Animals World” (“Мир животных”)
презентация к уроку (5 класс) на тему
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УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 5 класса УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 5 класса./ Ваулина Ю.Е., Эванс В., Дули Дж., Подоляко О.Е.– М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2012 состоит из: • учебника • рабочей тетради; • книги для учителя; • книги для чтения «Джек и бобовое зернышко»; • языкового портфеля; • CD для занятий в классе; • CD для самостоятельных занятий дома; • вебсайта курса (companion website) • сборника контрольных заданий.
Конспект урока “ Animals World ” (“Мир животных”) УМК " Spotlight " ("Английский в фокусе") 5-й класс, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули
Цели урока: Воспитательная: Личностные результаты воспитывать любовь к животным; воспитывать уважительное отношение к природе; формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре. Развивающая: Метапредметные результаты развивать память, смекалку и сообразительность. развитие навыков и умений во всех видах речевой деятельности; развивать внимание и познавательную активность; Образовательная : Предметные результаты формировать навыки чтения, аудирования и письма, повторить и обобщить формообразование и использовать в связной речи глаголы в Present Simple ; формировать навыки чтения, аудирования и письма научиться описывать животных и рассказывать о жизни животных;
Задачи урока: отработать лексику по теме «Части тела животных» в связной речи при описании животных (развивать умения монологической речи); повторить и обобщить формообразование и употребление глаголов в Present Simple (отрицательная и вопросительная формы); развивать умения аудирования с извлечением информации; развивать умение вести диалог-расспрос по ситуации «В зоопарке»; развивать умения письменной речи (описывать животное с опорой на образец) повторить и активизировать ранее изученные и освоить новые лексические единицы по темам «Названия животных», «Части тела животных»; Оборудование урока : УМК; Мультимедиа проектор, презентация в Power Point , CD , иллюстрации животных; раздаточный материал с заданиями по грамматике; аудиозапись с «голосами» животных
Организационный момент. Warming-up activities T: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you. Are you fine? ( T → Cl ). What”s the weather like today? T: Great! So, let’s start our lesson. Look at the blackboard, please. Can you tell me what we are going to speak about? (- About animals) Фонетическая зарядка . T: Right you are. Let’s start our lesson with a little poem about the zoo. Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo. Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the Zoo. There is a giraffe there and a zebra too, A bear and a monkey, and a kangaroo. Речевая зарядка. T: Do you like to go to the zoo? ( T→Cl ). Do you often go to the zoo? (T→P1, P2) What animals can we see there? (P1, P2, P3: Bears, tigers, lions…). Ход урока
Основная часть урока Повторение изученной лексики и введение новой лексики по теме «Название животных». T: Listen to the sounds. Which of the animals in the pictures can you hear? (Ps: the monkey, the lion, the peacock, the elephant, the bear) Повторение изученной лексики и введение новой лексики по теме «Части тела животных» - упр.2, стр.68. Повторение пар прилагательных антонимов long – short; big – small; thin – thick Введение лексики – названия частей тела животных (в сопоставлении с названиями частей тела человека) nose – beak ; toes – paws; hair – fur Tusks, trunk, feathers, mane T: And now use new words and adjectives to ask about the animals in the pictures. (P1→P2→P3, etc) P1: Which animal has got a thick mane? P2: The lion. Which animal has got long neck? P3: The giraffe. Which animal has got a trunk? P4: The elephant…
Развитие умений монологической речи при описании животных (отработка закрепление лексики по теме «Части тела животных» - работа в парах; карточки – изображения животных) T: Describe any of the animals. But your task is to make one – two mistakes. Your partner corrects you. (P1→P2) P1: The giraffe has got a short neck, short legs and a long tail. P2: The giraffe hasn’t got a short neck and short legs. It has got a long neck and long legs. Развитие умений поискового чтения – упр.4, стр.68 T: So let’s name animals we can see at the zoo. (Ps: elephant, crocodile, tiger, hippo, rhino…) T: Now read the text to yourselves and say which animals are in the dialogue. (Ps: a giraffe, a monkey, a bear). T: That’s right. Now let’s read the dialogue aloud, please. Развитие умений изучающего чтения ( послетекстовое задание) – упр.5, стр.69 T: Now look through the text again and find the words in the dialogue for the underlined pronouns. It has got a long neck. – the giraffe They are noisy. – monkeys I find them cute. – Ben
Динамическая пауза Look left, look right, Look up, look down, Look around. Look at your nose, Look at that rose, Close your eyes, Open, wink, о pen and smile. Your eyes are happy again. Повторение и обобщение формообразования и употребления глаголов в Present Simple (отрицательная и вопросительная формы) Презентация “ Present Simple ” T: Now let’s revise negative and interrogative forms of the Present Simple Tense. Read the table. What do we use to form these forms? (: вспомогательные глаголы do / does). T: That’s right. And now find examples of short answers, interrogative and negative sentences in the dialogue, please. P1: Do you like the zoo? P2: What does it look like? P3: I don’t like monkeys. P4: Yes, I do.
