Урок английского языка по теме "Fashion and clothes"
презентация к уроку (8 класс)
Цель урока - обобщить и проконтролировать знание лексики по теме "Одежда".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
English proverbs about fashion : Fine feather make fine birds. Clothes make the man. 3. Never judge the book by its cover.
Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents. Fine feather make fine birds. Clothes make the man. Never judge the book by its cover. a) Без хвоста и ворона не красна. в ) По одежке встречают, по уму провожают. с ) В наряде пригож, а без него на пень похож.
Маке the sentence longer. Choose the possible answer. . At school I always wear my special suit - my____________. I change my school clothes for _____ when I come home. When I go in for sports I wear my track suit and _______. ( A coat, a hat, a scarf, boots, gloves, shorts, T-shirt and sandals, T-shirt and jeans, pajamas, school uniform, best dress/suit, trainers, raincoat, boots, a jacket, sweater and jeans .)
Маке the sentence longer. Choose the possible answer. 4. When I go to the theatre or to my friend’s party I put on my best _____. 5. In the evening after a shower I put on my bathrobe and then I go to bed in my_______. 6. In winter when it’s cold we put on warm clothes: __________. (a coat , a hat, a scarf, boots, gloves, shorts, T-shirt and sandals, T-shirt and jeans, pajamas, school uniform, best dress/suit, trainers, raincoat, boots, a jacket, sweater and jeans )
Маке the sentence longer. Choose the possible answer. 7. When the weather is cool I wear my _______. 8. In hot summer I prefer wearing _________. 9. When it’s raining I wear a ______ with a hood, and______. ( a coat, a hat, a scarf, boots, gloves, shorts, T-shirt and sandals, T-shirt and jeans, pajamas, school uniform, best dress/suit, trainers, raincoat, boots, a jacket, sweater and jeans)
Match the word combinations with their definitions: 1. a s hop assistant 2 . a shop window 3. a shop list 4. a shopping centre 5 . I’m being served … 6 . a supermarket 7 . a boutique 8 . a fitting room 9 . I am looking for … 10 . I’m just looking … a) a list of things to buy b) sells fashionable clothes c) sells food and household goods d) I don’t need help e) a person who works in a shop f) I want to buy something g) a place with many shops, outside or indoors h) a window at the front of the shop i ) a room where you try on clothes j ) another assistant is already serving me
Choose the most important factors for you: Price Comfort Fashion in my class Fashion magazines Adverts on TV Parents’ advice Friend’s advice Individuality
In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea And he told us of his life In the land of submarines Yellow Submarine So we sailed up to the sun (The Beatles) Till we found a sea of green And we lived beneath the waves in our yellow submarine We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine We all live in a yellow submarine Yellow submarine, yellow submarine And our friends are all aboard Many more of them live next door And the band begins to play (Refrain) As we live a life of ease Every one of us has all we need Sky of blue and sea of green In our yellow submarine (Refrain)
Words to the text: a Bavarian — баварец a miner — шахтер in search of gold — в поисках золота durable - прочный to be an immediate success — сразу же стать популярным canvas — парусина ( ткань ) to stuff with tools and rocks — заполнять инструментами и камнями copper rivets — медные заклепки
Make a quiz: 1. Levi Strauss was a) American . b) German . c)Russian . 2. He was a a) book seller. b) tailor ( портной) c) cloth seller 3. First jeans a) were blue. b) had no colour . c) were dirty.
4. A Russian immigrant Jacob David offered Strauss idea of a) using copper rivets. b) selling jeans. c) fable . 5. Levi and Jacob patented their new kind of trousers in a) 1873 . b) 1883 . c) 1836 .
Check and give marks each other: 1. b) 2. c) 3. b) 4. a) 5. a )
Home task: 1. Express your personal attitude towards fashion. Choose from the suggestions below: a) I don’t care what I wear. b) Fashion is important. c) Clothes do not make the man but … 2. WB p. 42 -45 Ex. -5
Did you like the lesson? Was it interesting for you? I liked acting …. As for me, I preferred the information about …. I liked speaking about …
A joke about Albert Einstein . One day Albert Einstein’s wife asked him to change clothes to meet the German Ambassador. He answered, “ If they want to see me, here I am. If they want to see my clothes, open my closet and show my suits.”
