Методическая разработка урока "Let's save the Earth" 7 класс
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Методическая разработка урока по экологии
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План урока английского языка в 7 классе в номинации
«Экология – дело каждого»
Развитие навыков речевой деятельности
по теме «Let’s save the Earth”
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Учитель иностранного языка
Государственного бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения
средней общеобразовательной школы № 643
Московского района Санкт-Петербурга
Зенькова Наталья Александровна
Цели урока:
• Освоение во всех видах речевой деятельности новых лексических единиц по теме «Проблемы окружающей среды»
• Обучение навыкам умения извлекать необходимую информацию при восприятии текста на слух, во время чтения и использовать полученную информацию для развития критического мышления при обсуждении рекомендаций для более бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
• Развитие ключевых компетенций в изучении иностранного языка
• Развитие личностных качеств учащихся
• Расширение общекультурного кругозора, знаний об экологии и охране окружающей среды
• Воспитание чувства долга по отношению к окружающей среде и побуждения к практическим действиям, направленным на сохранение окружающей среды и природных ресурсов.
Оснащение урока: УМК «Spotlight» (V.Evans, J.Dooley, O.Podolyako, J.Vaulina), интерактивная доска, проектор, ноутбук, раздаточный материал.
Учащиеся предварительно разделены на две группы: experts and troubleshooters. Они садятся за отдельные столы напротив друг друга.
Практические задачи урока:
Обобщение лексического материала по теме «Проблемы окружающей среды» (The environmental problems).
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие. Организационный момент. На экране – заставка. Учащиеся читают словосочетания, относящиеся к теме урока, и формулируют цели и задачи урока.
Учащиеся говорят, что темой урока являются “Environmental problems” и пути их решения.
Today we will talk about the environmental problems. We will try to find the solutions of some of them.
2. Аудирование. Listen to the scientist talking about the future of our planet. What problems does she mention?
Текст аудиозаписи.
A: What do you think will happen to our planet in the next fifty years?
B: Well… I think, I’m not very optimistic.
A: Why not?
B: Well, the first problem is population. If the population of this planet continues to grow at the same rate, there will be a disaster. Many more people won’t have enough food to eat and they’ll destroy more forests to make new farms. And if we cut down the forests we’ll lose most of the species of plants and animals and we’ll change the world’s climate. Also, if we continue to burn enormous quantities of coal and oil we’ll put more carbon dioxide in the air. This will make the greenhouse effect worse and the temperature of the planet will go up.
A: Why is that bad? I like hot weather.
B: Well, if the temperature goes up by a few degrees the ice in the arctic regions will melt and the sea level will go up. If the sea level goes up by a few metres, most of the big cities in the world will be under the water.
A: Really?
B: Another problem is the ozone layer. In the Antarctic and the Arctic there are holes in the ozone layer, caused by CFC-s which are chemicals in fridges and aerosols. If we don’t stop using them we’ll destroy the ozone layer which protects us from the dangerous rays from the sun.
A: And how can we avoid all these problems?
B: Well, we have to do something immediately to change our lifestyles. If we use less energy, if we recycle things and will stop using CFCs we’ll help to solve some of these problems.
Учащиеся перечисляют проблемы: Overpopulation, deforestation, greenhouse effect, global warming, rising of the sea level, destruction of the ozone layer.
3. Работа в группах. Обсуждение экологических проблем. Обучение говорению.
Учитель: We’ve divided our class in two groups: one will be experts who will study the problems and find out what is wrong with our planet. And the other group will be troubleshooters and try to find the solutions – what can we do to save the Earth. Ученикам предоставляется возможность обсудить проблемы в течение 5 минут, а затем представляют результаты обсуждения. Группа экспертов озвучивает причины возникновения проблем.
Ученики: One of the main problems is greenhouse effect. What is it?
Ученики: The Earth gets energy from the sun in the form of sunlight. It heats the Earth. But when people burn fossil fuel the greenhouse gases are formed, especially carbon dioxide CO2. Some of the heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That's what keeps our Earth warm through a process called the greenhouse effect.
Учитель: What happens to the Earth when the heat doesn’t do away into the atmosphere?
Ученики: The temperature on the Earth rises and it leads to the climate change. The point is, if the greenhouse effect is too strong, Earth gets warmer and warmer. This is what is happening now. Too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the air are making the greenhouse effect stronger.
Учитель: Why is it bad when the climate becomes warmer?
Ученики: When the temperature rises on the Earth, the snow caps on the poles start to melt. It can lead to the rising of the sea level.
Учитель: What will happen when the sea level rises?
Ученики: Many cities situated by the sea will be flooded. Our city can go under water, too.
Учитель: We have a time machine where we can watch what is going to happen with the sea level when the snow melts. Учитель демонстрирует изменение границы снежного покрова в Антарктиде и уровня моря у берегов Европы. (показана динамика за 50 лет).
