?
Mrs.P - Do be sensible, sir. I'll put her in the bath first. And you'll sleep in a proper bedroom. Come with
me, Eliza.
Prof.- So, Pickering, in six month, no, in three month, I'll make a queen out of this dirty chicken. You'll
El.- Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!
You'll be sorry, but your tears'll be to late!
You'll be broke, and I'll have money;
Will I help you? Don't be funny!
Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!
Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, till you're sick,
And you scream to fetch a doctor double-quick.
I'll be off a second later And go straight to the the-ateri
Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait!
Ooooooh 'enry 'iggins! Just you wait until we're swimmin' in the sea!
Ooooooh 'enry 'iggins!
And you get a cramp a little ways from me!
When you yell you're going to drown I'll get dressed
and go to town! Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins!
Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins! Just you wait!
One day I'll be famous! I'll be proper and prim;
Go to St. James so often I will call it St. Jim!
One evening the king will say:
"Oh, Liza, old thing,
I want all of England your praises to sing. Next week on the twentieth of May
I proclaim Liza Doolittle Day!
All the people will celebrate the glory of you
And whatever you wish and want I gladly will do."
"Thanks a lot, King" says I, in a manner well-bred;
But all I want is 'enry 'iggins 'ead!"
"Done," says the King with a stroke.
"Guard, run and bring in the bloke!"
Then they'll march you, 'enry 'iggins to the wall;
And the King will tell me: "Liza, sound the call."
As they lift their rifles higher, I'll shout:
"Ready! Aim! Fire!"
Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins,
Down you'll go, 'enry 'iggins!
Just you wait!
Scene III
Prof.- Say your vowels, Eliza. A E I O U
Prof.- Wrong. AEIOU
El -That's what I've said.
Prof.- I know, it's difficult, miss Doolittle, but try to understand. Now say A.
El - A
Prof.- If you don't say it correctly, you'll have no lunch, no dinner and no... chocolates!
El - A
Prof.- No, A!
El- A
Prof.- All right. Now say " The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain"
El - The rine in Spine stais mainly on the pline.
Prof.- 50 times "The rain in Spain goes mainly on the plain" before you go to bed. Now, come closer.
Do you see the flame? Every time you say the sound "H" correctly the flame will waver. Now repeat:
" In Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen"
El - In 'empshire ' urricanes 'adly ever 'appen.
Prof.- Oh, no. You have no ear at all. Start from the very beginning. Say "Ha-ha-ha"
Mrs.P - Poor Professor Higgins!
Poor Professor Higgins! Night and day
He slaves away! Oh, poor Professor Higgins!
All day long On his feet; Up and down until he's numb;
Doesn't rest; Doesn't eat;
Doesn't touch a crumb! Poor Professor Higgins!
Poor Professor Higgins! On he plods Against all odds;
Oh, poor Professor Higgins! Nine p.m. Ten p.m.
On through midnight ev'ry night. One a.m. Two a.m. Three...! Quit, Professor Higgins!
Quit, Professor Higgins! Hear our plea
Or payday we Will quit, Professor Higgins!
Ay not I, O not Ow, Pounding pounding in our brain.
Ay not I, O not Ow, Don't say "Rine," say "Rain"... Poor Professor Higgins!
Prof.- Cup of tea.
El- Cuppatee.
Prof.- Say "cup".
El- Cup.
Prof.- Cup, cup, cup.
El- Cup,cup, cup.
Prof.- Now say "of
El- Of
Prof.- Cup of tea
El- Cup of tea. I'm so tired.
Prof.- Then go to bed. 50 times "The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain"
Pick.- Quit, Professor Higgins! Hear our plea
Or payday we Will quit, Professor Higgins!
Ay not I, O not Ow, Pounding pounding in our brain.
Ay not I, O not Ow, Don't say "Rine," say "Rain"... Poor Professor Higgins!
Scene IV
Mrs.P - Three months of hard work, day and night. First I was sure she won't cope. But she did it! From my pard I did my best to teach her good manners. It was really difficult to make up a lady of a ... well, a... common girl she was. But now! Now she knows what is her handkerchief for. And she takes bath every day. And she dances and walks, and speaks as a lady. Frankly speaking, I like her. She is a good girl, a hardworking girl. To my mind, probably I shouldn't speak on this, but to my mind Professor has fallen .. .in love with her. It's not surprisingly at all, because he created her. He is like Pygmalion...
