Олимпиада «Сурские таланты» (11 класс)
олимпиадные задания (11 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Task I. Choose the correct answer.
1. It took ages to cross the _________from Turkey to Greece.
A. border
B. line
C. edge
D. boundary (2 points)
2. I don't know how you _______up with Carl's complaining all the time.
A. put
B. get
C. do
D. make (2 points)
3. I can't believe you __________Charlie in that chess game.
A. took
B. won
C. scored
D. beat (2 points)
4. It was the first time we________ to a Mexican restaurant.
A. go
B. went
C. have been
D. had been (2 points)
5. By eight o'clock tonight, _______ computer games for over twelve hours!
A. you'll play
B. you'll be playing
C. you have played
D. you'll have been playing (2 points)
6. If you______ iron, it starts to get red hot and then white hot.
A. would heat
B. heated
C. heat
D. will heat (2 points)
7. I've got a good chance of getting the job, ________ I do okay in theinterview.
A. unless
B. in case
C. only
D. provided (2 points)
8. The man could have been sent to prison if the judge ________ his story.
A. wouldn't have believed
B. wasn't believing
C. wouldn't believe
D. hadn't believed (2 points)
9. 'Why did you get the bus to work?'
'I'm having my car______ at the moment.'
A. servicing
B. serviced
C. to service
D. to be serviced (2 points)
10. Hugh was quite worried because he hadn't _______for the test.
A. studied
B. read
C. examined
D. learned (2 points)
11. Could you tell me_______?
A. where is the manager
B. the manager is where
C. where the manager is
D. about where is the manager (2 points)
12. Did you remember_______ Cheryl to bring her CD player tomorrow
A. to ask
B. asking
C. to asking
D. ask (2 points)
Total: 24 points
Task II. Read the following selection and do the activity that follows.
Will Rogers: Cowboy Philosopher
"I never met a man I didn't like."That's what Will Rogers wanted on hisepitaph, and it is probably the best-known characteristic of this "typicallyAmerican" part-Indian cowboy philosopher, humorist, actor, entertainer, writer,and political analyst.It has been said that reading what he wrote and said gives one the best historyof America during the period 1918-1935.
William Penn Adair Rogers was born on Tuesday, November 4, 1879, in atwo-story house on his father's ranch in Indian Territory (which later becameOklahoma). Will was always proud that he was by ancestry one-fourth CherokeeIndian, and a favorite saying of his was "My ancestors didn't come over on the
Mayflower they met the boat."
As a boy Will loved to learn the rope tricks that the ranch hands taught him.Little did he know that the remarkable expertise he developed with the lariat1would become the basis for an unparalleled career as an entertainer first as asilent stage and circus performer, and later as a stage and movie actor, lecturer,and newspaper columnist.His mother wanted him to be a preacher, and his father hoped he wouldsomeday take over the ranch. But Will was restless and always eager to see new
things and talk to other people. As a young manhe went to Argentina to see thegauchos2. Afterwards, he got a job taking care of a herd of cattle on a ship boundfor South Africa, and when he got there he drove cattle and worked on a ranch fora while. That was where he met the owner of a Wild West show, and so began hiscareer as an entertainer.
From South Africa he went to Australia, where he joined a circus. When itended its tour in New Zealand, he had just enough money to book a passage backto the United States. His act, that of a shy, silent Westerner doing rope tricks, wasan immediate success in both America and Europe.
He soon found that when he started adding humorous comments abouteveryday happenings, people came to hear and laugh at his witty, philosophicalsayings as much as to see his rope tricks.
Another of Will Rogers's favorite sayings was "All I know is what I read in thepapers." In fact, the headlines and news items in the newspapers he read were thebasis of his sharply witty criticisms of the foibles of this country's government(particularly the Congress, which he called his "Joke Factory") and many of itsprominent citizens. His honesty and good humor, however, neutralized the acid ofhis comments, and most of the people he talked about were in fact great friendsand admirers.
Rogers's marriage in 1908 to a girl he had met eight years earlier in his hometown was the beginning of a particularly happy lifelong relationship. "When Iroped her," he would say of his wife, Betty, "that was the star performance of mylife."
Will Rogers's career, like that of other entertainers, had its ups and downsbefore he achieved the stable success of his later years. Although he died awealthy man, his main aim always seemed to be to share with others some of theenjoyment that his wit and wisdom brought him, as well as whatever good hispresence and money could do where there was a need. His giving wasspontaneous, simple, natural, and often anonymous.Typical American as he was, he was also one of the great internationalists ofall time. His behavior toward the high and the humble in the many countries hevisited seemed to say: "I never visited a nation I didn't like."
Will Rogers's death in a plane crash in Barrow, Alaska, on August 15, 1935,brought an untimely end to the career of one of America's best-known and mostbeloved commentators. Five years earlierhe had written: "When I die, myepitaph, or whatever you call those signs on gravestones, is going to read: 'I jokeabout every prominent man of my time, but I never met a man I didn't like.' I amproud of that. I can hardly wait to die so it can be carved. And when you comearound to my grave you'll probably find me sitting there proudly reading it."
