Holidays. Maslenitsa.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Технологическая карта урока по теме"Праздники" к учебнику английского языка " FORWARD" 5 класс. Учащиеся знакомятся с лексическими единицами по теме , с основными традициями праздновании Масленицы в России и подобным праздником в Англии.  В течение урока ребята поэтапно проводят разные виды упражнений , сравнивают , выделяют главное , делают заключения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Tippely , tippely tin Give me pancakes and I will come in! Tippely , tippely toe Give me pancakes and I will go!

Слайд 3

Try to answer the questions! 1.Is Maslenitsa a holiday or a festival? 2.What is the Russian for “holiday”? 3.What is the Russian for “festival”? 4. Do we celebrate Maslenitsa in spring or in winter? 5.How many days do the celebrations last? 6.Would you like to invite the foreign guests to our Maslenitsa?

Слайд 4

To eat blini t o have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, t o build snow fortress and storm fort , t o make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, t o eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, t o play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 5

To perform folk dances and sing songs to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 6

To have a ride on the merry-go-round to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 7

To ride troika to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 8

To build snow fortress and storm snow fort to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 9

To slide down the hill, toboggan to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 10

To climb o n the pole to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 11

To visit friends and parents to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 12

To make snowman to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 13

To play folk games to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 14

To burn lady Maslenitsa to have a ride on the merry-go-round, to make snowman, to visit friends and parents, to build snow fortress and storm fort , to make snowman, to slide down the hill and toboggan, to eat blini, to climb on pole, to perform folk dance and sing songs, to play folk games, to burn Lady Maslenitsa .

Слайд 15

Let’s rest a little and make blini! Make blini pat, pat, pat ( pat hands together) Do not make it fat, fat, fat (stretch hands apart) You must make it flat, flat, flat (pat hands together) Make blini just like that. (clap hands together).

Слайд 16

Our invitation Ladies and gentlemen! Every day eat delicious blini! Say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with a Russian-style celebration-Maslenitsa! Burning Maslenitsa! Enjoy every day of Maslenitsa! Welcome to Russian Maslenitsa Celebrations! Fun competitions! Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Russian Maslenitsa Celebrations! Say goodbye to winter and welcome spring with a Russian-style celebration-Maslenitsa! Enjoy every day of Maslenitsa! Every day eat delicious blini! Fun competitions ! Burning Maslenitsa !

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

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