Отработка употребления вопросительной формы Present Simple : общие вопросы и краткие ответы – упр.7, стр.69. T: Good work. And now your task is to fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t. do / do; 2) does / doesn’t; 3) do / don’t; 4) does / does) T: You are very good at that. But now I’d like you to work in pairs. Your task will be to ask and answer each other’s questions. (pair work – cards, см . приложение ) Развитие умений аудирования с выборочным пониманием заданной информации. T: Now I’m going to propose you to listen to the text “Visit London Zoo”. Listen to this text attentively and your task is to complete the advertisement. Развитие умений вести диалог-расспрос по ситуации «В зоопарке». T: Look at the board. Let’s revise the names of the animals and describe features of the animals. P1: It’s a zebra. It’s beautiful, fast and friendly. P2: It’s a lion. The lion is proud, strong and handsome. It has got beautiful mane. P3: It’s an elephant. The elephant is very big, friendly, strong and fun. It has god very big ears, a long trunk and big tusks. Etc.
T: Now imagine you are at the zoo. You ask your friend if he likes the zoo and ask about the animals there, describe the animal, give a reason why you like (don’t like) it. Look at the picture and act out the dialogue, please. These phrases can help you to complete the dialogues . It’s great! It’s fantastic! Which one? What does it look like? Why not? I find them… (clever, noisy, fun) P1: Do you like the zoo, Sasha? P2: Yes, I do. It’s great (fantastic)! What’s that animal over there? P1: Which one? What does it look like? P2: It has got four short legs, a long tail and yellow fur with black stripes. P1: That’s a tiger. Tigers are so beautiful . P2: Yes, they are. Look, what’s that behind the tree? P1: It’s a bear. P2: Oh, I don’t like bears. P1: Why not? P2: They are angry and dangerous. P1: I find them clever and handsome. Let’s go and see zebras. P2: OK.
Развитие умений описывать дикое животное с опорой на образец. T: Congratulations. Your dialogues were very good. But now let’s try to write about a wild animal. Let’s do it together, please. Write its name, what it looks like, its colour . Model: The swan is usually white or black. It has got a long neck, a yellow beak with black around the eyes. It has got big wings and lots of feathers. I like swans because they are very beautiful and proud. Объяснение домашнего задания. T: Your home task is to do the project about a wild animal you like, don’t forget to draw or to find a picture of the animal- My language Portfolio – p. 35, WB – р . 42; SB - ex.10, p. 69 Подведение итогов урока . Рефлексия . T: We have spoken a lot today about animals. You did a lot of work today and you did it very well. But that’s all for today and our lesson is going to be over. Your marks are…
Приложения Карточки – закрепление построения общего вопроса и краткий ответ. Ask and answer the questions, use do / does. Work in pairs. ….your mum work? ….your friend walk to school? ….you play snowballs in winter? ….your Granny live in the country? ….you swim well? ….your friend like playing computer games? ….your Mum like dogs? ….you feed your pet? ….your Dad like fish? … help your parents? ….your baby brother sleep a lot? ….your like to draw? Текст для аудирования ( Module 5, Unit 5 b , упр.8, стр.69) Hello, this is the London Zoo information line. London Zoo, in Regent’s Park, central London, is perfect day for a family day out! We are open every day of the year from 10 am to 4 pm except Christmas Day. Tickets are available online or at the entrance to the zoo and cost twelve pounds for adults and only nine pounds fifty for children aged three to fifteen. We have a wonderful collection of animals for you to see, including otters, penguins, lions, tigers, giraffes and lots, lots more! We hope to see you soon!