Change the sentences into reported speech. “ I think shopping is a waste of time”, says Mike. She asks him, “What make do you prefer?” Daniel says, “I prefer designer clothes”. Ann says, “I don’t like to stay out”. “Everybody likes a bargain”, Alex says.
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Clothes and fashion.
Цель: Обобщить и осуществить контроль качества знаний учащихся по теме “Одежда”.
Образовательная – обобщить и проконтролировать знания лексики и грамматики по теме (“Одежда”/ I’m going to wear / is wearing).
Развивающая – развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи учащихся; совершенствовать навыки чтения и говорения.
Воспитательная – воспитывать личностные качества - ответственность, самостоятельность, умение анализировать; прививать навыки культуры внешнего вида.
Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-коммуникативная (слайдовая презентация), здоровьесберегающая (смена видов деятельности).
Методы: Метод проблемного обучения (найти проблему и обсудить), ролевая игра.
Оборудование: карточки со словами, фразами, заданиями, проектор, магнитофон, компьютер.
Тип урока: обобщающий.
I. Мобилизация обучающихся на получение знаний.
T.: Hello, boys and girls! Take your seats, please!
How are you today? What about you?
Are you ready to speak English?
Are you ready with your home-task?
T.: I’m very glad to see you! Let’s begin our lesson!
II. Мотивация. Целеполагание.
Yesterday I bought a new magazine. Look at it. How do you think what is it about? And why have I brought it today?
P.: It’s about clothes.
It’s about famous designers.
It’s about fashion….
T.: So… And what is the topic of our lesson? What will we speak about?
P.: I think, the topic of our lesson is “Fashion”.
T.: Yes, you are right. Today we continue to speak about clothes, shopping and fashion in our life. We are going to revise all your knowledge concerning this problem. And our topic is “Clothes and fashion”. What are we going to do at our lesson?
Ps: We'll speak English a lot.
We’ll read.
We’ll answer the questions,
We’ll watch presentations.
T.: You are right.
III. Фонетическая разминка.
T.: To begin with let’s do some phonetic exercises.
Th dg Name the sounds, please! Let’s read some English proverbs about fashion with these sounds! Read, please!
- Fine feather make fine birds.
- Clothes make the man.
- Never judge the book by its cover.
- Translate the proverbs, please!
- Match the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents.
a) Без хвоста и ворона не красна.
в) По одежке встречают, по уму провожают.
с) В наряде пригож, а без него на пень похож.
- Repeat after me! Say the English equivalents:
По одежке встречают, по уму провожают.
Без хвоста и ворона не красна.
По одежке встречают, по уму провожают.
T.: Thank you! Well done! And we go on!
IV. Повторение лексического материала.
T.: And now let’s remember our vocabulary.
1) Name the clothes, please! (презентация)
A coat, a hat, a scarf, boots, gloves, shorts, T-shirt and sandals, T-shirt and jeans, pajamas, school uniform, best dress/suit, trainers, raincoat, boots, a jacket, sweater and jeans.
Маке my sentence longer. Choose the possible answer.
- At school I always wear my special suit- my____________. (school uniform)
- I change my school clothes for _____ when I come home. (sweater and jeans)
- When I go in for sports I wear my track suit and _______. (trainers)
- When I go to the theatre or to my friend’s party I put on my_____. (best dress/suit)
- In the evening after a shower I put on my bathrobe and then I go to bed in my_______. (pyjamas)
- In winter when it’s cold we put on warm clothes: __________. (a coat,a scarf, gloves, boots, a jacket)
- When the weather is cool I wear my _______.( T-shirt and jeans)
- In hot summer I prefer wearing _________. (T-shirt and sandals)
- When it’s raining I wear a ______ with a hood, and______. (raincoat, boots)
T.: Thank you! Well done!