Prof.- So, Pickering, are you ready for the ball?
Pick.- Yes, Professor, I am. But where is Eliza?
Prof.- Eliza! Hurry up!
Pick.- You are a beauty!
Prof.- Not bad, Eliza. You look quite decent.
- How kind of you to let me come!
Pick.- Bravo!
In Hampshire hurricanes hardly happen.
Pick.- Bravissimo. Go on!
- The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.
Prof.- We are making progress. So what about this rain?
Eliza: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
Prof.- By George, she's got it! By George, she's got it! Now, once again where does it rain?
Eliza- On the plain!
On the plain!
Prof.: And where's that soggy plain?
Eliza: In Spain! In Spain!
The three:
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain! The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
Prof.- By George, she did it!
Pick.- Yes, Henry. But not only she. You did it.
This evening, sir, you did it!
You did it! You did it!
You said that you would do it
And indeed you did.
This evening, sir, you did it!
You did it! You did it!
We know that we have said it,
But-you did it and the credit
For it all belongs to you!
Prof.- Not only to me, my friend. We did it together. All of us. And you, Mrs. Pierce. And you, my fair lady!
This evening, friends , we did it!
We did it! We did it!
We said that we would do it
And indeed we did.
This evening, friends , we did it!
We did it! We did it!
We said that we would do it
And indeed we did.
Prof.- Would you like to take my hand, lady?
Pick.- And mine, if you please.
Prof.- Now to the ball!
The four- To the ball!
Предварительный просмотр:
Aunt Poger: Well, Mr. Podger, when are you going to do something with
the picture?
the the
Uncle Podger- Oh, darling! Don't worry! Leave it to me. Don't you, any
you, worry yourselves about that. I'll do all that.
U.P. - Jane, you go and buy some nails for me.
- Oh, Tom, run after Jane. Tell her, I need this size
- Now you go and get me my hammer, Will.
-Where is he? I need a hammer. Could anybody bring me a hammer? Where's the dammed hammer?
U.P. - OK, guys, OK! And I'll need a ruler,Bob. And a pencil, Ann, and a stool, Tom, and a spirit-level, Will. And a ...Oh, Maria, you don't go. You'll hold me the light.
- And Tom, where's Tom? - Tom, you come here and hand me up the picture
U.P. - Does anybody know where's my handkerchief? It's in the coat!
And my coat? Six of you! And you can't find the coat I put down not five minutes ago! Well, all of the...!
- Oh, you can give it up! I've found it myself. You can as well ask the cat to
find anything as expect you people to find it.
U.P. - Let's start. Where's my hammer? Chair? Ladder? Candle?
- Stay here! Hold the chair! Light! Nail!
- There, now the nail's gone.
- Shall I stay here all the evening? Or all my life?
- And where’s my hammer? Great heavens! Six of you and you don't know,
what I did with my hammer! - Where’s the mark? I can't see it. Come and look, where is it! You, Tom! ! Jane! Bob!Will!Ann! Maria! Oh, no, Maria, you don't come!
- You are all fools! Let me see! I'll measure it correctly . It's 31 and 3 inches.
Divide it in two. How much is it? Tom? Jane? Will? Ann? Bob? Oh, Mary, you
don't... - Give me a string! I'll do it in another way.
- Oh, shit! You are all ...and this ... picture is ...
A.P. -I wouldn't allow the children to hear such language, Podger!
U. P. - OK, Maria, just see...
A.P. - Next time, Podger, let me know in time when you are going to hammer
a nail. I'll go to spend a week with my mother!
U. P. -- You women make such a fuss of everything. Why, I like doing a little
job of this sort.
- Here you are! And some people would call a man to do a little thing like that!
A.P.-And what about hanging the clock, Poger.! It was my aunt Mary’s present for our marriage!
Предварительный просмотр:
Robin Hood
Jester: (поет речитативом, на манер средневекового менестреля) Once there was a lad that killed a King’s deer,
And gave its meat to his mother.
So he was to be hung at Nottingham Fair
And with him five another…
Guard: Listen! The Sheriff is coming to his castle in Nottingham!
Soldier( ведет арестованного): Where’s the Sheriff?
Guard: Here. What do you want? Who is this man?
Soldier: He is a Saxon. We caught him in the forest. He killed a King’s deer!
