Research work The role of English cartoons in the learning of English language by children
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (5 класс)

Калинкин Сергей Михайлович

English is becoming the world's first universal language. We use different sources to learn English. Research task 

•Define what cartoon films are •Find out what benefit can bring cartoon •Conduct a survey in your classroom to determine whether cartoons help to memorize English vocabulary •Make conclusions based on the analysis of the study


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Слайд 1

S tudent: Sosinskaya Dasha 5 « B » school 2065 T eacher : Kalinkin S.M. R esearch work The role of English cartoons in the learning of English language by children

Слайд 2

English is becoming the world's first universal language. We use different sources to learn English.

Слайд 3

Define what cartoon films a re Find out what benefit can bring cartoons Conduct a survey in your classroom to determine whether cartoons help to memorize English vocabulary Make conclusions based on the analysis of the study Research t a sk

Слайд 4

Subject of research Learning and developing cartoons : « Dora the Explorer » « Diego and his friends» « Funny English » « Sam the fireman»

Слайд 5

I think educational cartoons are the most effective way to memorize English vocabulary and learn English Hypothesis

Слайд 6

A cartoon is a film, all the frames of which are drawn. They move very quickly, and it seems as the picture on the screen is moving . Early, cartoons were drawn by hand with a pencil, but now they are made mainly on computers .

Слайд 7

To make it easier for children to learn English, educational English cartoons were invented - Educational English cartoons . When watching educational cartoons: the child has the opportunity to relax develop speech, broaden horizons, etc . cartoons develop visual and auditory attention help to pronounce words correctly

Слайд 8

I was interested to know how the children of our class feel about cartoons. To do this, we conducted a survey on the following questions:

Слайд 9

In the course of our research work it was proved that learning English is easier if you watch educational cartoons, which proves our hypothesis. Educational cartoons form a positive attitude to the subject, motivate to learn a foreign language. Conclusion

Слайд 10 elikdm / elza-kholodnoe-serdtse / In my research work I used the following sources :

Слайд 11

Th a nk you for your attention.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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