George Gordon Byron
методическая разработка (10 класс) на тему
Вам предлагается методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в старших классах, посвященная жизни и творчеству знаменитого поэта. В ходе мероприятия участвуют школьники, исполняющие стихи великого поэта как по -английски, так и в известных переводах.Это позволяет привлечь к участию в данном мероприятии учащихся с различным уровнем владения английским языком.
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George Gordon Byron
Методическая разработка мероприятия по английскому языку для старших классов.
Welcome to the English salon of the 18th century!
1: This poet was loved by many women. An attractive appearance, excellent education and fantastic talent made him the brightest representative of the English poetry.
2: As for me, I`m fond of this person. I still remember some of his poems….
And both were young, and one was beautiful:
And both were young, yet not alike in youth,
As the sweet moon on the horizon1s verge.
The maid was on the eve of womanhood:
The boy had fewer summers , but his heart
Had outgrown his years, and to his eye
There was but one beloved face on earth,
And that was shining on him .
3.Listen to one more poem. It`s my favourite one.
To a Lady
Oh! Had my fate been joined with thine,
As once this pledge appear `d a token,
These follies had not then been mine,
For then my peace had not be broken.
To thee these early faults I owe ,
To thee , the wise and old reproving :
They know my sins, but do not know
`Twas thine to break the bonds of loving.
Перевод Донского
О, если бы судьба моя
Сплелась с твоею , как мечталось,
Я пил бы радость бытия,
А не похмельную усталость.
Я порицаем, я судим
За безрассудств твоих безмерность,
Никто не ведает, что им
Причиною твоя неверность.
His poems are very romantic.:
4. A very good poem. Do you know the author?
3. It`s George Gordon Byron.
5. One of the most important figures of the Romantic Movement, the poet Byron was a figure of paradox. He was the aristocrat, who died in the cause of freedom, the fashionable man about town who loved the simplicity of the country life, the joyful campanian over whom brooded an air of Byronic melancholy. The enigma of his personality fascinated all Europe and epitomized the romantic spirit of his times .
6.Lines written in an album at Malta
As o`er the cold sepulchral stone
Some name arrests the passer-by,
Thus when thou view`st this page alone
May mine attract thy pensive eye!
And when by thee that name is read.
Perchance in some succeeding year,
Reflect on me as on the dead ,
And think my heart is buried here.
Перевод Лермонтова
Как одинокая гробница
Вниманье путника зовет,
Так эта бледная страница
Пусть милый взор твой привлечет.
И если после многих лет
Прочтешь ты, как мечтал поэт.
И вспомнишь, как тебя любил он.
То думай, что его уж нет.
Что сердце здесь похоронил он.
“The Comical Fellow”, танец исполняется парами.
7. He was born in 1788 in an old aristocratic family. His mother came from a rich Scottish famil .His father was a poor officer, who spent his wife`s money very soon and died when the boy was 3 years old.
He was 10 when he inherited the title of Lord Byron. They got a small pension from the government and the new lord was sent to the privileged school of Harrow and Cambridge.
8. Byron liked History and read much about Rome , Greece and Turkey.
The boy was born lame but liked sports and trained every day. He could ride a horse , was a champion swimmer, a boxer and took part in athletic activities.
9. On a distant View of the Village and School of Harrow on the Hill
Ye scenes of my childhood whose loved recollection
Embitters the present , compared with the past.
Where science first dawned on the powers of reflection
And friendship were formed and romantic to last.
Where fancy yet joys to retrace resemblance
Of comrades in friendship and mischief allied
How welcome to me your ne`er fading remembrance,
Which rests in the bosom , though hope is denied!
Again ! revisit the hills where we sported ,
The streams where we swam, and the fields where we fought:
The schools where ,loud warn`d by the bell , we restorted ,
To pore o`er the precepts by pedagogues taught.
Again I behold where for hours I have poinder`d,
As reclining , at eve, on yon tombstoneI lay;
Or round the steep brow of the churchyard I wander1d,
To catch the last gleam of the sun`s setting ray.
But if, though the course of the years which await me,
Some new scene of pleasure should open to view,
I will say ,while with rapture the thought shall elate me
“Oh! such were the days which my infancy knew.
О детства картины! с любовью и мукой
Вас вижу, и с нынешним горько сравнить
Былое! Здесь ум озарился наукой,
Здесь дружба зажглась, чтоб недолгою быть.
Здесь образы ваши мне вызвать приятно,
Товарищи – други веселья и бед;
Здесь память о вас восстает благодатно
И в сердце живет, хоть надежды уж нет.
Вот горы, где спортом мы тешились славно,
Река, где мы плавали, луг, где дрались;
Вот школа, куда колокольчик исправно
Сзывал нас, чтоб вновь мы за книжки взялись .
Вот место, где я по часам размышляя.
На камне могильном сидел вечерком;
Вот горка, где я, вкруг погоста гуляя,
Следил за прощальным заката лучом.
Но если б средь лет, уносящих стремленьем,
Рок новую радость узнать мне сулил,-
Ее испытав, я скажу с умиленьем:
«Так было в те дни , как ребенком я был. »
Перевод Холодовского.
