Презентация "Natukhaevskaya - where my home is".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Лелюк Анастасия Александровна

Презентация  "Natukhaevskaya - where my home is".


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Слайд 2

History Natukhaevskaya is a large village in K rasnodar region, Russia. It is not far from the Black Sea. The climate here is subtropical. Summers are hot and winters are not cold. The village got its name from “ adigeyan ” nation. They were called “ natukhaytsi ”. They lived here before the Caucasian War.

Слайд 3

Information The village is situated between the towns Novorossiysk and Anapa . There are vast woods on the one side and grape gardens on the other side of it. It takes you only 20 minutes to get to the sandy beaches. As there are some industial cities near the village, people easily find jobs. Natukhaevskaya is a fast developing village. New buildings are regularly built.

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There is nature park in Natukhaevskaya called “Do-do”. Thee are more than 50 s pecies of animals in this park, which are included in the Red Book. The local fauna e nchants us with its variability. There are more than 30 kinds of rare plants here.

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The infrastructure of the village is simple. You can find everything you need for a comfortable life. There is a wonderful school in the center of the village. It is a large school with more than 1300 pupils. There are sports ground on the territory of school. Not far from the school there is a sport school “ Kaissa ”, where pupils go in for wrestling, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball and etc. There is also a hospital not far from the school.

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There is a mountain near the village called “ Shakhan ” with a big cross on the top. According to an ancient tradition young people do their proposals near this cross. There was also an oak tree in Natukhaevskaya which was more than 400 years old. This tree was one of the 16 nature monuments, which are on the territory of Krasnodar region.

Слайд 7

There is also a golf club “ Rayevskaya ”. There is a horse school on the territory of Do-do park, where people can take horse riding lessons. There are two kindergartens in Natukhaevskaya , some pharmacies, shops, supermarkets, c afes, gyms, language centers and etc. the local wine factory is specializing on the “young” sorts of wine and “collective” wines. There is also a golf club “ Rayevskaya ”. There is a horse school on the territory of Do-do park, where people can take horse riding lessons. There are two kindergartens in Natukhaevskaya , some pharmacies, shops, supermarkets, cafes, gyms, language centers and etc. the local wine factory is specializing on the “young” sorts of wine and “collective” wines.

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