Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 7 классе “Grammarland”
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему
Повторение грамматики, выполнение грамматических упражнений, стихотворения, загадки, скороговорки.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 7 классе
Подготовила и провела
учитель МБОУ СОШ «Яктылык»
Шарафутдинова З.Х.
Самара, 2015
Цель: обобщить знания учащихся по пройденному материалу, практиковать учащихся в устной и письменной речи по теме: «In the airport» и «An American family».
Задача: способствовать развитию лексических, грамматических, фонетических и орфографических навыков, способствовать развитию у учащихся коллективных отношений, смелости и быстроты реакции.
Ход урока:
Этапы урока | Деятельность учителя (указать содержание заданий и методические приемы) | Деятельность обучающихся (виды деятельности, формы организации работы, предполагаемые ответы) |
| Dear boys and girls! Today we are going to have a competition. We have two teams. This is team 1. Stand up, please. The captain of the team is Julia. This is team 2. The captain of the team is Lilia. Let’s begin our first competition. Greeting. Now each team must stand up and greet another team. Team 1, please stand up and introduce your team. Team 2, introduce your team, please. . | Приветствие, настрой на работу Учащиеся представляют свою команду. Команда 1 - «Sun» Команда 2 – «Space Children»
Актуализация знаний. (пробудить интерес к словесному творчеству) | 1. Работа со скороговоркой Our next competition is called “Say a tonguetwister” Please, the captains go to the blackboard. Listen to me 2 or 3 times, then repeat the tonguetwister without any mistakes and very quick. |
Развитие умений. | That’s good. Next competition is called “Irregular Verbs” Now, the members of the teams must come to the blackboard one after another and write down three forms of irregular verbs. . Now, let’s check. Is everything all right? Good. The next task is “Tense Forms”. Please, complete the sentences using the verb in all tense forms. The members of the teams go to the blackboard and do the tasks. Now all the rest let’s do another task-“English proverbs” Let’s check how do you know English proverbs. I’m going to tell you English proverbs and you, please, give good Russian equivalents. Let’s see, which team will give the best equivalents. - Now we see that you know English proverbs well. The next task is “People and Professions” Please, add the suffixes –er, -or to the following words to make nouns which describe people and professions and translate The members of the teams must go to the blackboard and write down the words and translate. Now, the next task is “Look…” Please, make up sentences using the phrasal verb to look and translate The next task is “Riddles” Please, listen to the riddles and try to give correct answers and each for every correct answer . Task: “ Little Stars” There is a word on the blackboard. You must make as many words as you can in a minute using the letters of the word “ grandparets”. Those who have got stars may use them instead of letters. Read the words. Task: “American English – British English” Now, look at the blackboard and match the words in the box on the left (Am.Eng.) with British English variant. Task “ Guess the word” You see, there is a word on the blackboard but you don’t see the letters. Please, guess The word asking “Is there letter…?” Who knows the word? - Very good! This is the word - mathematics Now we have a task called “English rhymes” Please, tell the rhymes one team after another. | Team “Sun” Do –did –done, drink-drank-drunk, Think-thought-thought, build-built-built, Learn-learnt, swim-swam-swum, Sit-sat-sat, write-wrote-written Team “Space Cildren” Be-was\were-been, get-got-got, Lose-lost-lost, tell-told-told, Go-went-gone, teach-taught-taught, Eat-ate-eaten . Team “Sun” Teach-teacher, bake-baker, custom-customer, own-owner, drive-driver, write-writer, navigate-navigator Team “Space Children” Edit-editor, office-officer, hunt-hunter, visit-visitor, act-actor, organize-organizer, excavate-excavator Team “Sun” To look after, to look at Team “Space Children” To look for, to look out 1. Where does June come before May? (In the dictionary) 2. What is the best peace to put the cake in? (In the mouth) 3. When I eat, I live, but when I drink, I die. What am I? (Fire) 4. It has got a face, it has got two hands. It goes and yet it stands. (a clock) 5. What goes up when the rain comes down? (an umbrella) Team 1. Am.E - Br. E. Apartment – public toilet Pants - the cinema Restroom – lift The movies - trousers Elevator - flat Team 2 Am.E. - Br. E. Grade - Autumn Mailman - football Fall - lorry Soccer - postman Truck- form |
Итог урока. | Thank you very much. Our competition has come to an end. Your scores are: The team winner is: … You are very clever boys and girls. | |
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