A bear
A zebra
A cheetah
A giraffe
A lion
A tiger
A monkey
A wolf
A fox
A hippo
Look and say Whose tail is it? Whose eyes are these? Whose ears are these? Whose legs are these? Whose head is it? Whose paws are these?
Match the picture to the word 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. A duck B. A sheep C. An elephant D. A cow E. A hen F. A tiger G. A camel H. A horse I. A cockerel 1F, 2E, 3H, 4B, 5I, 6G, 7C, 8A, 9D.
Who can find the most animals? wolfisharkangaroowleopardog Wolf, fish, shark, kangaroo, owl, leopard, dog
Write the names of the animals correctly: god, nilo, getri, nomeky, omuse, sohre, rabe, shpee. Dog, lion, tiger, monkey, mouse, horse, bear, sheep.
Match the name of the animal and its description. 1. The animal is timid and shy. Bear 2. The animal has a red bushy tail. Zebra 3. The animal sleeps all winter in a den. Lion 4. The animal can live without food and water for a long time. Fox 5. The animal with a beautiful white skin with black stripes. Rabbit 6. The animal has long hair around its neck. Camel
Match the name of the animal and its description. 1. The animal is timid and shy. Bear 2. The animal has a red bushy tail. Zebra 3. The animal sleeps all winter in a den. Lion 4. The animal can live without food and water for a long time. Fox 5. The animal with a beautiful white skin with black stripes. Rabbit 6. The animal has long hair around its neck. Camel
Compare these animals, using as many adjectives as possible: ( strong, weak, big, small, kind, angry, fat, thin, clever, cunning, slow, quick)
Finish the saying As hungry as ... As brave as ... As cunning as ... As heavy as ... As dirty as ... As tall as ... A busy as ... As funny as ... As slow as ...
Give characteristics of the following animals and birds: cunning Are strong Is clever independent Funny Happy Nice Kind Big beautiful 38
39 A J L G O C C O W H H D D A A R I E U E A O W M O E L H Z N L T E C R E O E Y P U L O H P P B F H K P D I H M R U I A H I N A D A V N M X L O N R A B B I T E S T D U C K Z S V S G C M E U S N A K E
Read the information and decide if it is true or false. Frogs cannot live in the sea. Some frogs live in Antarctica. There are poisonous ( ядовитые ) frogs in Russia. Monkeys begin to roar (орать) when they see a group of other monkeys. People hear this roar up to 2.5 kilometers. Elephant can pick coins with tongue. Elephant is the cleverest animal. The cleverest domestic animals are dogs and horses. In some Russian rivers there are crocodiles. Crocodiles can hold their breath ( задерживать дыхание ) for more than an hour. The Nile crocodile is the largest of all the world’s crocodiles.
Sharks Sharks live in all parts of the world. All sharks eat meat. The white shark isn’t very nice. It is very big-6 meters long! It eats fish, small sharks, seals and people. It swims very fast- 65 kilometers an hour. A remora is a small fish- only 45 centimeters long. It lives on a shark. It eats food from the shark . 41
Flamingos Flamingos come from many countries. They are pink. They have long legs. They live near salt water. They eat fish and they can fly. Their nests are near water. They are on the ground. A female flamingo sits on two eggs. 42
Ostriches Ostriches are birds. They come from Africa and Australia. They are black and white. They can run very fast-60 kilometers per hour. They can’t fly. An ostrich nest isn’t in a tree. It is on the ground. A female ostrich sits on 10 to 20 eggs.
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