2) There are many words connected with the word SHOP or SHOPPING. Your task is to match the word combinations with their definitions:
1. Shop assistant a) a list of things to buy
2. Shop window b) sells fashionable clothes
3. Shop list c) sells food and household goods
4.Shopping centre d) I don’t need help
5. I’m being served e) person who works in a shop
6. Supermarket f) I want to buy something
7. Boutique g) a place with many shops, outside or indoors
8. The fitting room h) the window at the front of the shop
9. I am looking for i) the room where you try on clothes
10. I’m just looking j) another assistant is already serving me
1. e), 2. h), 3. a), 4. g), 5.j), 6. c), 7. b), 8. i), 9. f), 10. d)
T.: Thank you! Fine! And we go on!
V. Контроль домашнего задания.
Т.: You can agree that shopping is the most favourite pastime for many people. What is shopping for you? Do you like shopping?
Nowadays shops are full of different clothes specially for teenagers. Look at the list of factors that are important for many teenagers, when they buy clothes. Choose three factors which are the most important for you:
- Price
- Comfort
- Fashion in my class
- Fashion magazines
- Adverts on TV
- Parent’s advice
- Friend’s advice
- Individuality
Let’s see how you prefer to buy clothes. Let’s check your homework. Act out your home dialogues ”In a shop”.
- Excellent! The next pair, please!
- Fine!
- Not bad!
- Well done!
- Thank you! I see you’ve done this task excellently.
VI. Физминутка.
And now let’s have a rest. Stand up. Let’s sing a song of The Beatles “Yellow submarine”.
VII. Презентация проектов.
T.: You have prepared two projects for today.
1) The first group, you have prepared a project about people who make high fashion, about famous designers. Go to the blackboard. Begin, please!
Thank you for your work. It was very interesting.
2) The second group has a project about school uniform. Let’s listen to them!
Thank you! Good for you!
VIII. Формирование навыков говорения.
T.: Let’s speak about your school uniform. Do you like your school uniform?
Girls, come here, please! ….., describe your school uniform.
P.: The uniform is combined of a light blouse, a grey woolen skirt and a formal grey jacket made of wool or cotton. The uniform is practical but elegant and smart.
T.: Thank you, girls. Now I invite here …. …, describe boy’s uniform, please!
P.: The boy’s uniform consists of a light shirt made of cotton with a tie, grey woolen trousers and a grey jacket made of wool, too. The boy’s uniform is plain, practical and comfortable.
T.: Thank you for your answers. Well done.
IX. Самостоятельная работа. Формирование навыков поискового чтения.
T: And we go on. What are the most popular clothes?
P: Jeans are the most popular clothes.
T: Jeans are fashionable nowadays, everybody wears them — presidents, workers, students, pop stars... Jeans are cool, comfy and classless.
What is the secret of such popularity? You'll read information about jeans. But first, let's read the new words and their translation.
a Bavarian — баварец
a miner — шахтер
in search of gold — в поисках золота
durable - прочный
to be an immediate success — сразу же стать популярным
canvas — парусина (ткань)
to stuff with tools and rocks — заполнять инструментами и камнями
copper rivets — медные заклепки
T: After reading you are to make a short quiz. So read attentively. Find information in the text.
The Bavarian called Levi Strauss invented the first pair of jeans. He emigrated from Germany to San Francisco in 1850. At that time Levi Strauss was twenty years old and he had been a cloth seller in New York.
He decided to sell clothes to the miners who were in California in search of gold. A poor miner asked him for some durable trousers. The miner, the first person in the world who wears jeans, liked this cloth. Levi's jeans were an immediate success. They called it "denim" (from Nimes, a city in France). More and more miners were coming to Strauss asking him for a pair of those wonderful canvas trousers.
The only problem with denim was that it had no colour. The trousers didn't look very interesting, and they got dirty easily. Levi decided to dye the denim blue.
The jeans were strong everywhere, but weak on the pockets which miners used to stuff with tools and rocks. A Russian immigrant, named Jacob Davis, offered Strauss idea of using copper rivets to hold the pockets and the jeans together.
