Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме: "It's a wonderful planet we live on"
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Урок английского языка в 8 классе.
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Урок английского языка
It’s a wonderful planet we live on
8 класс
учитель английского языка
Костомаркина Юлия Юрьевна
поселок Ленинский
Тип урока: урок обобщающего повторения.
Цели урока:
- Формировать навыки поискового и просмотрового чтения.
- Повторить пройденную лексику и грамматику.
- Формировать навыки письменной речи.
- Развивать коммуникативные навыки по теме «Погода».
- Развивать умение выявлять наиболее значимые факты в тексте.
- Развивать мотивацию к дальнейшему изучении иностранного языка.
- Воспитывать навыки социокультурного общения. Используя необходимые языковые средства и формы речевого этикета, принятые в английском языке.
Оборудование урока:
- Раздаточный материал.
- Проектор.
- Презентация “It’s a wonderful planet we live on”
Учитель: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
I think we can start! Let me invite you to the lesson “It’s a wonderful planet we live on”. Look through the window! Let’s talk about the weather.
1. What about the weather today? What is it like?( It’s a terrible (beautiful) day, isn’t it?)
2. What is the typical Russian weather?
3. What kind of weather do you like best?
4. What do you like to do when it’s hot\cold\sunny\ windy\raining\snowing?
5. Which seasons are the most beautiful in England?
6. How often do people talk about the weather?
7. Do you like to talk about the weather? What do you like to talk about?
8. Who knows anything about the weather in Wales?
Учитель:Then let’s read some texts about Wales and answer this question. Look at the screen. Read the task and the titles. I’ll give you 3 minutes. (Слайд 2)
Прочитайте текст (1-4) про Уэльс и подберите к каждому разделу текста соответствующий заголовок (А-Е). Один заголовок лишний.
- Tourism
- History
- Climate
- National emblems
- Geography
- In Wales it never gets very hot or very cold. May, June, July and August are the sunniest and driest month, but even in the winter a raincoat and sweater will usually cope with worst that the weather has to offer.
- The land area is just over 8,000 square miles and Wales measures 160 miles long by 60 miles wide. Wales has extensive tracts of high plateau with
mountain ranges. The lowland area is confined mainly to the relatively narrow coastal belts and the valley floors. Snowdon is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
- Wales has a wealth of holiday cottages and private hotels, renowned for their hospitality. But visitors should get advice before walks and climbs in mountainous areas when the weather is uncertain. Wales has a mountain rescue service but let’s allow them to enjoy their day off. Parents with young children should take care when visiting the ancient castles of Wales. Moats, battlements and dungeons weren’t designed to be visitor friendly.
- The Welsh flag has two equal horizontal stripes, white above green, and a large red dragon passant. The daffodil and the leek are also famous emblems of Wales.
Учитель: The time is over. Let’s check up this task. What is the title of the first part? What words did you help to understand these texts? What is the weather like in Wales? (Проверка задания)
Учитель: All of us know that we live on the Earth. The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the solar system.
Match two halves of the sentences. Choose from these to complete the sentences and you’ll learn more about our planet. (Раздаточный материал)
- … where life exists: sky, sea and land;
- … the Earth moves around the sun
- … during a period of millions of years
- Energy is important to all living things: …
- The Earth is the only …
- The surface of our planet …
- … need oxygen to live
- Like other planets …
- … in which organisms can live is called “the Biosphere”.
- The biosphere includes all the places …
- … microorganisms, complex plants or complex animals.
- All animals, including humans …
- The Earth’s surface has changed greatly …
- … living planet in the solar system.
Учитель: Next exercise.
Complete the following sentences with appropriate words from the box.
distance living things surface orbit the solar system Earth percent natural bodies |
1. The planets in __________ were formed about 4.5 billion years ago.
2. Millions of different __________ exist on the planet Earth.
3. The _________ of the Earth from the sun is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers.)
4. The total _________ area of the planet is about 197 million square miles (510 million square kilometers).
5. Land covers about 30 percent of the __________ .
6. Oceans cover about 70 ____________ .
7. Planets are large __________ that orbit around stars.
8. The Earth moves around the sun in a regular ___________ .
Учитель: Some grammar exercises. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals. Look at the screen. (Слайды 4-14)
1. Cars cause a lot of ______________ . POLLUTE
2. Twelve National Parks are freely accessible
to the public and were created to conserve the
___________ beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage NATURE
they contain.
3. Nowadays British ____________ are taking part in SCIENCE
one of the largest international projects that is
undertaken to protect endangered species
4. Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office.
One day Mr. Jones said, ___________ pleasantly to SMILE
Mr. Brown: “We are going to have a small party
next Monday evening. Will you and your wife come?”
5. Mr. Brown __________ into the other room and GO
6. When he came back Mr. Jones asked him,”________ SPEAK
(you) to your wife already?”
- “No, she ___________ there when I phoned. NOT BE
My small son answered the phone.
Учитель: Let’s play a game. Listen to the rules. I say the “I’m thinking of something …” to you. You must guess what I am thinking of.