Учитель: What can people do to reduce the greenhouse effect?
Ученики из группы траблшутеров: People must burn less fuel such as gas, coal, oil to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. People should use more wind and solar energy instead, or other alternative sources.
Учитель: What other serious environmental problem do you know?
Ученики из группы экспертов: Pollution.
Учитель: What kinds of pollution do you know?
Ученики: Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution.
Учитель: What are the causes of pollution?
Ученики: Acid rain. The factories and power plants release sulfur dioxide and the nitrogen oxides when they burn fossil fuels, such as coal, to produce electricity. In addition, the exhaust from cars, trucks, and buses releases nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide into the air. These pollutants cause acid rain. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.
Учитель: What damage can acid rain bring?
Ученики: It can destroy forests, buildings, monuments, be harmful for human health.
Учитель: What are the causes of water pollution?
Ученики: Factories release sewage into the rivers and seas and they poison the water, which causes death of the fish and other water inhabitants.
Учитель: And what about the soil? What poisons the soil?
Ученики: Fertilizers, sewage and waste can pollute the soil and make it not suitable for growing vegetables and crops.
Учитель: What can we do to reduce pollution?
Ученики из группы траблшутеров: Factories and plants should clean the chimney gases before they go into the atmosphere to prevent acid rain. They shouldn’t use fossil fuel so much, they should use electric energy for plants and factories, solar energy or wind. People must pour less sewage into the rivers, seas and lakes. They should clean the waste and use less chemicals to grow plants.
Учитель: What is the next problem?
Ученики из группы экспертов: The destruction of ozone layer. Why is the ozone layer important? Ozone molecules in the atmosphere provide us with important protection from the rays of the sun. Specifically, these molecules are good at absorbing certain ultraviolet rays that can cause sunburn and skin cancer.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been identified as the main cause of the destruction to the ozone layer. They have been used in refrigerators, air conditioning, fast food packaging and propellants. CFCs decay slowly and so stay in the atmosphere for up to a century. CFCs rise and gradually accumulate in the stratosphere where they are broken down by the sun's ultraviolet light, so releasing chlorine atoms. The chlorine attacks the ozone, one chlorine atom can help to destroy 100,000 ozone molecules.
Учитель: How can we protect ourselves from the ultra-violet radiation?
Ученики из группы траблшутеров: You should always wear sunscreen to protect your skin when you are outside in the sun for a long time. Strong ultraviolet rays can also damage your eyes. You can protect them by wearing sunglasses.
Учитель: Well done, and now let’s think, what can we personally do to reduce the effect of pollution and help the earth. Let’s listen to the interview with the student.
4. Аудирование. Задание. Listen to the interview with Alison. Which of the problems in the leaflet does she mention? Complete the questionnaire.
How green are you?
What do you do to recycle things? (Collect newspapers/use recycled paper)
What do you do to save energy? (Turn off the lights when leave the room)
What do you do to help animals and wildlife? (Feed birds in winter/make birdhouses)
Are you and your family green shoppers? (We try not to use disposable package)
Учитель: Now, let’s listen to a student about what we can do to help the earth.
Текст аудиозаписи.
Girl: Hello, Alison, we’re doing a survey of people at the school. Can you answer some question for us?
Alison: What’s it about?
Boy: Well, it’s about how green you are, you know… about what you actually do to protect the planet…
Alison: OK… I think that’s very important.
Girl: Right, let’s start. There are four questions. The first one is… er…What do you do to recycle things?
Alison: Well, I collect all the old newspapers at home. I think paper is very important because of the forests they are cutting down… you know the rainforests.
Boy: Exactly. And what about energy? You know… things like cars cause a lot of air pollution and acid rain…er…so what do you do to save energy?
Alison: I always turn the lights off at home…I mean when I don’t need them! And I usually go to school by bicycle and not by car.
Girl: Great! Well done, Alison! And the next one is this… What do you do to help animals and wildlife?
Alison: Well, I sometimes give money to campaigns. I gave some money to th Save the Dolphins campaign… I think dolphins are really lovely. And in winter, when it’s really cold I feed the birds.
Girl: The last question. Are you and your family green shoppers? I mean do you and your family think about green issues when you go shopping?
Alison: Oh, yes. We never buy aerosols with CFCs, because of the ozone layer. And .. oh yeah…and we always buy recycled writing paper.
Girl: Well, thanks a lot, Alison. That’s fantastic!
Boy: Yeah, you’re the best person we’ve talked to so far. Thanks!
5. Обсуждение возможных путей решения экологических проблем. Работа в группах.
Учитель: Use the questionnaire above to find out how “green” your partner is. Make a list of practical ways that we can help the planet. Think about some of the things below.
