План - конспект урока «Зачем мы учим английский?»
план-конспект урока (7 класс) на тему
Урок "Зачем мы учим английский" был разработан и проведён для 7 класса к учебнику "Enjoy English" под ред. М.З. Биболетовой, но может быть использован как обобщающий урок по данной теме по другим учебникам. Вид урока: урок - дисскуссия с применением ролевой игры и моделированием диалогов. Цель урока: формировать устойчивую потребность к изучению английского языка в учебных, личных и профессиональных целять; пробудить интерес к умению распознавать иностранные слова в повседневной жизни.
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urok_7_kl.2013-2014_uch.god_.docx | 50.74 КБ |
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МБОУ « Городищенская СШ №2»
403001, Волгоградская область, Городищенский район, р.п. Городище, ул. Пархоменко 35А,
тел. 3– 45 – 80 E- mail; mgsosho2@yandex.ru
План - конспект урока
«Зачем мы учим английский?»
Урок разработала и провела
Железнякова Зинаида Ивановна
Городище - 2016
Конспект урока
Тема урока: «Зачем мы учим английский?»
Тип урока: обобщающий.
Вид урока: урок - дискуссия, ролевая игра, моделирование диалогов.
Цель: Формировать устойчивую потребность к изучению иностранных языков в учебных, личных и профессиональных целях; пробудить интерес к умению распознавать иностранные слова в повседневной жизни.
1.Развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
2.Расширять общекультурный и филологический кругозор, эрудицию школьников;
3.Учить учащихся согласовывать свои действия с действиями партнёров при выполнении работы в паре;
4. Развиватьумения к импровизации, воображение и фантазию в упражнениях и диалогах;
5.Способствовать формированию таких качеств как трудолюбие, память, внимание;
6. Совершенствовать речевые и языковые навыки иноязычного общения;
7. Продемонстрировать уровень обученности иностранному языку по данной теме.
Возраст детей: 12-13 лет
Форма организации обучения: фронтальная, парная, групповая.
Методическое оснащение:
- методы обучения: проблемно-поисковый, наглядный, словесный, практико-ориентированный.
- техническое оснащение: компьютер, проектор
- инвентарь, реквизит: презентация, футболки с иностранными надписями, вырезки из газет, ярлыки от одежды.
Основные источники информации:
1.Учебник: Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English» -7: учебник английского языка для 7 классов общеобразовательных учреждений / М. З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанёва. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010.
2.Книга для учителя: Биболетова М.З. Книга для учителя к учебнику «Enjoy English» -7 для 7 классов общеобразовательных учреждений / М. З.Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанёва. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010.
3. Рабочая тетрадь: Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English» - 7: Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для 7 классов общеобразовательных учреждений / М. З.Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанёва. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010.
4.Диск с записью упражнения для аудирования.
5. Презентация.
6.Видео: YouTube/go.mail.ru/search video? =зачем%20учить%20английский%20Видео&fr=ws_p#
Приложение №2: Read the list of possible reasons for learning English and against learning English. Write their numbers in two columns.
1. Learning foreign languages takes too much time.
2. English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad.
3. When you listen to songs in English, it’s better to understand the words.
4. If you know English, you can get information from different newspapers and from different radio stations.
5. Watching English and American films in the original is more interesting than watching them in translation.
6. There are lots of newspapers and radio programmers in Russia – there is no need to read newspapers and to listen to radio programmers in English.
7. When you are abroad as a tourist, the guide helps in all situation and explains everything in Russia.
8. Most interesting films are translated into Russian.
9. Learning English is interesting and exciting.
10. When people listen to foreign songs, they enjoy the music and they don’t need words.
Reasons for learning English | Reasons against learning English |
2,3,4,5,9 | 1,6,7,8,10 |
Приложение №1 Tick the reasons why you study English. Add for some other reasons if needed. (You may work in groups.)
I study English because I’ll need it for my future education.
I study English because my parents want me to know this foreign language.
I study English because I want to have good marks.
I study English because I want to read English books in the original.
I study English because it is very useful for travelling.
I study English because I want to make friends in different countries.
