Лексические задания по теме "Animals' world"
занимательные факты по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Артемьева Ольга Геннадьевна

Интересные задания для уроков по теме "Животные", устойчивые выражения, идиомы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Ниже находится подборка интересных материалов, которые дают возможность разнообразить урок, мотивировать учеников, расширять их кругозор. Предлагаемые задания предназначены для разного уровня владения языком: от «pre-intermediate» до «upper-intermediate».

Если вы устали от монотонных грамматических упражнений – отвлекитесь!


The first letter of the first line in this verse is A; the first letter of the second line is B; and so on through the alphabet.

The verse names 104 animals, birds, fish and insects. How many of them do you know?

And how many do your friends know? Have a contest!

  Alligator, beetle, porcupine, whale,

    Bobolink, panther, dragon-fly, snail,

                                        Crocodile, monkey, buffalo, hare,

       Dromedary, leopard, mud turtle, bear,

                                        Elephant, badger, pelican, ox,

Flying fish, reindeer, anaconda, fox

Guinea-pig, dolphin, antelope, goose,

            Hummingbird, weasel, pickerel, moose,

Ibex, rhinoceros, owl, kangaroo,

Jackal, opossum, toad, cockatoo,

          Kingfisher, peacock, ant-eater, bat,

          Lisard, iguana, honeybee, rat,

             Mockingbird, camel, grasshopper, mouse,

       Nightingale, spider, cuttlefish, grouse,

Ocelot, pheasant, wolverine, auk,

Periwinkle, ermine, katydid, hawk,

         Quail, hippopotamus, armadillo, moth,

       Rattlesnake, lion, woodpecker, sloth,

             Salamander, goldfinch, angleworm, dog,

                                        Tiger, flamingo, scorpion, frog,

                                        Unicorn, ostrich, nautilus, mole,

                                        Viper, gorilla, basilisk, sole,

          Whippoorwill, beaver, centipede, fawn,

                                         Xeme, canary, polliwog, swan,

     Yellow-hammer, eagle, hyena, lark,

    Zebra, chameleon, butterfly, shark.


















a tadpole

b gosling

c lamb

d chicken

e foal

f duckling

g sucking-pig/piglet

h bear-cub

i  puppy

j caterpillar

k young, deer

l  fry/young fish

m lion-cub

n chick/nestling

o kitten



                                                       1 – e

                                                       2 – a

                                                       3 – b

                                                       4 – o

                                                       5 – g

                                                       6 – h

                                                       7 – c

                                                       8 – i

                                                       9 – j

                                                     10 – f

                                                     11 – d

                                                     12 – k

                                                     13 – m

                                                     14 – l

                                                     15 - n


  Match the names for the groups of animals with the animals. Information given below can help you.

1. brood of…

2. colony of…

3. flight of…

4. flock of..

5. herd of…

6. pack of…

7. shoal of…

8. school of…

9. swarm of…

10. troop of…












young chickens



brood – all the young birds that come from a number of eggs in a nest at one time (as a brood of chickens)

colony – a group of animals, plants, etc. found close together (as a colony of ants)

flight – a number of things or creatures moving together through the air (as a flight of swallows)

flock – a number of  birds or animals of one kind, esp. those that feed and travel together (as a flock of wild ducks).

herd – a number or company of animals, esp. cattle, feeding or going about together (as a herd of cattle)

pack – a number of animals kept for hunting (as a pack of hounds) or of wild animals that naturally associate (as a pack of wolves)

a shoal – a crowd, a great number of, esp. fish

school – a large number of fish, swimming together = shoal  (a school of mackerel)

swarm – a large number of moving creatures gathering closely together (as a swarm of ants)

troop – company of persons or animals, esp. when moving

Behaving like animals

    Look at the drawings above. Write down the names of the animals you see. Put ‘to’ in front of each name and you have a list of verbs, the meaning of which is easy to guess. Now read the sentences below and choose the most appropriate word (in the correct form) from your list to fill the blank.

1) Mary is infuriating! She keeps on repeating how plain, stupid and incompetent she feels. Really she’s only ----- for compliments.