I’m thinking of:
- something that is white and cold and it comes from clouds (snow)
- something that is yellow and is also a fruit (banana, lemon)
- something that you can sit or lay on (sofa, bench, floor, chair)
- something that is very bright and far away ( star, the sun)
- something that is a funny pet (cat, hamster)
- something that comes from clouds ( rain, snow)
- something that comes from cows that is white (milk, cream, cheese)
- something that girls wear (dress, blouse, skirt, sweater)
- the colour of the sky ( blue, grey)
- someone who cries a lot (baby)
- something that flies (bird, fly, ladybird, plane)
Учитель: Imagine that you have visited an English-speaking country, and you’ve got a new friend now. This is a part of a letter from Jane, your pen-friend.(Слайд 16)
…My home town is rather small but I like it. The people here are very friendly and they try and keep our town clean and beautiful. I know you live in Tula. Do you enjoy living in a small town? I’m thinking of travelling around Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect? Should I take warm clothes with me?
Write a letter to Jane. (Слайд 17)
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about the weather in her town
Write 100-140 words
Remember the rules of letter writing
Учащиеся пишут письмо на доске и считают количество написанных слов (на экране слайды с правилами написания письма поэтапно).
11 Gagarin Street
Leninsky village
Tula region
February 27th
Dear Jane,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you are going to visit Russia.
The weather is usually hot or warm in summer. So I don’t think you’ll need lots of warm clothes. However, you’d better take a jacket as nights can be quite cool.
In your letter you asked me about the life in a small town. As for me, I enjoy living in Tula. There are lots of parks, cosy cafes, some supermarkets. At the weekend I usually go to the theatre or visit a museum. Why do you love your town? What is the weather like in your town ? What do you like to do when it is raining?
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Write back soon!
Lots of love,
Учитель: Please write down your homework. Try to write a letter to your pen-friend about the weather in Russia.
I’m pleased with your work. Well done! We’ll finish for today. Goodbye everyone, see you all tomorrow!
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Прочитайте текст (1-4) про Уэльс и подберите к каждому разделу текста соответствующий заголовок (А-Е). Один заголовок лишний. Tourism History Climate National emblems Geography
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals Cars cause a lot of ____ . POLLUTE Twelve National Parks are freely accessible to the public and were created to conserve the_____ beauty, NATURE wildlife and cultural heritage they contain.
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals Cars cause a lot of POLLUTION .
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals Twelve National Parks are freely accessible to the public and were created to conserve the _ NATURAL beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage they contain.
3. Nowadays British ____ SCIENCE are taking part in one of the largest international projects that is undertaken to protect endangered species.
3. Nowadays British SCIENTISTS are taking part in one of the largest international projects that is undertaken to protect endangered species.
4. Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said,____ SMILE pleasantly to Mr. Brown: “ We are going to have a small party next Monday evening. Will you and your wife come?”
4. Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said, SMILING pleasantly to Mr. Brown: “ We are going to have a small party next Monday evening. Will you and your wife come?”
5. Mr. Brown ________ GO into the other room and telephoned. 6. When he came back Mr. Jones asked him,”______ SPEAK (you) to your wife already?” 7. “No, she _____ there when NOT BE I phoned. My small son answered the phone.
5. Mr. Brown WENT into the other room and telephoned.
6. When he came back Mr. Jones asked him,” HAVE YOU ALREADY SPOKEN TO YOUR WIFE?”
7. “No, she WAS NOT there when I phoned. My small son answered the phone.
This is a part of a letter from Jane, your pen-friend. … My home town is rather small but I like it. The people here are very friendly and they try and keep our town clean and beautiful. I know you live in Tula. Do you enjoy living in a small town? I’m thinking of travelling around Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect? Should I take warm clothes with me ?
Write a letter to Jane. In your letter answer her questions ask 3 questions about the weather in her town Write 100-140 words Remember the rules of letter writing
Адрес пишущего указывается в правом верхнем углу Номер дома, название улицы Город Страна Индекс Под адресом, пропустив строчку, необходимо написать дату письма : February 27 th, 2013 27 February 2013 27\02\13
В первом абзаце вам следует поблагодарить своего друга за его письмо: 1. Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter. 2. Your last letter was a real surprise. 3. I was glad to get your letter. 4. It was great to hear from you! \ It was great to hear that …\ I was happy to hear …
Основная часть письма(2-3 абзаца). В ней должны быть раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании. Не забудьте задать все необходимые вопросы.
В последнем параграфе следует объяснить, почему вы заканчиваете письмо: Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. 2. Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. 3. I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show .
… и упомянуть о дальнейших контактах: Write back soon! Take care and keep in touch! Drop me a letter when you can! Hope to hear from you soon! I can’t wait to hear from you!
В конце письма на отдельной строчке указывается завершающая фраза-клише. Love, Lots of love, All my love, All the best, Best wishes, With best wishes, Yours,
На следующей строке под завершающей фразой указывается имя автора (без фамилии!)
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