10.A schoolboy of 16 , he fell in love with a girl , Mary Ann Chaworth, whose father had been killed in a duel by the poet`s grand-uncle. But the girl didn`t like Byron and later married another man .Byron could not so easily forget her, and his love for her gave a sad colouring to all his life.
9. I saw the weep-the big bright tear
Came o`er that eye of blue
And then methought it did appear
A violet dropping dew.
I saw the smile –the sapphire `s blaze
Besides thee ceased to shine.
It could not match the living rays
That fill`d that glance of thine.
As clouds from yonder sun receive
A deep and mellow dye,
Which scarce the shade of coming eve
Can banish from the sky,
Those smiles unto the moodiest mind
Their own pure joy impart;
Their sunshine leaves a glow behind
That lightens o`er the heart.
11. Farewell! If ever founded prayer
For other `s weall avail `d on high
Mine will not all be lost in air.
But waft thy name beyond the sky.
`Twere vain to speak weep, to sign:
Oh! more than tears of blood can tell.
When wrung from guilt `s expiring eye
Are in that word –Farewell!-Farewell!
These lips are mute, There eyes are dry.
But in my breast and in my brain.
Awake the pangs that pass not by.
The thought that ne`er shall sleep again
My soul nor deigns nor dares complain
Though grief and passion there rebel.
I only know we loved in vain-
I only fell- farewell! Farewell!
Перевод Лермонтова
Прости! Коль могут к небесам
Взлетать молитвы о других.
Моя молитва будет там,
И даже улетит от них!
Что пользы плакать и вздыхать?
Слеза кровавая порой
Не может более сказать,
Чем звук прощанья роковой!..
Нет слез в очах, уста молчат.
От тайных дум томится грудь.
И эти думы вечный яд.-
Им не пройти, им не уснуть
Не мне о счастье бредить вновь.-
Лишь знаю я (и мог сгнести).
Что тщетно в нас жила любовь.
Лишь чувствую – прости! прости
Ask more than patience.
What desperations
From such have risen!
But yet remaining.
What isn`t but chaining
Hearts which once waning.
Beat `gainst their prison?
Time can but cloy love
And use destroy love
The winged boy, Love
is but for boys –
You`ll find it torture
Though sharper, shorter
To wean and not wear our your joys.
Перевод А. Парина
Честней расстаться
Без ламентаций.
Чем улыбаться
И делать вид.
Что все - как было.
Союз постылый
Сердец бескрылых
Не обновит.
Любовь пуглива
И прихотлива.
Она игрива,
Как детвора.
В ней ужас пытки
И боль в избытке.
Но вечно манит ее игра.
12.Have you heard the latest news about Lord Byron ?
10. It seems to me, I met him in Italy some years ago.
11.. It`s rather possible. As far as he `s, fond of travelling, especially in southern countries, admiring nature , art and women .
12. It`s a pity. Our society grew tired of his speeches about freedom and independence.
13.My soul is dark-Oh! quickly string
The harp I yet can brook to hear$
And let thy gentle fingers fling
Its melting murmurs o`er mine ear.
If in this heart a hope be dear,
That sound shall charm it forth again .
If in these eyes there lurk a tear,
“Twill flow, and cease to burn my brain.
Перевод Лермонтова
Душа моя мрачна. Скорей певец, скорей!
Вот арфа золотая:
Пускай персты твои , промчавшийся по ней.
Пробудят в струнах звуки рая.
И если не навек надежды рок унес. –
Они в груди моей проснутся.
И если есть в очах застывших капля слез-
Они растают и прольются.
9.Thy days are done ,thy fame begun.
The country strais record.
The triumphs of her chosen Son,
The slaughters of his sward!
The deeds he deed, the fields he won,
The freedom he restored.
Thought thou art fall`n, while we are free
Thou shalt not taste of death!
The generous blood that flow `d from thee
Desdain`d to sink beneath.
Within our veins its currents be
Thy spirit on our breath!
Перевод Плещеева
Ты кончил жизни путь, герой!
Теперь твоя начнется слава.
И в песнях родины святой
Жить будет образ величавый,
Жить будет мужество твое
Освободившее ее.
Пока свободен твой народ.
Он позабыть тебя не в силах.
Ты пал! Но кровь твоя течет
Не по земле, а в наших жилах;
Отвагу мощную вдохнуть
Твой подвиг должен в нашу грудь .
That` s why he decided to fight for freedom in Greece , which is known under Turkey rule.
11.. Sorry to interrupt you .Just imagine !He`s contracted a dangerous fever.
13.How old is he ?
11.About 36 , I think.
13.He always wanted to prove that he could do something important.
But he died. His friends brought his body to England. They wanted to bury him in Westminster Abby ,where many of England`s great writers were buried. But the English government did not let them do it and Byron was buried in Newstead, his native place.
Малюгин:Byron`s death was mourned by the progressive people all over Europe. A. Pushkin, the great Russian poet , devoted a part of his poem « К морю» to Byron as a poet of freedom.
9. Другой от нас умчался гений,
Другой властитель наших дум.
Исчез, оплаканный свободой.
Оставя миру свой венец.
Шуми, волнуйся непогодой.
Он был, о море, твой певец.
Твой образ был на нем означен.
Он духом создан был твоим:
Как ты, могуч, глубок и мрачен.
Как ты, ничем неукротим.
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