Кросскультурный подход. Коммуникативный практикум по теме «Овертуризм (чрезмерный туризм)» (9 класс, 5 урок по теме «Путешествия»)(конспект урока)
план-конспект занятия (9 класс)
Урок - коммуникативный практикум для 9 класса по теме Путешествия
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Коммуникативный практикум по теме «Овертуризм (чрезмерный туризм)» (9 класс, 5 урок по теме «Путешествия»)
Work in groups of 4 people.
The topic of the lesson "Overtourism" is displayed on the screen.
- On previous lessons we talked a lot about travelling and tourism.
Have you ever encountered overcrowding or long queues when visiting popular tourist attractions?
In the modern world, there is such a thing as "overtourism". Let's try to understand what it is (the children's answers).
- I suggest you watch the video to understand what kind of phenomenon this is in the modern world.
- What is "excessive tourism"?
How do you think over-tourism can negatively impact the environment?
Do you think social media has played a role in contributing to over-tourism? Why or why not?
What measures do you think cities can take to manage the effects of over-tourism?
Do you think individuals should be responsible for reducing their carbon footprint when travelling? Why or why not?
(the children's answers)
- I suggest you watch the video again and complete the tasks on your worksheets. Distribute the tasks among yourselves.
(Appendix 1. Worksheets. Students are offered tasks of varying complexity, stronger students choose difficult tasks for themselves. Each group has its own questions).
After completion, the groups exchange tasks and check them by keys.
- I ask each group to comment on the completion of the task by another group.
(the children's answers).
- On the screen you can see the topics for discussion. I suggest you choose one of them and write an essay on the chosen topic at home. (120-180 words)
- The effects of overtourism on local cultures and traditions, based on my personal experiences while travelling.
- How I would adjust my travel habits to be more sustainable and responsible in light of the issue of overtourism.
- Overtourism is a growing concern in many popular tourist destinations around the world. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?
- Some people argue that governments should limit the number of tourists allowed in certain destinations to combat overtourism. Do you agree or disagree with this approach?
- In your opinion, what are some practical solutions to tackle the problem of overtourism and promote sustainable travel?
- Worksheet
- Group 1
Task 1. Choose the right answer.
1 Historically, who could afford to travel?
- A Only the wealthy elite.
- B People from middle-income countries.
- C European nobles and upper-income individuals.
- D Everyone within a 50-100 mile radius of their hometown.
2 What has contributed to the rise of mass tourism in recent years?
- A The emergence of a global middle class.
- B The availability of budget airlines.
- C The popularity of Airbnb.
- D All of the above.
3 What statement did Greta Thunberg make regarding travel?
- A She chose to take a carbon-neutral journey across the Atlantic.
- B She advocated for the "flight shame" movement.
- C She encouraged individuals to take responsibility for their carbon emissions.
- D She criticized the tourism industry for its impact on climate change.
Task 2. Mark the statements True/False. Correct the false statements.
- 1 Museum workers recently went on strike due to the overcrowding around the Mona Lisa.
- 2 The rise of the middle class in developing countries has contributed to the increase in mass tourism.
- 3 The number of overseas trips from China has decreased in the last thirty years.
- 4 Budget airlines like Ryanair have made air travel more expensive.
- 5 Airbnb has reduced the availability of accommodation for tourists.
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1 What is over-tourism and how is it affecting the planet?
2 How has social media, particularly Instagram, influenced over-tourism?
3 What are the environmental impacts of air travel and cruise ships?
Task 4. Fill in the gaps.
__________(1) is a phenomenon affecting the planet in unprecedented ways.
Historically, tourism was limited to a small wealthy elite, but the emergence of a __________(2) has led to mass tourism.
Over-tourism has led to safety hazards, __________(3), __________(4), and __________(5).
Many cities are implementing measures to address over-tourism, including increased __________(6) and daily limits on cruise ship visitors.
Group 2
Task 1. Choose the right answer.
1 What is the phenomenon known as over-tourism?
A The destruction of sensitive habitats by tourists.
B The alteration of the visitor experience by tourists.
C The damage to monuments caused by tourists.
D The inundation of historic cities by tourists
2 How has social media affected tourism?
A It has made it easier for people to find travel destinations.
B It has eroded the tourist experience in some cases.
C It has led to an increase in over-tourism.
D All of the above.
3 What are some of the positive aspects of tourism?
A Global connection and cultural openness.
B Financial investments in local communities.
C The opportunity to see the world's wonders.
D All of the above.
Task 2. Mark the statements True/False. Correct the false statements.
1 The poppy super-bloom in California was disrupted by tourists taking Instagram photos.
2 Overtourism has led to the destruction of sensitive habitats and damage to monuments.
3 Historically, tourism was only accessible to the wealthy elite.
4 Social media, particularly Instagram, has played a significant role in promoting over-tourism.
5 Greta Thunberg chose to fly across the Atlantic rather than take a carbon-neutral journey on a schooner.
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1 What factors have led to the rise of mass tourism in rapidly developing countries?
2 What measures are some cities taking to address the issue of over-tourism?
3 What alternative modes of travel have been proposed to reduce carbon emissions?
Task 4. Fill in the gaps.
The rise of __________(1), and platforms like Airbnb have made travel more __________(2).
Social media, particularly Instagram, has played a significant role in spurring over-tourism by influencing people's __________(3).
The __________(4), particularly air travel, is a major concern in mitigating climate change.
Despite the challenges, tourism also brings positive aspects such as __________(5) and __________(6).
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