I study English because I want to be able to order meals in a restaurant when I am abroad.
I study English because I want to sing my favourite English songs.
I study English because I have a pen friend in England.
I learn English to communicate with people from other countries.
I learn English for my future business.
I learn English to understand films and songs in English.
I learn English to get a better job.
I learn English because I like this language.
I learn English because I want to live in an English-speaking country.
I learn English because I have it as a subject in my curriculum.
I learn English because I want to travel abroad.
I learn English because I’ll read books, magazines, newspapers in English.
I learn English to get any information in Internet.
Приложение 3.
Our school decides to be a member of the international organization «Friends around the world». Fill in the questionnaire to find a pen friend abroad.
General information
What are your favorite subjects at school?
What languages do you speak?
Why are you learning English?
How many people are there in your family?
How many brothers or sisters do you have?
Teacher: Good job. To my mind everyone would like to visit Great Britain. If you have a chance, you will go to UK and in the airport Heathrow customs inspector must ask you some questions. Let us learn and act the dialogue:
Customs Inspector: Where are you from?
A: Russia
Customs Inspector: Are you travelling alone?
A: Yes, I am. I have arrived on AFS programme.
Customs Inspector: What is the purpose of your visit?
A: I want to see the country and improve my English.
Customs Inspector: Where are you going to stay?
A: In London with an English family.
Customs Inspector: Do you have anything to declare?
A: No, I do not.
Customs Inspector: Open your luggage, please.
A: Here you are.
Customs Inspector: Have a good time in Britain.
A: Thank you.
Name | Reasons/Purpose for learning English |
Michael | |
Hans | |
Janis |
Приложение №2: (a card for pupils). Read the list of possible reasons for learning English and against learning English. Write their numbers in two columns.
1. Learning foreign languages takes too much time.
2. English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad.
3. When you listen to songs in English, it’s better to understand the words.
4. If you know English, you can get information from different newspapers and from different radio stations.
5. Watching English and American films in the original is more interesting than watching them in translation.
6. There are lots of newspapers and radio programmers in Russia – there is no need to read newspapers and to listen to radio programmers in English.
7. When you are abroad as a tourist, the guide helps in all situation and explains everything in Russia.
8. Most interesting films are translated into Russian.
9. Learning English is interesting and exciting.
10. When people listen to foreign songs, they enjoy the music and they don’t need words.
Reasons for learning English | Reasons against learning English |
Situation: You are the winners of the “Teenager’s world competition”. You came from different countries and you came here to take part in the conference. The topic of your conference is “The importance of learning English language”. Imagine that you are standing in the hall before the conference. Meet with each other. Ask where are you from? Speak about the importance of learning English language. (dialogues)
Situation: You are the winners of the “Teenager’s world competition”. You came from different countries and you came here to take part in the conference. The topic of your conference is “The importance of learning English language”. Imagine that you are standing in the hall before the conference. Meet with each other. Ask where are you from? Speak about the importance of learning English language. (dialogues)
Situation: You are the winners of the “Teenager’s world competition”. You came from different countries and you came here to take part in the conference. The topic of your conference is “The importance of learning English language”. Imagine that you are standing in the hall before the conference. Meet with each other. Ask where are you from? Speak about the importance of learning English language. (dialogues)
-Hello! My name is Margaret. I’m from France. Where are you from?
-Hi! My name is Harry. I’ m from England. I’m glad to meet you.
-Hello! My name is Makiaveli. I’m from Italy.
-Hello, boys! And I’m from Russia. Your English is very good.
-Thank you! My mother is an English teacher, my parents are sure that all intellectual people would know English. They say it helps me to get a better job in future.
-And my father is a businessman. English is spoken at their summit meetings.75% of all business letters are written in English. Their companies communicate with each other in English. I’d like to be a businessman too.
- But my English is not so good. As for me I’d like to study in England as my cousin. She is a clever girl. I hope to visit her next summer. I’ll take part in the International competition in England. English is called the language of sport.
- We are the winners of the “Teenager’s world competition”. And so you are clever! I like to travel. I study English because I want to make friends in different countries. I’m happy to meet you. Let’s go to the conference.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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