Внекласное мероприятие "Путешествие в сказку"
методическая разработка по теме
Данное мероприятие представляет собой инсценирование сказки
"The Snow White and Seven Dwarfs”( Белоснежка и семь гномов)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Моу «Сош №1 г. Калининска Саратовской области».
Внеклассное мероприятие
5,6,7 классы
Комиссарова И.А.
Учитель иностранного языка
высшей квалификационной
Цели мероприятия: развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
расширение сферы применения навыков и умений,
приобретенных на уроках английского языка;
развитие мотивации в изучении иностранного
Оборудование: декорации с изображением замка, леса, дома, костюмы
для действующих лиц, магнитофон с аудиозаписями.
Действующие лица:
Snow White – Белоснежка
Prince – Принц
3.Sneezy seven dwarfs – семь гномов
The Queen – Королева
Mirror – Зеркало
Raven – Ворон
Cat – Кот
Hunter – Охотник
Animals – Животные
Birds - Птицы
1ведущий: Hello, dear friends!
2ведущий: Hello, our guests!
1ведущий: We are glad you have come to see our performance in English language.
2ведущий: We are fond of English. We like to read and learn English poems, sing English songs.
1ведущий: Today we want to show you the fairy tale”The Snow White and Seven Dwarfs”
2ведущий: Let's start.
Звучит музыка.
Snow White: I am so unhappy. My stepmother hates me. My father has forgotten me. Perhaps some day a prince will come and take me away from the place.
Scene 1
Queen (in front of her magic mirror): How happy I am! I have married the King and I am the Queen now. How beautiful I am!
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of us all?
Mirror: You are very beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful.
Queen: Dirty glass! I'll break you into pieces. Oh, my black raven! Oh, my black cat! What must I do?
Cat: Send her to the forest.
Raven: Let hunter kill her
Queen: That is a good idea. Hunter! Hunter!
Hunter: Yes, your majesty!
Queen: Where is Snow White?
Hunter: She is in the garden.
Queen: Take this terrible girl away into the forest, kill her there, bring me her heart in a box and I will give you a big bag of gold.
Hunter: Yes, your majesty.
Queen: He will kill the girl and I will be the most beautiful one forever, forever, forever.
Scene 2
In the forest
Snow White: Birds are singing so sweetly in the forest. Flowers smell so nice. (She bends to pick up a flower)
(Hunter wants to kill her but his hand fails him. Snow White turns to him and gives a cry)
Hunter: The queen told me to kill you, but I can not do it. You are so kind and beautiful. I will bring your stepmother a pig's heart. And you must run away and hide yourself in the forest.
(Snow White goes into a clearing where little animals and birds are playing)
Snow White: Oh, my! What shall I do? I am sorry. I did not want to frighten you. But I am so unhappy. (a sparrow starts whistling)
Oh, I see. You sing songs. I am much better now. You are good friends but I can not live here. (The animals lead her to a little cottage.)
How nice is here! I like it very much. May I come in. Oh, dust everywhere. The plates are dirty. People who live here do not know the proverb ”The right thing in the right place”. Just look. The chairs are so small. And what funny names! Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, Doc, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy. I know. Seven little kids live here. And they have no mother. Poor things. Let's help them.
( After some time) But I am so tired. I will sit down on this little chair.
Scene 3
(the dwarfs enter the cottage)
Doc: Hush. There is somebody in here.
Grumpy: It is a burglar.
Sneezy: But nothing is missing.
Doc: Hush. Do you want him to kill us?
Sneezy: No, I do not.
Dopey: It is a monster.
Happy: I am afraid of it.
Bashful: So am I.
Sleepy: But we must know who is there.
Doc: Let Bashful go and see.
Bashful: But I do not want to. I am afraid.
(The dwarfs push him forward)
Doc: Take heart.
Grumpy: We are with you. Kill it.
(Bashful tip-toes to the chair and starts smiling, other dwarfs come up to him slowly)
Doc: Who can she be?
Happy: How beautiful she is!
Dopey: Her face is white as snow.
Sleepy: Her hair is as dark as night.
Snow White: (Wakes up and gives a cry.) Oh, my! So you are dwarfs. How are you? I will guess your names. You are Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Grumpy and Doc.
Dwarfs: And who are you?
Snow White: I am Snow White. Do not send me away or my stepmother will kill me.
Dwarfs: Poor thing.
Snow White: May I stay here? I can keep house for you. I can do many things. I can cook tasty food, bake bread, clean the house and make dresses.
Dwarfs: Tasty food!
Doc: You are a very good girl. You can stay with us.
Snow White: Thank you dear friends! I suppose you are hungry. Would you like meat soup, fish and potatoes, tea and cookies?
Dwarfs: Oh, meat soup, fish and potatoes, tea with cookies!
Snow White: I will cook supper and you wash your hands and faces.
Dwarfs: But we do not like to wash.
Snow White: Come on, come on! If you want your supper.
(She is laying the table, the dwarfs make faces and do not wash hands)
Show your hands! Shame on you. You must wash your hands once more. Come on. Come on. You must do it properly.
(The dwarfs wash their hands and have supper)
Dwarfs: Thank you!
Scene 4
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of us all?
Mirror: With the seven dwarfs in the forest still alive, the fairest in the land, Snow White. You are holding a pig's heart in your hands.
Queen: Shut up! Shut up, dirty glass! So I was tricked. My black raven, my black cat, what must I do?
Raven: Kill her. Kill her.
Cat: Poison her. Poison her.
Queen: Give me my magic robe.
Raven: Here it is.
Queen: Give me my magic pot.
Cat: Here it is.
Queen: Give me a red apple.
Cat and raven: Here it is.
(Queen practices witchcraft over the apple)
Queen: How red it is! How juicy and delicious it looks! It is ready. (to cat) Do you want it? (He runs away.) (to Raven) Do you want it? (He flies away.)Do not be afraid of it. It is not for you. I must hurry now. (Goes away).
Scene 5
(The seven dwarfs go off to their mine)
Grumpy to the girl: Be careful. Do not let anyone in.
Doc: Do not open the door to any body.
Snow White: I promise, my good friends.
Dwarfs: Good bye, and good luck.
(They go away)
(Queen comes in)
Queen: Hello! Are you alone? And where are the little dwarfs? Are you making cookies? I think an apple pie would be much better. Look at this apple. It is delicious. Take it. But I am so thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?
Snow White: Here you are.
Queen: Thank you my pretty. You are so kind. Have the apple. It will make your dreams come true. An old woman knows what a pretty young girl wants. Eat it.
(Snow White bites into the apple and falls on the floor.)
Queen: She is dead. I have done it. (She goes away)
(The animals run to the mine and fetch the dwarfs)
Doc: The wicked queen has done it.
Happy: Our dear Snow White is dead.
Sleepy: She is too beautiful to be buried in the cold earth.
Bashful: What shall we do?
( A handsome Prince comes to the cottage)
Prince: Hello, my good men. Why are you crying?
Dwarfs: Our Snow White is dead.
Prince: Let me have a look at her.
(He kneels beside Snow White and kisses her. She awakes.)
Snow White: Where am I?
Prince: You are safe with me. I can not live without you. I love you.
Snow White: Oh, my Prince. I am so happy.
Dwarfs: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
(Snow White and Prince start waltzing)
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