Paper/electricity/tins/bottles/petrol/animals/birds/food/shopping/gardens/pets/trees/rivers/the sea
Example: We should always write on both sides of the paper to save paper. We shouldn’t leave lights on and waste electricity.
Подведения итога в группе. Учащиеся обсуждают, что бы они могли сделать для сохранения ресурсов и высказывают мнение. Например,
Ученики: We can plant trees and clear the school territory of litter, take care of the gardens and feed the birds in winter.
We can turn off the water taps and not waste water.
We can give old clothes to younger children.
We can use less plastic package when we go shopping.
To decrease waste we can use refillable water bottle and a travel mug.
We should use public transportation more.
We should use environmentally friendly deodorants.
We shouldn’t cut down the trees. We should save them.
We should love animals. They are our real friends.
We shouldn’t use coal in the houses. It pollutes air very much.
We should use filters in factories. We shouldn’t pollute the air.
We shouldn’t hunt animals. We should save them. They are our friends.
We should turn off electric devices when we don’t use them.
We shouldn’t use our private cars much because they pollute the air.
We shouldn’t pour chemicals into our sinks. They pollute water.
We should use solar energy more. It’s clean and harmless.
We should use environmentally friendly detergents.
We shouldn’t waste paper to save our trees. We should recycle it.
We should turn off the tap when we don’t use water. We should save it.
We shouldn’t use animals in our experiments. We shouldn’t harm them.
We shouldn’t pour factory water into water resources.
We should plant more trees. We need them to breathe.
We should use electric cars because they are clean.
We should turn off the lights when we don’t need them.
We shouldn’t throw away rubbish because it pollutes environment.
6. Игра. Раздели мусор. Waste sorting.
Учащиеся работают в группах. Они получают карточки с названиями отходов и определяют, в какой контейнер их можно положить. Контейнеры изображены на доске, необходимо слова прикрепить магнитами:
cardboard, wrappings, yarn, fiber, plastic bottles, package, magazines, envelopes, leaflets, catalogues, cans, tins, glass bottles, jars, aerosol cases, metal jar lids, plastic pots, tubs, trays, plastic bags, clean foil, tubes, wire, leather, fabric, rubber, meat and fish bones, grains and pasta, eggs and shells, tea-bags, fruit peel, vegetable peel, flower waste, batteries, small electric appliances, low energy bulbs, household chemicals, paint, wood and timber, furniture.
В результате должно получиться:
Plastic: plastic bottles, package, plastic pots, tubs, trays, plastic bags
Glass: glass bottles, jars, low energy bulbs
Metal: Cans, tins, aerosol cases, metal jar lids, clean foil, wire
Paper: cardboard, wrappings, magazines, envelopes, leaflets, catalogues
Organic waste: yarn, fiber, meat and fish bones, grains and pasta, eggs and shells, tea-bags, fruit peel, vegetable peel, flower waste
Other – non recyclable: batteries, small electric appliances, household chemicals, paint, wood and timber, furniture.
7. Подведение итогов сортировки мусора.
Как можно сократить количество отходов.
Recycle everything you can!
Ask your parents to buy reusable grocery bags. Help them to remember to get them out of the car and take them into the store.
Cartoon trash can spilling over with plastic recyclable bottles.
Recycle everything you can. If your city does not pick up recycled materials, find out who you can talk to about starting this service. You should be recycling paper, aluminum cans, cardboard, food cans, plastic, glass, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, phone books, and anything else made of paper.
Shop thrift stores. "BYOM." Bring your own mug. That's what you can tell your parents when they stop to buy their morning coffee. Use less paper whenever possible. Save the trees.
Drink tap water—filtered, if you like—instead of bottled water. Carry your drinking water in a reusable bottle. Plastic water bottles are an environmental disaster!
Use fewer containers. Buy the product that uses less packaging material. Even if you recycle packaging materials, it takes energy to create them in the first place and energy to remake them into something else.
8. Подведение итогов урока. Выработаны совместные решения проблем. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание: подготовка групповых проектов по сокращению бытовых отходов и экономии ресурсов.
Учитель: Let’s make a short summary of our lesson now. What have we learned today?
Ученики: Today we explored the environmental problems which endanger our Earth: pollution, greenhouse effect, global warming, ozone depletion. We learned how people damage our planet and why it happens.
Учитель: Was there anything new that you didn’t know?
Ученики: We saw the time machine and how the snow caps melt. That causes the rise of the sea level and flooding the coastline. Many cities may be under water in future. Our city can be flooded too. We must do something to prevent this.
Учитель: Have you decided what can you personally do?
Ученики: Yes, we can save natural resources and recycle waste.
Учитель: Your home task will be to make a project how to reduces your waste and collect recyclable waste.
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