2) I admire him so much. He never gives up even though his life has been far from easy: unemployed, ----- by ill-health, a widower – but you never hear him complain.

3) These twins are such a problem! They’ve reached the age when they can’t sit still for a moment. They’re always ----- about  and  I never know what they’ll be up to next!

4) Isn’t Mrs. Carfax a noisy person? She’s always hanging around us, listening to what we say and interrogating us. She simply loves ----- out other people’s secrets.

5) David – where are your manners! I know you are hungry but there’s no need

 to ----- your food. Eat slowly.

6) Francis is so tiresome – he talks and talks but never says anything original. He just ----- what he heard on television the night before.

Key:  Behaving like animals

To monkey, to dog, to fish, to ferret, to wolf, to parrot.

1) fishing

2) dogged

3) monkeying

4) ferreting

5) wolf

6) parrots



What is an idiom? It’s a group or succession of words that must be learnt as a whole because it is difficult or impossible to understand the meaning from the knowledge of the words considered separately. When a person gains an understanding of idioms and the facility to use them he becomes a truly part of the English speech community.

Bird Words

I. Match each word or phrase in the first column with the word or phrase in the second column that produces a common saying or idiom.

1. a bird in the hand

2. birds of a feather

3. bird-

4. stool

5. bird’s eye

6. to kill two birds

7. silly

8. which came first

9. he eats

10. what’s sauce for the goose

11. wise old

12. bury one’s head in the sand

13. crane

14. dove of

15. the early bird

a. goose

b. peace

c. the chicken or the egg

d. is worth two in the bush

e. owl

f. one’s neck

g. catches the worm

h. pigeon

i. with one stone

j. brain

k. like an ostrich

l. like a bird

m. is sauce for the gander

n. view

o. flock together

II. Match each word in the first column with its correct definition in the second column.

1. birdie

2. chicken

3. turkey

4. cuckoo

5. duck

6. parrot

7. for the birds

a. foolish, or inept person

b. objectionable or worthless

c. lower the head or body to avoid         collision with an object

d. repeat by rote

e. a golf score of one stroke less than par

f. timid; cowardly

g. silly, a little crazy

Animal Words

I. Match each word or phrase in the first column with the word or phrase in the second column that produces a proverb or idiom.

1. A barking dog 

2. Never look a gift horse

3. Curiosity killed

4. Dog eat

5. You can’t teach an old dog

6. Let sleeping dogs

7. When the cat’s away

8. Let the cat

9. There’s more than one way

10. It’s raining

11. You may lead a horse to water

12. Go to

13. Go whole

14. Hold your

15. That’s a horse

a. the dogs

b. out of the bag

c. but you can’t make him drink

d. lie

e. never bites

f. new tricks

g. of a different color

h. horses

i. hog

j. dog

k. to skin a cat

l. in the mouth

m. the mice will play

n. cats and dogs

o. the cat

II. Match each word in the first column with its correct definition in the second column.

1. hog

2. buffalo

3. bear

4. mousey

5. catty

6. rat

7. bull

a. to reveal secret information

b. full of spite, malicious

c. timid, fearful

d. nonsense

e. to confuse or baffle

f. to take selfishly

g. something difficult


KEY: Bird idioms.

I.  1. - d                                               II.  1. - f                              

    2. - o                                                     2. - e

    3. - j                                                      3. - a

    4. - h                                                     4. - g

    5. - n                                                     5. - c

    6. - i                                                      6. - d

    7. - a                                                      7. - b

    8. - c

    9. - l

    10. - m

    11. - e

    12. - k

    13. - f

    14. - b

    15. - g

Animal words.

I. 1. - e                                               II.  1. -f

   2. - l                                                      2. -e

   3. - o                                                     3. - g

   4. - j                                                      4. - c

   5. - f                                                      5. - b

   6. - d                                                      6. - a

   7. - m                                                     7. - d

   8. - b

   9. - k

   10. - n

   11. - c

   12. - a

   13. - i

   14. - h

   15. - g

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