1. lariat: a long rope generally used to catch horses or cattle
2. gauchos; a cowboy of the South American pampas
Correct the factual errors.
1.By ancestry, Will Rogers was one-half Indian.
2.Will's parents wanted him to go into politics.
3.American cowboys are similar to the gauchos of South Africa.
4.Will Rogers began his career as an entertainer in Argentina.
5.Will performed as a circus performer in what was later to become the stateof Oklahoma.
6.An important part of Will Rogers's act was his magic tricks.
7.Rogers's humor included witty criticism of farm workers.
8.Because they were the subject of his jokes, many prominent leaders in theUnited States resented Rogers's activities.
9.Rogers described his film role with Mae West as the starperformance of his life.
10. Rogers died at the peak of his career of food poisoning in Alaska.Total: 20
Task III. In this part you will see five short texts; in each case the text isincomplete. Choose a, b, c or d to complete the text. Circle the letter of theright answer.
a) undoubtedly contributes to
b) has to be balanced against
c) is necessarily comparable to
d) cannot be contradicted by
(2 points)
a) did not blend into
b) were unseen against
c) looked gentle like
d) were so near to me and
(2 points)
Advice to Older Drivers
By the time you reach your 70s you will have acquired a wealthof motoring experience which should help you to travel safely onourbusy roads but experience ...........................................................the inevitable effects of ageing.
If you wish to travel after you reach the age of seventy, youmust renew your licence and make a declaration of yourhealth. After this, yourlicencecan then be renewed forperiods of up to three years.
The first thing I noticed was the clarity of the air, and then the sharpgreen colour of the land. There was no softness anywhere. The distanthills............................... the sky but stood out like rocks, so close that Icould almost touch them, their proximity giving me that shock ofsurprise and wonder which a child feels looking forthe first time througha telescope.
Daphne du Maurier ' The House on the
a) the majority no longer prefer to take
b) most doctors have begun refusing to offer
c) many patients are not allowed to accept such
d) people have become used to being prescribed
(2 points)
a) And so, recently
b) This explains why
c) Yet until now
d) Accordingly
(2 points)
a) win any fashion contests
b) regret your common-sense
c) even notice you’re wearing them
d) think it is extraordinary
(2 points)
Although in the West........................................powerful, synthetic drugs,herbs are still the only or major form of medicine for many of the world'spopulation. This fascinating, yet highly practical book,features fully-illustrated charts of 120 medicinal herbs, and will give youstep-by-step advice on preparing herbal remedies in the home from tonicwines to tinctures and compresses.
Cranchester United Football Club employs more then 400 people full-time,at an average wage of £55,000, and a further 1,100 casual workers. In total400,000 people find jobs in the UK sports industry, which has a turnoverexceeding £6 billion a year. ........................................a professionalframework for building a career in an industry bigger than either agricultureor chemicals, has barely existed.
Protective Equipment and Clothing
Protective equipment and clothing, such as ear defenders and eye protectors,dust masks, overalls, safety shoes or boots and helmets are supplied to protectyou. Wear them! It may feel strange at first and you won’t.............................but you’ll have a better chance of keeping out of hospital.СУРСКИЕ
Total: 10 points
Task IV. Fill in each gap with one word to get logically connected andgrammatically correct text.
Keeping Citizens Safe
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, is known around the world for1..........use of leading-edge forensic science. A man named J. Edgar Hoover isresponsible 2.........how efficient this agency has become. Hoover took 3..........therunning of the Bureau of Investigation in 1924 and 4............1932 had set up aforensic lab where this relatively new science was put to use. The FBI's databaseof criminal information is called the National Crime Information Centre (NCIC).
Its role became 5........important with the wide-spread use of computers and otherhigh-tech tools. Today, it contains tens of millions of records and providesinformation for a 6.......of the branches of the judicial system. The NCIC is whatallows police officers to get information about suspects quickly and easily. Thefingerprints 7..........suspects taken by the FBI used to be filed in a card system,but now all fingerprints are stored on computers. 8...........days, due to rapiddevelopments in technology, it is now possible to gather physical evidence from acrime scene and have it analysed almost immediately - 9........of these aspects ofcriminal investigation are very important and 10.........would have ever beenpossible if it hadn't been for the persistence of Hoover.Total: 20 points
Task V.
1. Read the poem. It is a translation from the Russian language. Who doyou think it was written by? What is the message of the poem? Whatfeelings does it evoke in the reader? Do you know of any poet who sharedthese ideas? (write not more than 10 sentences).
The lonely sail is showing white
Among the haze of the blue sea!
What does it search in foreignpart? What left it in the nativeland?
The waves are playing, wind iswhistling,And bending mast is creaking loud,
Alas, - it does not hunt for pleasure
And nor from pleasure does it run(6 points)
2. Write as many proverbs as you can about love of Motherland.(4 points)
3. Prove that love of Motherland is a uniting force (write not more than 10
(6 points) Total: 1
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