учебно-методический материал (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Modern world is full of information of various kinds which sometimes is even more valuable than money. Mass media (the press, radio, television and Internet) have a very big impact on modern society.
The press still remains one of the most powerful kinds of mass media, even more powerful than the Internet. One can find daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines on different topics.
Television plays a big role in our society too and a lot of people prefer watching television to reading a newspaper.
Radio is less popular than newspapers and television, but still people listen to it in cars or at work.
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media, but which has become the most popular and greatest source of information and entertainment. If you have the internet access, you may read newspapers online, watch films, listen to music, listen to the radio and even watch television online!
Surely, there are advantages and disadvantages of mass media. Some of the advantages are education and entertainment. Another disadvantage is that sometimes the information which is provided on the Internet is unreliable and may even be harmful to people.
In spite of all disadvantages, people still read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio and browse the Net.
Modern world is full of information of various kinds which sometimes is even more valuable than money. Mass media (the press, radio, television and Internet) have a very big impact on modern society.
The press still remains one of the most powerful kinds of mass media, even more powerful than the Internet. One can find daily, weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines on different topics.
Television plays a big role in our society too and a lot of people prefer watching television to reading a newspaper.
Radio is less popular than newspapers and television, but still people listen to it in cars or at work.
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media, but which has become the most popular and greatest source of information and entertainment. If you have the internet access, you may read newspapers online, watch films, listen to music, listen to the radio and even watch television online!
Surely, there are advantages and disadvantages of mass media. Some of the advantages are education and entertainment. Another disadvantage is that sometimes the information which is provided on the Internet is unreliable and may even be harmful to people.
In spite of all disadvantages, people still read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio and browse the Net.
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