“Home is where the heart is”
классный час (10 класс) по теме
We are glad to see you at our party. Today we are going to talk about family traditions. 2008 is declared by year of family, a year of Family, Love, and Loyalty in Russia and it is very important for all us, in fact children these not only our riches, but also our hope and our future!
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“Home is where the heart is”
2008 - The Year of Family in Russia
1.Dear boys and girls! Dear guests! Good morning! We are glad to see you at our party. Today we are going to talk about family traditions. 2008 is declared by year of family, a year of Family, Love, and Loyalty in Russia and it is very important for all us, in fact children these not only our riches, but also our hope and our future!
2.We’ll discuss some questions which connected with the family problems. We are in the days leading up to Christmas and the New Year, a holiday that brings together families and loved ones, and we are opening the Year of the Family in Russia. Holding of the Year of Family in Russia means that "new philosophy of relations between families, the State and society of Russia" appeared in the country
3.As you know the United Nations Organization is an international organization to which nearly all countries in the world belong. United Nations Organization tries to make sure there is peace in the world and that all countries work together to deal with international problems. To protect children’s right the United Nations Organization has worked out an international agreement called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child. Russia agreed to the United Nations Convention in 1989
4.The Convention on the Rights of the Child says:
Article 6 States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life.
Article 7. The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.
Article 16 No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honor and reputation. The child has the right to the protection of the law.
Article 28 “Education brings a child the world”
States Parties recognize the right of the child to education.
5.How the Russian Government supports families and children? Are there any measures to help them?
6.Russia is a Welfare State, a country that has a system of ensuring the welfare of its citizens by means of social services, provided by the state. At the national level the Government is responsible for financial help for families. A wide range of family payments exist. Women who leave work to have a baby receive maternity pay from the Government. A Child allowance is a small monthly payment for each child until he leaves school(at 16) or longer if the child continuous education, usually paid directly to mothers.
Other examples are housing benefit, family credit. Family credit is for working families on modest income. The special Fund for children, which will render support to minors in difficult life situation, will be created. Over 5bln Rubles are reserved for these purposes.
8.So what is it like, the Russian Family and the family traditions? Tell some information on the family as a social problem Whose descendants are we? What can family albums, letters and diaries reveal? What is your grandmother’s name? What is the name of your great- grandfather?
9.Many of the Russians are not able to answer these simple questions. The family tradition is lost for them. And it is one of the reasons why most people have no sense of family honor and pride.
A group of people who have the same name and sit together in front of TV set is not yet a family. Here are some family statistics in Russia. Over 80 per cent of women and about 70 per cent of men marry by the age of 25.
At present more than 40 out of every 100 marriages end in divorce. Every year about one million families break up. About 50 per cent of divorces do not want to remarry. Men remarry more often than women. Many young families have material difficulties. As result, young couples often have to rely on the assistance of their parents.
10.The housing shortage is another problem of many young families. Most young people don’t wish to live together with their parents after they got married but about half of them have to do this.
As a result these young people have no necessary experience in family life. They don’t know:
1 How to run a household
2. How to manage the family budget
3. How to bring up children.
11. The revival of the family should start with the restoration of its traditions. The people need family shops, cafes, cinemas and health building homes.
In its various forms the human family has been in existence for as long as man himself. The family tradition has preserved the picture of a Madonna with a child in her arms. Can this beauty save the world? Shall we have this tradition in future, or lose it, as we lost so many other beautiful things?
12.I propose you to find the answers to these questions among students.
13.Russian people have many solemn ceremonies. Let’s tell you about some of them. The main ceremonies are: the Wedding, the House – Warming, and the Birth of a Child.
14. “Men make houses, women make homes», The House – Warming is another tradition
15.There are many English Home Proverbs in our country about family life.
East or West, Home is Best.
Marriages are made in Heaven.
There is no place like Home.
Home is Home though it be never so homely.
Every family has a black sheep.
Charity begins at home.
A man’s home is his castle.
Marry in haste and repent at leisure.
Like father, like son
16.We have many folk proverbs, saying, wisdoms reflect the attitude to children. Tell some of them
Везде хорошо, а дома лучше.
Браки заключаются на небесах.
Нет места лучше родного дома.
На чужой сторонушке рад своей воронушке.
Мой дом – моя крепость.
Женился на скорую руку да на долгую муку.
Каков батька, таковы и детки.
17.The Bible says: “ Honor your mother and father and tiu will live long and be well, if not, you will die” The Birth of a Child
18. I’ll tell you about the Wedding.
The Russian Wedding is a marriage ceremony and festivities connected with it.
19.All parents give good names to their children as it did all parents in Russia many years ago. In these years the church register the new- born children, and the priest offered several names which were written in a saint book. The saint might choose any of them.
