презентация к уроку (6 класс) на тему
Special attention in our school is paid to the humanities. New subjects are introduced such as History of Tatar people and traditions, Etiquette, Russian traditions, Introduction to philosophy and others. In addition to the PE lessons dancing is introduced. New programs and new approaches to teaching are being developed.
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Entrance Hall 2
This is our headmaster Akhmetov M.M 3
A headmistress Samikova G.A. 4
An extracurricular activities headmistress Sharafeeva G.M. 5
This is the ground floor 6
The school starts with a cloak room 7
On the ground floor and the first floor the primary school is situated. The gym is situated on the first floor too. We have physical training lessons here. We do exercises, play basketball, volleyball and other games. The teachers’ room is also on the first floor. There are tables and chairs for the teachers, a TV set and a telephone there. It is comfortable and a comfortable room and teachers like to spend their free time in it. There are the Headmaster’s office and the stuff room as well there. 8
Our school is a 2 storied building made of red brick. On the ground floor one can find a cloakroom, English rooms, a History room, a medical room, a canteen and a workout room for girls. Our school has many classrooms. We have three English classrooms, two History classrooms, Geography, Physics, Russian classrooms and others. They are big and light and each of them has three or four large windows, flowers, the blackboard, desks, chairs and beautiful pictures. 10
A canteen. We have meals during the breaks here. 11
This is a medical room. 12
On the first floor one can see a gym… 13
A teacher’s room… 14
A computer classroom… 16
English language classroom 17
On the second floor one can see a library… 18
You can take out books and CDs in the library which is situated on the second floor. There are a lot of interesting books in it. We like to read its books but the library has no reading room. We have a unique museum of our school’s events to the left of the library. There are a lot of old things which help us to learn more about our past life and ancestors. Opposite the museum there is a nice big assembly hall. A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals are held there. Biology and physics rooms are to the right of the museum, while literature and Russian language rooms as well as IT laboratories are on the second floor. 19
Physics classroom 21
Chemistry and Biology classrooms… 22
. There is a nice big assembly hall on the second floor. A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals are held there 23
This is a museum. There are a lot of old things there which help us to learn more about our past life. 25
Special attention is paid to the humanities. New subjects are introduced such as History of Tatar people and traditions, Etiquette, Russian traditions, Introduction to philosophy and others. In addition to the PE lessons dancing is introduced. New programs and new approaches to teaching are being developed. 26
There are many forms of such activities such as participating in sports, clubs, editing school newspapers, visiting theatres, exhibitions, going on excursions, staging performances, arranging meetings and conferences and so on. Some of them are carried out in our school. We have History, Biology and Ecology clubs which are attended by many pupils. 28
We love our school. Welcome to our school! 34
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Bavly is a land of high mountains, rivers, pretty valleys and temperate, continental climate. My town has always attracted visitors from neighboring republics and distant countries. It was founded in1930. We celebrated it’s anniversary this year. The first oil gusher gushed out in 1936. Oil for us is the main wealth - so called “black gold ”.
Symbols of our town FLAG COAT OF ARMS
A great number of the best daughters and sons gave their lives in the Great Patriotic War and memory of their immortal deeds is perpetuated in Eternal Fire and monuments which are erected in the Victory Square. Eternal Fire
The Lenin Square
Gali Mosque
Bavly citizens are proud of their outstanding and world famous country men: the writers Fanis Yarullin,Tufan Minnullin , Mirgaziyan Yunis , Rafael Mustafin , composer Gans Saifullin , popular singer Vil Usmanov and many others .
Our people say with warmth: Welcome To Bavly !
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