Методическая разработка урока английского языка.9 класс УМК Биболетовой М.З.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)
презентация и подробная методическая разработка урока 22
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок №22 для учащихся 9-го класса по УМК М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English».
Тема урока: «Экскурсия для иностранных гостей».
Формируемые компетенции:
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
I invite you to come and see
What is very important for me.
Will you visit, my dear friend,
My picturesque Native land?
I will show you the beauty of sights
Which are brighter in sunset lights
Because my wonderful native land
Is on the river Don and Azov Sea bank. (Слайд 2).
- Речевая разминка.
Прошу учащихся составить предложения, используя пассивный залог, для лучшего последующего усвоения текста и заданий к нему.
- Введение новых лексических единиц необходимых для понимания текста.
Read the following words, remember their pronunciation and guess their meaning:
heroism ['herəuizm]
prestige [pre'sti:ʒ]
Cossack [ˈkɒsæk]
Words to be remembered:
to enhance | [ in'ha:ns] | усиливать,увеличивать |
an oppression | [ə'preʃn] | угнетение |
a rampart | ['ræmpa:t] | вал, стена |
a conquest | [ˈkɒŋkwɛst] | завоевание |
a fortress | [ˈfɔːtrəs] | крепость |
a keg | [kɛɡ] | бочонок |
powder | [ˈpaʊdə] | порох |
Учащиеся читают слова про себя, затем один из учеников читает их вслух. После прочтения можно попросить учащихся составить словосочетания с новыми лексическими единицами.
- Активизация материала текста «Sightseeing in Azov».
«Sightseeing in Azov»
Azov is an ancient town, which is situated in the south of Russia, on the bank of the great river Don (Слайд3). The history of our town is very long, interesting and rich with events.
Azov was founded in 1069. Azov fortress was located on the way from Europe to Asia. The Great Silk Road was run across Azov, that’s why it had been passing from hand to hand during hundreds of years. (Слайд 4) The city had seen a lot of conquests. One of the most important is the Turkish oppression of 1697.The Great Russian tsar Peter the 1st had a storm of the Turkish fortress. (Слайд 5) On July, 17 about two thousand Don Cossacks burst into the Turkish fortress and took it two days later. Russian soldiers and Cossacks showed heroism and valor. This victory enhanced the international prestige of the Russian state. It’s incredible, but even nowadays you can see the walls of the fortress. It is called the Turkish rampart. (Слайд 6) Now this is a place which offers a wonderful view of the Don Delta. To mark the memory of those great events every year a lot of historical clubs unite to reconstruct them. (Слайд 7) It is very bright and important day for every citizen. Two minute-walk from this place you can find the monument to Peter the 1st.(Слайд 8)
Azov is a compact, cozy and a very green town. There are a lot of places of interest: monuments to famous people, parks, squares and museums which are famous all over Russia and even all over the world. Azov Local History Museum with unique exhibits is located in ancient and beautiful building (Слайд9). It is difficult to recommend you only one exhibition because there are a lot of them. The most popular exhibit of the Museum is skeleton of an elephant trogonteriya. (Слайд 10)
We can’t help but advise you to visit Powder magazine. (Слайд 11) It is a monument of military engineering art built in 1799. In 1967, in «the powder keg» was opened diorama and historical exposition devoted to the history of the Don Cossacks, and the Azov campaigns of Peter the 1st.
Tastes differ, you know. But even you have no idea of the person’s interests, there are some places to suggest. The rich history of Azov makes the visitors respect this wonderful town such an ancient and young.
- Agree or disagree with the following statements:
- Azov is situated in the south of Russia.
- Peter the 1st didn`t take part in the storm of the Turkish fortress.
- The Turkish rampart offers a wonderful view of Azov Sea.
- This victory was not enhanced the international prestige of the Russian state.
- There are a lot of places of interest in Azov.
- Choose the best ending to complete the sentence.
- It can be difficult to recommend a place of sightseeing for a stranger because…
- people seldom go out in Azov;
- there are not enough places worth visiting;
- everything is very expensive;
- different people like different things.
- Every year historical clubs reconstruct the battle for the Turkish fortress …
- to entertain citizens;
- to earn some money;
- to have a good time;
- to mark the memory of Russian soldiers and Cossacs.
- Azov Local History Museum and Powder magazine are unique …
- because they were founded by Peter the 1st;
- because they are located in ancient building;
- because they are secret town objects;
- because they are famous all over Russia and the world.
- The Turkish rampart …
- is a monument to Peter the 1st;
- are walls of Turkish fortress;
- is a monument to Russian soldiers and Cossacs;
- is a building where Powder magazine is situated;
- Fill in prepositions (of, in, into,on,at) where it is necessary:
The history 1…. our town is very long, interesting and rich with events .One 2. … them is Turkish oppression 3…1697. Peter the 1st had a storm 4....Turkish fortress. 5… July, 17 about two thousand Don Cossacks burst 6… the Turkish fortress and took Azak. It’s incredible, but even 7… nowadays you can see the walls 8… the fortress.
- Физкультминутка.
- Активизация лексических навыков и навыков устной речи.
- Fill in the blanks using the words:
to enhance |
an oppression |
a rampart |
a conquest |
a fortress |
a keg |
powder |
- As The Great Silk Road was run across Azov, it had seen a lot of …
- In 1697 Azov was under the Turkish …, when Peter the 1st came to struggle for it.
- In days of Great Peter’s conquests Azov was the Turkish…
- In our town you can see the ancient walls of the Turkish…
- Find in the text main points about places of interest in our town. Use your notes as guidelines to talk about Azov. The following questions can help you:
- What new information did you get during your reading the text about Azov?
- Have you learnt more about history of our town?
- What places were you impressed by most of all?
- What feelings does the text about your native town arouse?
- Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.
Work in groups. Use the information about your favorite place of interest in our town. Make a presentation for classmates.
- Подведение итогов урока.
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