Конспект урока 5 класс на тему "Место, где ты живешь"
учебно-методический материал (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока | Место, где ты живешь. A place where you live. |
Практическая цель | Введение новой лексики по теме «Мой дом» и ее активизация в серии языковых и речевых упражнений. |
Сопутствующие задачи | Совершенствование грамматических навыков использования конструкции There is/ There are Совершенствование произносительных навыков |
Образовательная цель | Развитие лингвистического мышления, Развитие навыков работы в команде, Развитие основ проектной деятельности |
Развивающая цель | Развитие языковой догадки, мышления, внимания. |
Воспитательная цель | Воспитание толерантности, уважения к людям Воспитание внимательного отношения к речи других людей. |
Лингвистический материал | There is/ There are Bedroom, living room, kitchen, Bed, sofa, wardrobe, armchair, chair, table, TV, cupboard, sink, fridge, picture, cooker, lamp, |
Конспект урока по английскому языку
5 класс
Ход урока
Орг. момент Фонетическая зарядка и речевая разминка Актуализа ция необходимых знаний Сообщение темы урока Объяснение нового материала Первичное закрепление материала Физкультми нутка Элементы монологичес кой речи Элементы аудирования Элементы чтения Итоги урока Домашнее задание Выставление оценок с комментиро ванием Конец урока | Good afternoon children. I’m glad to see you! My name is Людмила Алексеевна and today I’m your teacher. Now, tell me your names. What is the day today? Today is……. Wednesday What is the date today? Today is….. The 9th of February Thank you. Let's begin our lesson. Look at the board, please. Say after me. Look at me and say it. bad bed sink think set sad board hoard chair bear Very good. Let’s read a small poem. Listen. There is a mouse in the house. There is a cat in the flat. There is a fox in the box. There is a bee in the tree. Repeat, please. All together. There is a mouse in the house. There is a cat in the flat. There is a fox in the box. There is a bee in the tree. Try to remember some missing words. Let’s read. Who wants to read? Thank you. You are nice pupils. And now, let’s review our grammar. Let's do some exercises. 1. There _____ a book on the table. 2. There _____ pencils in the pencil case. 3. There ____ many pupils in the classroom. 4. There _____ a map on the wall. 5. There ______ a bag under the chair. 6. There ______ two exercise books on the table. 7. There _____ a board on the wall. 8. There _____ a map on the wall. 9. There _____ seven desks in the classroom. 10. There _____ a teacher at the board. 11. There _____ a pupil in front of the board. 12. There _____ bookshelves in the classroom. One by one in a chain. Very good! You are very good pupils. You know well all objects in your classroom. You live in the class during the lesson, but there is no place like home. Today we are speaking about the houses. And will know some words about a place where you live. Guess the words. A house. This is a house. All together A house. This is a house. What’s this? A flat. This is a flat. All together A flat. This is a flat. What’s this? A living-room. This is a living-room. All together A living-room. This is a living-room. What’s this? A bedroom. This is a bedroom. All together A bedroom. This is a bedroom. What’s this? A kitchen. This is a kitchen. All together A kitchen. This is a kitchen. What’s this? There is furniture. A sofa. This is a sofa. All together A sofa. This is a sofa. What’s this? A chair. This is a chair. All together A chair. This is a chair. What’s this? An armchair. This is an armchair. All together An armchair. This is an armchair. What’s this? A picture. This is a picture. All together A picture. This is a picture. What’s this? A TV . This is a TV. All together a TV. This is a TV. What’s this? A lamp. This is a lamp. All together. A lamp. This is a lamp. What’s this? A table. This is a table. All together a table. This is a table. What’s this? A wardrobe. This is a wardrobe. All together A wardrobe. This is a wardrobe. What’s this? A cupboard. This is a cupboard. All together A cupboard. This is a cupboard. What’s this? A sink. This is a sink. All together A sink. This is a sink. What’s this? A fridge. This is a fridge. All together a fridge. This is a fridge. What’s this? A cooker. This is a cooker. All together a cooker. This is a cooker. What’s this? Very good. Take your envelopes from the table, open it. Take the cards and put them down on your tables. And now, show me a bed a wardrobe a fridge an armchair a cooker a TV a chair a picture a table a sink a sofa a cupboard You are very good pupil and now, listen to me and try to guess what it is. It is something we sit on two or three people together. (a sofa) It is something we hang on the wall (a picture) It is something we sleep on (a bed) It is something we keep milk, ice-cream cold in it. (a fridge) It is something we wash up the dishes. (a sink) It is something we watch in the evening (a TV) It is something we sit on at the table (a chair) It is something we keep our cups and plates in it. (a cupboard) It is something we cook food on. (a cooker) It is something we sit in, but it is not a chair. (an armchair) It is something we put our clothes in it. (a wardrobe) Very nice. Let’s have a little break. Stand up please. Let’s move. (Head, shoulders, knees and toes.) Good. Sit down please. Let’s divide into three teams: red team, blue team and yellow team. Turn to your classmates and let’s furniture your rooms. Put the furniture how you like. Use the glue [glu:] I give you only 2 minutes. Start please. (Хожу между группами и спрашиваю What is there in your room?) The time is over. Turn to the board. Look! There is a flat in our classroom. There is a living-room, there is a bedroom and there is a kitchen. Let’s speak about our living-room. What are there in our living room? There is a ……. Go and put it at the board. Let’s speak about our bedroom. What are there in our bedroom? There is a ……. Go and put it at the board. Let’s speak about our kitchen. What are there in our kitchen? There is a ……. Go and put it at the board. Very good We continuer our team work, let’s do some more exercises. Take the paper from your table, turn the paper and let’s do the tasks. Read the first task please. Let’s speak one by one in a chain. …. Begin please. Good. ……… read the second task please. Take your pens and do it yourself. I give you 1 minute, then we’ll check. The time is over, let’s check.
…No, there isn’t……………………….
Good. ……… read the third task please. Work in pairs. Ask each other and answer. Then write 3 of your questions and answers. I give you 3 minutes. Very good. Give me your papers, please. And now, Let’s play! Who remembers what is there in the living-room? Who remembers what is there in the bedroom? Who remembers what is there in the kitchen? Let’s check. Look at the board. Very nice. And now, take these papers. Listen and choose the correct room. Put a tick. Turn your papers and check. Very good! And now, let’s do another interesting exercise. Read the text and write the missing words. I give you only three minutes, then we’ll check it. Look at the board, if you don’t know how to spell the words. The time is going. The time is over. Let’s check. …. Read, please. Thank you. And now, look at the board and check yourself. Very good! You are so clever pupils! Let’s summarize what we’ve learnt today. What is it? This is a house. What is it? This is a flat. What is it? This is a living-room. What is it? This is a bedroom. What is it? This is a kitchen. What is it? This is a sofa. What is it? This is a chair. What is it? This is an armchair. What is it? This is a picture. What is it? This is a TV. What is it? This is a table. What is it? This is a wardrobe. What is it? This is a cupboard. What is it? This is a sink. What is it? This is a fridge. What is it? This is a cooker. What is it? This is a lamp. And now, your homework. You will describe your room. Write what there is in your room. Use this paper for writing. Write your homework on your papers. Let’s count our cards (жетоны) Team one work hard today and get 5 Team two work not so hard and get only 4. Team three thank you for your work. Stand up. Stand still. Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over for today. Good bye. |
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