Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке для учащихся 5-6 классов по произведению Aladdin
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему
Сценарий к театрализованной постановке на английском языке,
для учащихся 5-6 классов
There was an old man with a long grey beard.
- Author 1:Aladdin was the son of Hassan. Hassan died when the Aladdin was twelve and lived with his mother.
- Author 2:They were very poor. Sometimes Aladdin went to bed without any dinner.
- Author 1:One day Aladdin was playing football in the street.
- Wizard:Good morning! What is your name?
- Aladdin:May name is Aladdin
- Wizard:And what is your father's name?
- Aladdin:My father's name was Hassan, but he died when I was twelve.
- Wizard:Hassan was my brother. I'm your uncle. Take these two gold coins! They are a present for your mother. Let's visit her.
- Aladdin:Yes, we live in the next street.
- Wizard: I'm not his uncle at all. I'm a wizard.
- Aladdin's mother: Come in. Stay here and talk to Aladdin. I'll go to the market and buy some food.
- Author 2: Aladdin and the old man sat and talked. Aladdin told him about his life with mother and about his friends. The wizard told him about life in the big city.
- Wizard: I will make you a rich trader Aladdin. We must go out of the town for a few days.
- Aladdin: Can I go, Mum?
- Aladdin's mother: I'm sure you will be safe with your uncle. Good bye my son. Come back soon!
- Author 1: Aladdin and the old man traveled for a long time. They left the town and went through some woods, across a hot, dry desert and into Blue Mountains.
- Wizard: We will stop here, near these trees. Abracadabra!
- Author 2: The earth opened suddenly. Aladdin was very
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №17 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»
Автор: Макаревич Е.С.,
зам. директора по ВР, учитель английского языка
Сценарий к театрализованной постановке на английском языке,
для учащихся 5 классов
Author 1:Aladdin was the son of Hassan. Hassan died when the Aladdin was twelve and lived with his mother.
Author 2:They were very poor. Sometimes Aladdin went to bed without any dinner.
Author 1:One day Aladdin was playing football in the street.
There was an old man with a long grey beard.
Wizard:Good morning! What is your name?
Aladdin:May name is Aladdin
Wizard:And what is your father's name?
Aladdin:My father's name was Hassan, but he died when I was twelve.
Wizard:Hassan was my brother. I'm your uncle. Take these two gold coins! They are a present for your mother. Let's visit her.
Aladdin:Yes, we live in the next street.
Wizard: I'm not his uncle at all. I'm a wizard.
Aladdin's mother: Come in. Stay here and talk to Aladdin. I'll go to the market and buy some food.
Author 2: Aladdin and the old man sat and talked. Aladdin told him about his life with mother and about his friends. The wizard told him about life in the big city.
Wizard: I will make you a rich trader Aladdin. We must go out of the town for a few days.
Aladdin: Can I go, Mum?
Aladdin's mother: I'm sure you will be safe with your uncle. Good bye my son. Come back soon!
Author 1: Aladdin and the old man traveled for a long time. They left the town and went through some woods, across a hot, dry desert and into Blue Mountains.
Wizard: We will stop here, near these trees. Abracadabra!
Author 2: The earth opened suddenly. Aladdin was very afraid.
Wizard:You think I'm your uncle. But I'm not your uncle at all. I'm a wizard! I need you to help me. You must get the magic lamp for me. When you get it you can go home to your mother.
Aladdin: Where is the lamp?
Wizard: It's under the ground, go and get it for me. Go down the stairs. You will see there a lot of gold coins, don't touch them. If you do, you will die!
Aladdin: I will try my best.
Wizard: You must be careful. Take this ring. It will keep you safe.
Author 1: It was dark in the hole. There were some tall white candles in the floor. There were tall jars full of shiny gold coins.
Aladdin: I mustn't touch them! If I touch any of the jewels, I will die! I must find the magic lamp.
Author 2: Aladdin walked through the orchard. He found an oil lamp on a shelf in the wall. He put it in his pocket. As he climbed the stairs, he heard the wizard. The old man was talking to himself.
Wizard:I will soon have the magic lamp! I am going to kill Aladdin when he gives me the lamp!