Sheriff: What? Did I hear correctly? Killed a King’s deer?!
John: We had no food. I had to kill it! I must feed my family!
Sheriff: How often must I tell you, people? The forest belongs to the King! The animals belong to the King! You mustn’t kill them! Hang him!
John: We were hungry. We had nothing to eat!
Sheriff: Take him away! You’ll be hung tomorrow!
(поет) Look! They want to eat!
To have their piece of meat!
But their only right is to work all day
And to bring me money with no delay.
Or I’ll kill them, I’ll hang them!
For I’m the Sheriff of Nottingham!
Открывается занавес-на сцене городская площадь, торговцы с корзинами, один из них торгует яблоками:
Robin: Come and have a look! The best apples for a trifle! Take five-I’ll give you a knife! Take ten-you’ll get a hen!
Sherif: What are you doing? Why do you sell apples so cheap?
Robin: My father left me a large apple garden, I don’t know what to do with the apples, so I give them to people.
Sherif: Sell me your garden. Where is it?
Robin: Not far from here, sir. I’ll show you. But first I’d like to see the city.
Sherif: What do you want to see? Here’s the castle and the prison. I’ve got five of Robin Hood’s men there. Come to the fair tomorrow and you’ll see us hung them.
Robin: Well, I’ll come tomorrow. And now follow me. (уходят со сцены, занавес закрывается)
Sherif: We have gone so far, where is your apple garden?
Robin: We have come –here it is!
Sherif: But this is not a garden – this is Sherwood forest! And there lives ….
Robin: Robin Hood? Yes, I do! (снимает шляпу и плащ) Welcome to my place! We’ve got a lot of apples over here. And here is one for you! (достает яблоко и ставит на голову шерифу, занавес открывается, на сцене стоят лучники, нацелив луки на шерифа)
How much would you pay for your apple? (шериф дрожит от страха, достает кошелек, отдает Робину)
Robin: No, it’s not enough, give us your ring also. (шериф отдает свой перстень)
Now you may go, but don’t forget you’ve got a lot of friends in Sherwood. Don’t leave your apple!
(шериф убегает)
Brothers(свистят ему вслед, затем танцуют и поют)
Hey-ho, brotthers,
Our homeland is Sherwood,
With no King, with no Sherif
Our life is very good! (занавес)
Jester: The sweetest apples grow in Sherwood,
The sheriff will never forget,
He wants to catch our friend Robin Hood,
But never he will Robin get! (занавес открывается, на сцене Робин Гуд и его друг монах Так)
Tuck: So what have you decided to do, Robin?
Robin: I’m going to Nottingham fair. You and the brothers follow me. Let’s see what we can do to save John and our men from the Sherif.
Tuck: But how do you want to enter the city? Sherif is looking for you everywhere!
Robin: Don’t worry, I’ll invent somethig.
Tuck: Good bye, Robin, take care!
Robin: Meet you at the fair, fat monk!
(Робин идет по лесу и встречает нищего)
Robin: Good morning, poor man. Where are you going?
Beggar: To Nottingham, sir. I don’t have any money on me. Look, sir, only empty pockets. May I go further by my way?
Robin: No, stay where you are. I like your clothes.
Beggar: My clothes? But they are so old and shabby! Who needs them?
Robin: I do. Put them off.
Beggar: Oh, sir, if you take my clothes, what shall I wear?
Robin: I’ll give you good money for them. Four gold coins.
Beggar: Four gold coins for these? Are you kidding? You must be a king to pay four gold coins for this rubbish. But you are not a king. Oh, I know who you are! Here, my clothes, my shoes, everything!
Robin: Wait! I don’t need everything! Pooh! Your shoes are so smelly! But here you are. Four gold coins and your new clothes.
Beggar: For me? New clothes and four gold coins? I feel like a new man!
Robin: You are a new man. And I am a poor beggar. Sorry, I must go. I should get to Nottingham quickly. Good bye and thank you!
Beggar: Thank you, good man. Thank you, R...
(танцует и поет)
I was a poor beggar,
But one day in the wood
I met a man, he gave me gold,
His name was Robin Hood!
Do you know his name?
If you do, don’t say!
He is so brave, he is so kind,
This man in long green hood,
All poor people praise his name
For he is Robin Hood!
Do you know his name?
If you do, don’t say!
