CONTEST “The World of the English Language”
методическая разработка (6 класс)
Методическая разработка была подготовлена в рамках недели английского языка для учащихся шестых классов для закрепления грамматических и лексических навыков по пройденным темам.
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CONTEST “The World of the English Language”
Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It’ll be a lesson –competition. Everybody has possibility to be a winner. Be very attentive and try to do everything correctly. Form 3 teams, each under the captain. Think of the names of your teams.
I. Make up one word out of two (10 points)
1. foot a) fast
2. hop b) heart
3. break c) man
4. home d) market
5. super e) scotch
6. leap f) frog
7. after g) ball
8. grand h) work
9. sports i) noon
10.sweat j) parents
II. Find the American variant for the English words (10 points):
1. form | a) candy |
2. lift | b) store |
3. biscuit | c) grade |
4. sweet | d) soccer |
5. cinema | e) movies |
6. shop | f) elevator |
7. main road | g) fall |
8. football | h) last name |
9. surname | i) highway |
10. autumn | j) cookie |
III. Listen to the riddles and give your answer.(1 point for each riddle)
1. It doesn’t have legs, but it goes. (a clock)
2. It doesn’t have legs, but it jumps. (a ball)
3. It’s not a man, it’s not a woman, but it teachers us.(a book)
4. My face is black, as black as night. On it with chalk all pupils write. (a blackboard)
5.It gives us milk and butter too. It’ s very kind and like to moo. (a cow)
6. It’s running night and day, but it never runs away. (a watch, a clock)
IV. Quiz “Do you know Great Britain?” (1 point for each answer)
1. Great Britain consists of 1) 2 countries, 2) 3 countries, 3) 4 countries
2. The Queen’s official London home is 1) the Tower of London, 2)the Houses of Parliament, 3) Buckingham palace
3. What do the English often put in the tea? 1)jam, 2) milk, 3) lemon
4. Who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes? 1) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, b) Agatha Christie, 3) Daniel Defoe
5)What are the colours of the British flag? 1) blue, red, white, 2) red, green, black, 3)white, blue, brown
6) Daniel Defoe was a famous English 1)poet, 2) writer, 3)artist
V. Quiz “Do you know the USA?” (1 point for each answer)
1.The USA is situated in a) South America, b) North America , c) Canada
2. How many states are there in the USA? a) 50, b) 13, c) 15
3. Who is the head of the USA? a) the king or the queen, b) the president, c) the prime minister
4.What language do the people speak in the USA? a)American, b) English, c)French
5) The flag of the USA is called..a)Union Jack, b) the White Eagle c)the Stars and Stripes.
6) This American state was a Russian territory once. This is… a)Nevada, b)Alaska, c) Arizona
VI. Match the parts of the proverbs.
Each team has 3 minutes to match the parts of the proverbs. ( Пословицы разрезаны пополам.)
1. He laughs best who laughs last. (Хорошо смеётся тот, кто смеётся последним.)
2. It is never too late to learn.(Учиться-никогда не поздно)
3 .A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Друг познаётся в беде)
4. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. (Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе)
5. Better to do well than to say well. (Больше дела, меньше слов.)
6. There is no smoke without fire. (Нет дыма без огня)
7. To know everything is to know nothing. (Знать всё - значит ничего не знать)
8. No news is good news. (Нет новостей – тоже хорошая новость)
9. Two heads are better than one. (Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше)
10. One for all and all for one. (Один за всех и все за одного)
11. You can’t eat cake and have it. (За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.)
12. Between two chairs one falls to the ground. (Между двумя стульями не усидишь.)
I. Make up one word out of two (10 points)
1. foot a) fast
2. hop b) heart
3. break c) man
4. home d) market
5. super e) scotch
6. leap f) frog
7. after g) ball
8. grand h) work
9. sports i) noon
10.sweat j) parents
II. Find the American variant for the English words (10 points):
1. form | a) candy |
2. lift | b) store |
3. biscuit | c) grade |
4. sweet | d) soccer |
5. cinema | e) movies |
6. shop | f) elevator |
7. main road | g) fall |
8. football | h) last name |
9. surname | i) highway |
10. autumn | j) cookie |
VIII. Find the proverb by inserting a certain vowel several times (the number of a particular vowel is given at the end of each line of the letters)
A is missed
E is missed
O is missed
VII. Think of words that start and end with chosen letters. Write down as many words as possible. (each team write on the blackboard in turn)
P…….t S…….t A……e
VIII. Find the proverb by inserting a certain vowel several times (the number of a particular vowel is given at the end of each line of the letters)
A is missed
1. SYINGNDDOINGRETWOTHINGS (3)-Saying and doing are two things
2. YOUCNTKEHORSETOTHEWTERBUTYOUCNNOTMKEITDRINK (6)-You can take horse to the water but you cannot make it drink.
E is missed
1. CATCHTHBARBFORYOUSLLHISSKIN. (5)-Catch the bear before you sell his skin.
2. AFRINDINNDISAFRINDINDD. (6)- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
O is missed
1. LVEMELVEMYDG. (3)-Love me love my dog.
2. AGDDGDESERVESAGDBNE (6)-A good dog deserves a good bone.
IX. Solve the chainword writing the opposites in the boxes.
Late, no, big, more, buy, short, bad, up, far, poor, low, cold, thin
(early, yes, small, less, sell, long, good, down, near, rich, high, hot, thick)
He laughs best who laughs last
It is never too late to learn
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
There is no smoke without fire
Better to do well than to say well
To know everything is to know nothing
No news is good news
Two heads are better than one
One for all and all for one
You can’t eat cake and have it
Between two chairs one falls to the ground
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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