Author 1: Aladdin heard the wizard's words and stopped.
Wizard:Aladdin, please give me the lamp!
Aladdin: No!
Wizard:Give it to me, you stupid boy!
Aladdin: No!
Author 2: Then the wizard closed the stone door, everything went dark. Aladdin started to cry. He sat there for three days and nights.
Aladdin:I was silly. He wasn't my uncle. And now I will die.
Author 1: Aladdin rubbed his hands together. There was a flash and a puff of blue smoke. Suddenly a fat genie appeared!
Aladdin: Who are you?
Genie of the ring: I am the genie of the ring. You are my master. I will do anything you want!
Aladdin: I want to go back to my mother.
Author 2: Suddenly Aladdin was home, his mother was standing in front of him.
Aladdin: Mum, I'm very thirsty. Please bring me some water. Mum, I'm very hungry, please bring me some food.
Aladdin's mother:What happened to you?
Author 1: Aladdin told his mother everything. Aladdin rubbed the lamp when they need some food. And the genie of the lamp brought them some food. Aladdin was rich and happy!
Author 2: Some days later, Aladdin went to the market. He saw a princess in the square.
Aladdin: She is the most beautiful girl in the world! Her eyes are as black as the night and her face shines like the sun!
Author 1: Aladdin was in love with the royal princess! Aladdin asked her mother to come to the sultan and give him the present.
Author 2: Next morning, Aladdin's mother wrapped the jewels and went to the sultan's palace.
Sultan: Please tell me what you want from me.
Aladdin's mother: I have got a son called Aladdin, your majesty, one day he saw your daughter and he wants to marry her. Here are the jewels for you.
Sultan: I think a man who gives me such wonderful jewels can merry my daughter.
Vizier: Your majesty, don't forget your promise. My son will marry your daughter. Please wait for three months. My son will bring you better present.
Sultan: All right! I will wait! Go home to Aladdin and tell him that he can marry my daughter. But he must wait for three months.
Author 1: Aladdin's mother went home and told Aladdin the news. He was happy!
Aladdin: I'm the richest, happiest man in the world!
Author 2: For the next two months, Aladdin counted the days. He thought only of his wedding to the royal princess.
Author 1: One day, his mother picked up her basket and went to the market to buy food for dinner. There were bright candles hanging from the trees.
Author 2: Aladdin's mother was very sad to hear the news that tonight, the vizier's son will marry the royal princess. Aladdin was very angry. But then he remembered the magic lamp.
Aladdin: Don't worry, Mother. Go and cook the dinner, I have got a plan. (Rubbed the lamp).
Genie of the lamp: What do you want me to do, master?
Aladdin: Bring the vizier's son and the princess to this house after wedding, lock the vizier's son in the cellar, put lots of spiders and rats in there. The princess can sleep in our best room. In the morning take them back to the sultan's palace.
Sultan: My dear, you are so unhappy. Tell me what happened.
Princess: We finish our wedding feast and then we appeared in a strange house! I slept in the best room!
The vizier's son: I had to stay in the cellar. It was dirty, dark and so cold! There were lots of rats and spiders! I want to end this marriage!
Vizier: It's not a good idea to end the marriage, my son. Your majesty, I think someone used some magic! My son loves the princess very much but he is afraid. He ask you to end it.
Author 1: A minute later, a messenger arrived in the market square.
A messenger: Listen carefully to this news from the sultan! The marriage of the royal princess and the vizier's son is over. All celebrations must stop now!
Author 2: At the end of three months Aladdin's mother went back to the sultan's palace.
Sultan:I remember you!
Aladdin's mother: Three months ago, you said my son could marry your daughter. Will you let them merry now?
Sultan: What do you think? (Whispered to the vizier)
Vizier: You can't let Aladdin marry the princess. He is too poor.
Sultan: I made a promise to him.
Vizier: Tell him this: he must bring you forty gold dishes full of jewels. Forty beautiful girls must carry the dishes.
Sultan: Tell your son that he can marry the princess, but first he must bring me the present.
Author 1: So Aladdin's mother and the forty girls set off for the sultan's palace. The people of the town stared at this wonderful sight. (Dance and music).