On 20 May 1873, Levi and Jacob patented their new kind of trousers. This day is considered to be the official 'birthday' of blue jeans.
Today, Levi Strauss & Go is known around the world. And jeans are recognized as the universal piece of clothing that has crossed over class, gender, age, and nationality. Long live jeans!
1. Levi Strauss was
- American.
- German.
- Russian.
2. He was a
1.book seller.
2. Tailor (портной)
3. cloth seller.
3. First jeans
1. were blue.
2. had no colour.
3. were dirty.
- A Russian immigrant Jacob David offered Strauss idea of
- using copper rivets.
- selling jeans.
- fable.
5. Levi and Jacob patented their new kind of trousers in
- 1873.
- 1883.
- 1836.
Answers: lb), 2c), 3 b), 4a), 5a)
X. Контроль и взаимоконтроль.
T.: It's time to check the results of your work and present your answers. Exchange your works, please! Check and give marks each other, please!
T.: So, what are your marks? Thank you for your work.
XI. Домашнее задание.
Our lesson is coming to the end. Open your daybooks and write down your hometask. You can choose one of two tasks.
- The first is to express your personal attitude towards fashion. Choose from the suggestions below:
- Fashion is important.
- I don’t care what I wear
- Clothes do not make the man but…”
- The second is WB p 42-45 Ex. 1 – 5.
XII. Рефлексия.
T: Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. We've done a lot of work. What have we done at our lesson?
Ps: We have spoken English a lot, done a quiz and read a text, answered the questions, watched presentations.
T.: Did you like our lesson? Was the lesson interesting for you?
T: Which part of the lesson did you like most of all?
P1: I liked acting dialogues.
P2: As for me, I preferred the information about famous designers.
P3: I liked speaking about our school uniform.
T: How do you think, is fashion important in our life?
T: I agree with you, but there are more important things in life than clothes, aren’t they?
I want you to read a joke about Albert Einstein.
One day Albert Einstein’s wife asked him to change clothes to meet the German Ambassador. He answered, “If they want to see me, here I am. If they want to see my clothes, open my closet and show my suits.” What was more important for the famous scientist: his appearance or relations with people?
So we must concentrate on who we are. We must learn, we must read, we must develop.
T: Thank you for the lesson, you were very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson. Give marks to each other.
T.: If you liked our lesson, give me a smile. Thank you. The lesson is over. Good-buy!
Дополнительные задания.
- Работа в группах.
Let’s work in groups. Divide into 3 groups. Open your work-books on page 48 Ex. 5. Choose a picture. Describe what people in the pictures are wearing. What do you think of their clothes? For different occasions people dress differently. So, begin to work.
- The man is wearing a black suit and a white shirt with a tie. These are formal clothes. Men wear them at work, usually in offices or banks.
- The man is wearing casual and convenient clothes: a white T-shirt and a jacket. It’s a sport style. Maybe he is going to take some exercises.
- The girl is looking extravagant. She is wearing a black top with a lot of chains and necklaces . Her make-up is strange. We think, she belongs to some group of youth subculture. She uses special style in clothes to demonstrate this.
- People in the woods are tourists, maybe. They are wearing casual clothes: T-shirts and jeans and baseball caps. Their boots should be convenient and waterproof.
T.: Are you ready? Go to the blackboard. Read your descriptions, please!
Thank you. Well done.
- Now let’s remember our grammar.
В этом юните мы изучали грамматическую тему: перевод предложений из прямой речи в косвенную.
And our task is so: Change the sentences into reported speech.
- “I think shopping is a waste of time”, says Mike. (Mike says he thinks that shopping is a waste of time.)
- She asks him, “What make do you prefer?” (She asks him what make he prefers.)
- Daniel says, “I prefer designer clothes”. (Daniel says that he prefers designer clothes”.
- Ann says, “I don’t like to stay out”. (Ann says that she doesn’t like to stand out.)
- “Everybody likes a bargain”, Alex says. (Alex thinks that everybody likes a bargain).
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