20.Do you imagine how excited were your parents when they chose the names for you? They put into them all their love and spectator.
Alexander – real man
Aleksey – protector
Irina – peace
Helens – the light
Ekaterina–clean, pure
Konstantin –stable, constant
Marina –marine
Natalya – native, sunny
Olga -saint
Tatiana to establish
Angelina – To return, notify
Elizabeth- to honor God
Anna –Favor, joy
Sofia – wise
Victoria – to bring the victory
Julia –magnificent, fluffy
Ilnur –The Ray of Motherland
21.Family Traditions
The word surname means family. Every family has a mother, a father, a grandmother, grandfather and children. Every family keeps its traditions and customs. There are family professions which inherited from parents to their children. Do you want to see yourself in a mirror duty not in a simple mirror, in a mirror of your family?
22.Рассказ о семье(проект ученика)
23.Winter is rich in festivals. It is a time to celebrate though it’s cold, frosty and snowy.
In Russia they are
December 31 New Year’s Eve
January 1 New Year’s Day
7 Christmas
13 Old New Year’s Eve
19 Epiphany
February late February – early March Shrovetide (Farewell –to –Winter Festival)
24.Let’s show our guests how we celebrate Christmas – tide.(святки)
25. Kind children. As you see it depends on us. Try to take possession of this science, science of life. Unfortunately it is not learned at school. If you want you learn it yourself, for your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, sisters and brothers must be happy. In keeping with a long tradition, may the coming New Year’s holiday allow you to once again gather all generations around the common table, give you warmth, cheer and a feeling of good will.
Dear Guests, may the New Year be a happy one for your families, and may your children and grandchildren bring you new successes
May the coming New Year bring health and well-being to all Russian families! All the best!
Good Luck!
10 Анкеты о семье
The majority of young people in Russia today accept most of the beliefs, customs ant behavior of their parents. But they have become much more independent. At that time they developed their own separate culture: they started listening to different music, wearing different clothes, working out different ideas about life, using different words and behaving differently.
Maybe some easy rules could reconcile two sides:
- All members of the family must do an equal share of the housework according to age and ability.
-Children and parents have an equal right to free time.
- Children have a right to bring friends home whenever they like.
-Bedtime will be fixed according to age .Children of 15 may go to bed when they like.
- Parents must not break promises. Parents must not cancel plans suddenly. Parents must not criticize their children in public.
-Parents are not always right.
11.Д.Холл. С чем живут ваши дети
I want you to listen what Doroty Holl says about bringing children up. Du you agree with the author?
D. Holl
“What they live”
- If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
- If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.
- If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
- If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
- If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate.
- If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
- If children live with security, they live faith.
- If children live with approval, they learn to lice themselves.
- If children live with acceptance, and friendship, they learn to find love in the world.
M- is for million thing she gave me.
O – means that she is growing old.
T –is for the tears she shed to save me.
H –means for her heart of purest gold.
E –is for her eyes with lovelinght shining
R _ means right and right she’ll always be
Put them all together
They spell “mother”
A word that means- The world to me!
2008 is declared by year of family in Russia and it is very important for all us, in fact children these not only our riches, but also our hope and our future!
July 8th Russia celebrated a new holiday, the Day of Family, Love, and Loyalty. In order to replace the western inspired St. Valentines Day, Russia’s first lady Svetlana joined up with the country’s Orthodox Church to organise a fidelity festival.
“Family, Love and Loyalty Day” on July 8 marks the 780th anniversary of the death of Saints Pyotr and Fevronia, a married couple persecuted for their love and, according to legend, buried in the same coffin. From this year onward Russia will celebrate this as shared holiday.
July 8th Russia celebrated a new holiday, the Day of Family, Love, and Loyalty. In order to replace the western inspired St. Valentines Day, Russia’s first lady Svetlana joined up with the country’s Orthodox Church to organise a fidelity festival.
“Family, Love and Loyalty Day” on July 8 marks the 780th anniversary of the death of Saints Pyotr and Fevronia, a married couple persecuted for their love and, according to legend, buried in the same coffin. From this year onward Russia will celebrate this as shared holiday.
“Despite of the fact that the new holiday has Orthodox roots, ..I believe that this day will help Russians to learn more about family values and rely on our traditions in their married life” - Says Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and aliningrad
Last year, as president, Mr. Putin declared 2008 the Year of the Family.The new holiday emerges as an important attempt towards boosting the country’s drastically declining population by promoting family values.
While medals were presented to couples who made it through 25 or 50 years (..and were still together) at ceremonies held across Russia, bloggers took the holiday buzz to an astronomical high.
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“Home is where the heart is”
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