учебно-методический материал на тему

Водлинщук Лариса Алексеевна

Сценарий праздника в 4 классе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Maslenitsa(сценарий праздника).

  1. Вступлание.

Good  afternoon, dear guests, children and teachers. Im glad to see you in this classroom. Today we are going to speak about Maslenitsa, its history and traditions whish exist to celebrate this holiday.

 Добрый день уважаемые гости, коллеги и дети. Сегодня мы поговорим о Масленице и о том как этот праздник отмечают в России.

- This is a spring holiday, because it means spring coming. Meet the girl-spring.

      2. Девочка- весна ( в руках солнышко, входит под музыку).

Spring is here, spring is here,

Winter has gone and the flowers appear.

Little birds begin to sing

Bicycle bells begin to ring,

Children come out and jump the rope,

Spring is here now, I hope.

-Spring means the blue sky, the songs of birds, merry streams and of course, Maslenitsa. It is one of the most favourite holidays. It means “butter” and that people can eat many kinds of food including butter, fresh cream, sour cream.

On the whole the pancake week is divided into 3 parts: meeting of Maslenitsa, broad Maslenitsa or the peak of festive time and the last day which comes on Sunday when we say “good bye” to winter.

-But lets listen to our pupils .

Сейчас ребята расскажут вам о масленичной неделе и о том что обозначает каждый день недели( выходят дети с названиями дней недели).

  1. I am Monday. People call me welcoming. They meet Maslenitsa.

I am Tuesday, people call me “zaigrysh” (game day). They ride in a sleigh, meet skomorokhs.

I am Wednesday. People call me a flasting day. They bake blini and sbiten (a drink from water, honey and spices.

I am Thursday. People call me a revelry day. It the day of broad Maslenitsa.

I am Friday. People call me a mother in laws day. On this day sons in law invite mothers in law and arranged evenings with blini.

I am Saturday. People call me sisters in law day, the entertainment , all relatives meet.

I am Sanday. People call me “The Forgiveness day”. Everybody says “Forgive me” and the other person answers “God will forgive you”. People burn a big man of straw as the final act of saying good bye to winter.

4.  Девочка –весна: During 7 days people don’t eat meet but enjoy blini, they wear  funny masks and costumes, listen to skomorokhs, sing, play different games.

5.  Skomorokhs ( выходят скоморохи и предлагают  поиграть в игры “Кулачные бои”,“медведи”  ,“веселые старты” ).

6.   Девочка –весна: The symbol of maslenitsa is  a pancake. It is hot and round as the sun. Lets sing about pancakes(  раздаю детям ложки, трещетки, бубны – шумовой оркестр.

  1. We haven’t eaten the pancakes,

We want them the whole plates.

Ref: Oh, pancakes,  pancakes, pancakes,

Our tasty pancakes.

  1. My sister can bake them tasty with honey caviar of jam.

Ref: Oh, pancakes,  pancakes, pancakes,

Our tasty pancakes.

  1. Guests eat beautiful pancakes,

          And be healthy all the day.

Девочка – весна!

Spring makes the world the happy place,

You see a smile on every face,

Flowers come out and birds arrive,

Oh, isn’t it good to be alive?

7. Девочка весна убегает.

Заключение - Учитель : Now You know about the traditions of Maslenitsa.

Давайте попросим прощения друг у друга на русском и английском языках.

I invite you to table, lets eat pancakes.

На доске показываем презентацию Maslenitsa.

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