( Народ собирается на площади, выходят солдаты, звучит музыка-входит шериф)
Sherif: Quiet! You know the law! These men are criminals! They killed the King’s deer! They must die! Who of you will come and kill them? I give forty gold coins to the man who hangs them. But remember, he must be a Saxon, because according to the law only Saxons can kill Saxons.
Robin: I’ll hang them for that money.
Sherif: Are you a Saxon?
Robin: Ye, I am. Give me the money and I’ll hang them gladly!
Sherif: Here is your money. Hurry up, hang them! ( барабаны)
Robin: Stop. First I must hear their confession. It’s also a law, isn’t it, Sheriff? (подходит к лесным братьям, стоящим в толпе с закрытыми капюшонами лицами, шепчется с ними)
Sherif: Come on. Perform your job quickly, beggar. I want to have my dinner.
Robin: Dinner? Some more apples for dinner, Sherif? (достает рожок, дает сигнал, люди в толпе снимают капюшоны, набрасываются на стражу, освобождают братьев, все убегают)
Sherif: Catch them, why are you staying here? The city is full of Robin Hood’s men!
Ha-ha-ha! What a day!
Robin helped them to escape!
Ha-ha-ha!All Saxons laugh!
Robin Hood is our love!
Robin: Welcome to Sherwood, brothers! We need good shooters to fight the Sherif.
Tuck: Dont’ worry. We’ll help your mother. We’ll send her food and money.
Brothers: Thank you, friends. We’ve always dreamt to stay with you and to fight for all the poor!
Robin: Let me introduce you my stuff. Here are my best shooters!
(занавес открывается, братья поют и танцуют)
Hey-ho, brothers,
We all live in Sherwood!
With no King, with no Sherif
Our life is very good!
Robin: So these are my brave men!
Marian: And women!
Robin: And a woman- the most beautiful woman of Sherwood forest- Maid Marian.
Marian: Thank you, Robin. Don’t be so pompous! Half of your “brothers” are women!
Robin: What do you mean, Marian?
Marian: I mean what I say: half of your brothers are...sisters! Girls, he doesn’t believe. Let’s persuade him! Our hero! Our glorious Robin! He thinks only men can firght properly!
(девушки танцуют)
Marian: Robin, how do you feel?
Robin: I’m overhelmed, thrilled, stuperfied! My best shooters are women!
Marian: We also want to fight for freedom and justice! We dont’ like just sitting at home changing nappies and cooking!
Tuck: Cooking! Marian, I want to eat again!
Marian: Then go and cook your meal yourself!
Tuck: But you must cook for me! You are a woman!
Marian: I must? Not in this play! Have you ever seen a law saying women MUST cook? So, go and find it, then I’ll cook for you. And meanwhile you may eat this. (дает ему яблоко)
Robin: Stop, you two! Don’t argue. Only all together we can win over the King and the Sherif. Let’s better sing our song!
We live in this green forest, the forest of Sherwood
We fight the rich, we help the poor with our Robin Hood!
Jetser: And if you are in danger or needing any help,
Just say this name, just say this name,
Just say this name again!
All together: Robin Hood! Robin Hood! And life will change for good!
Jester: Let me introduce the company:
Robin Hood – the brave hero of Sherwood
Prior Tuck- our favorite fat monk
Maid Marion- the most beautiful woman of Sherwood
Brothers and sisters- Robin Hood’s shooters who fight with him for freedom
And some day we’ll certainly win, because we are all
(поем Friends will be friends)
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8 . Материал для республиканского фестиваля театральных постановок на английском языке « Kaleidoscope » , посвященный 150 летию со дня рождения писателя Р.Киплинга. «MOWGLI»
Материал для республиканского фестиваля театральных постановок на английском языке « Kaleidoscope » , посвященный 150 летию со дня рождения писателя Р.Киплинга.Отрывок из спектакля...

Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "Девочка со спичками".
Театральная постановка к празднику "Рождество"....

Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "Ирландия - страна чудес и загадок"
Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "Ирландия - страна чудес и загадок" в рамках интегрированного муниципального проекта "Театр на английском"...
Методическая разработка «Авторский сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "My dream is to visit Australia"»
Целью методической разработки является привитие интереса к изучению английского языка, знакомству с культурой, традициями и обычаями Австралии, повышению общего культурного уровня обучающихся...