Sultan: Aladdin gave me what I asked for. Now he can marry my daughter.
Vizier: The present is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as the princess. Aladdin is not good enough for her.
Sultan: Tell Aladdin to come to the palace. He can marry my daughter today!
Aladdin: (rubbed the lamp). I must get ready for my wedding! Bring me the finest suit in the world! (Genie combed Aladdin brought him coffee and cakes).
Aladdin's mother: I am proud of you, my son! This is the happiest day of my life!
Genie of the lamp: Master, do you wish anything else?
Aladdin:Yes, I want a beautiful silk dress for my mother. And I want a beautiful white horse.
Author 2: At last Aladdin was ready.
Sultan: Welcome, welcome, Aladdin!
Aladdin: Thank you! Your majesty! I love your daughter, I promise I will make her happy.
Sultan: I'm sure you will! I wish you a long and happy life together.
Author 1: At last, Aladdin and the royal princess were married! Then he asked the genie of the lamp to build a palace for his wife. It should be the best palace in the world. It was built very quickly.
Vizier: I don't trust him, your majesty, how can anyone build such a palace in one night? It is not possible! It must be magic!
Author 2: In faraway land, the wizard was thinking about Aladdin and the magic lamp. He decided to go his town and kill him.
Wizard: What a wonderful palace! I know it is the work of the magic lamp! I will get the lamp back and then I will kill Aladdin! I have got an idea!
Author 1: The wizard asked a lamp maker to make twenty oil lamps.
Wizard: New lams for old, new lamps for old!!! Give me your dirty old lamp and I will give you a shiny new one!
Author 2: The servant went to Aladdin's room and gave lamp to wizard. The servant and the princess didn't know that it was Aladdin's magic lamp.
Wizard:At last! I have got the magic lamp! ( rubbed the lamp).
Genie of the lamp: I am here, master, tell me what you wish me to do.
Wizard: Take me and Aladdin's palace, and everything inside it, to a faraway land. Do it now, please.
Genie of the lamp: I will do what you ask. Shut your eyes for a moment. When you open them, you and the palace will be far away. (music of moving).
Sultan: Where is the palace? Where is my daughter? Look out of the window!
Vizier: The palace is not there! I told you that the palace was built by magic!
Sultan: Oh, why didn't I believe you? Where is my daughter? Where is the Aladdin?
Vizier: He is hunting in the forest, your majesty!
Sultan: Bring him to me! My soldiers will kill Aladdin at noon today! Where is your palace? Look! And where is the princess?
Aladdin: I don't know, your majesty! I wasn't here yesterday!
Sultan: Go and find my daughter! If you don't bring her back in forty days, I will kill you!
Author 1: Aladdin was very afraid for her wife. He couldn't find the magic lamp. So Aladdin set off across the desert. He washed his dirty hands and rubbed the magic ring.
Genie of the ring: What do you want me to do, master?
Aladdin: Bring back my palace and my wife!
Genie of the ring: I can't do that, master. Only the genie of the lamp can bring the palace back.
Aladdin: You must help me! Can you take me to my palace?
Genie of the ring: Yes, master!
Princess: Aladdin! You have found me, at last! Tell me what happened!
Aladdin: It's the work of wizard! I've got a plan! Put on your finest clothes, ask him to have a dinner with you. Give the wizard a honey cake with the poison. He will eat it and the poison will kill him.
Princess: I will do my best, Aladdin!
Author 2: The princess and the wizard ate dinner together. The wizard finished the princess's cake. Suddenly he fell off his chair.
Aladdin: The wizard is dead! (took the magic lamp and rubbed it)
Genie of the lamp: What can I do for you, master?
Aladdin: Take this palace, and everything in it, back to the town.
Author 1: In a moment, the palace was back in the town, next to the sultan's palace. The sultan was very sad. He missed his daughter. But suddenly he saw the palace!
Sultan: My dearest girl! You are safe!
Author 2: And then the princess told the sultan the story.
Sultan: My daughter is the most precious thing in the world and you saved her from the wizard! Thank you, Aladdin!
Author 2: The party lasted for a month. All the people danced and had a wonderful feast.
(The final song)
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