Учебная программа "Воспитание на английском языке"
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Муниципальное автономное дошкольное образовательное учреждение
«Центр развития ребенка – д/с №383»
Приволжского района г. Казань
по английскому языку
для детей средней группы,
посещающих кружок
«Воспитание на английском языке»
воспитатель Бызова О.В.
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Муниципальное автономное дошкольное образовательное учреждение
«Центр развития ребенка – д/с №383»
Приволжского района г. Казань
по английскому языку
для детей средней группы,
посещающих кружок
«Воспитание на английском языке»
воспитатель Бызова О.В.
Topic | Structure | Vocabulary | Rhymes | Songs | Stories | Aims | |
September | |||||||
1 | Welcome to Happy House | Hello, I’m… What’s your name? Goodbye. Good morning. Who’s this? It’s… Here’s a … What’s the matter? | a house a floor a roof a window a door a hall a living room a bedroom a bathroom a kitchen | September is a time… The leaves are falling… The sunflower children… | What is your name? The happy house song. The leaves of the trees… | Goodbye, Otto! Daisy’s breakfast. | Present the characters. Present simple greetings. Recognize and follow simple instructions. Sing and do the actions to simple songs in English. Present, recognize and use the colour blue. Play guessing games. Work an oral comprehension. Encourage confidence. |
October | |||||||
2 | Pens and pencils | What’s in my bag? There’s a … What’s this? It’s a … Yes./No. How many …? (One) and one more is (two). I don’t know. | a bag a book a pen a pencil a pencil-case a ruler numbers 1 - 10 | October leaves are lovely… October’s the month… | What’s in my bag? Ten little fingers. | It’s Otto! Polly’s magic trick. I’m in the shop. | Present the concept of much/many and less/few. Present simple school vocabulary. Present new instructions and revise the old ones. Work on comprehension and a little language production. Introduce and discuss the topic of school. |
November | |||||||
3 | Come and play | Let’s play with… What colour is …? What geometrical form is …? What’s your favourite toy/game? Beat the drum! Play the guitar! Fly the plane! Drive the car! Be quiet! Stop it! | a car a doll a drum a guitar a plane a train blue, green, orange, pink, red, yellow square, circle, triangle | No shade, no shine… No sunshine, lots of rain… | Noisy toys. The colour song. | Four cakes. Daisy’s drum. | Present toy vocabulary. Introduce the concept of play. Revise songs and vocabulary. Repeat numbers from one till five. Play simple identifying and guessing games in English. |
December | |||||||
4 | Happy New Year/Christmas | Congratulation! I wish you… My dream is… Come on! Let’s dance! Can you see? | a bell a Christmas stocking a Christmas tree a fairy a star | Snowflakes are nice… Snow is falling… A year to be glad in… What a happy day today!.. | We wish you a merry Christmas! Jingle bell! | The preparing for the happy new year holiday. | Present words and concepts related to Christmas. Revise songs and vocabulary. Sing a Christmas song in English. Play simple games in English. Make a simple Christmas card in English. |
January | |||||||
5 | Me and my family | Look at this photo. This is my family. This is my… We like to do smth together. | a picture a photo mum dad sister brother large small | To all my family and friends, A family is like a circle | The hello song. Who’s this? The family song. | Tell the story of your family. | Present the characters. Present simple greetings. Recognize and follow simple instructions. Sing and do the actions to simple songs in English. Present, recognize and use the colour blue. Play guessing games. Work an oral comprehension. Encourage confidence. |
February | |||||||
6 | Dressing up | Where’s my T-shirt? Here you are. Thank you. My favourite (T-shirt) is (green). Put on (jumper). Take off your (jumper). | a hat a jumper a shoe a skirt a sock a T-shirt | “Do I look mad?” My T-shirt is blue and my hat is pink Tell me, what do you think? My trousers are yellow, my socks are green Tell me, what do you think? My jacket is purple, my shoes are white Tell me, what do you think? My gloves are brown, my scarf is black Do you think I just look mad? | My favourite T-shirt And don’t forget your hat! | Two red socks. Daisy’s favourite song. | Present clothes vocabulary. Contrast big and little in relation to clothes. Recognize combinations of colour and size. Revise songs and vocabulary. Sing new songs in English. Play simple games in English. |
March | |||||||
7 | Happy birthday!!! | Is it a (balloon)? I’ve got… How old are you? Jump! Dance! Shake! Clap! Stamp your feet! Freeze! | a badge a balloon a cake a candle a card a present a dinosaur grapes ice cream a party bag sandwiches stickers sweets | “A birthday” Today is …’s birthday. Today is …’s birthday. Let’s make her/him a cake. Mix and stir, stir and mix, Then into the oven to bake. Here’s our cake so nice and round. We’ll frost it pink and white. We put … candles on it, To make a birthday light. | It’s my birthday. Happy birthday! The party freeze. | A present for Spike. The birthday card. Party time! | Present words and concepts related to the birthday party. Revise songs and vocabulary. Sing a birthday song in English. Play simple games in English. Make a simple birthday card in English. |
April | |||||||
8 | Bathtime! + Festival: Happy Easter! | Can you see (me)? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. I wash my (face). I brush my (hair). It’s cold/warm/hot. | a duck a hairbrush shampoo soap a toothbrush a towel a basket a chicken chocolate Easter Day an Easter egg flowers | “Bath time” Oh what fun! I don’t want it to be done! I use my soap and say this rhyme. I get so clean, I sing along Bath time, bath time Oh what fun! | The bathtime song. I wash my hands. I can do anything. The Easter egg song. | Ruby to rescue. Daisy has a wash. | Present bath vocabulary. Contrast wet and dry, clean and dirty in relation to clothes, body, rooms, etc. Recognize combinations of colour and size. Revise songs and vocabulary. Sing new songs in English. Play simple games in English. Introduce children with the Easter’s celebration in England, their customs and traditions. Compare them with ours. |
May | |||||||
9 | Animal friends | There’s a (dog) in the house. Do you like (dogs)? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Where’s (Otto)? on, in Where do (tigers) live? On land. In water. | a bird a cat a dog a mouse a snake a tiger a crocodile a rabbit a shark a goldfish a hamster jump run sit | The Zoo At the zoo we saw a bear We saw a lion in a cage. We saw the big, long-necked giraffe, But my favorite animal at the zoo | Animal friends. Five little ducks. | Otto and the dog. Daisy’s rabbit. | Present the concept of big/small and quick/slow. Present simple animal vocabulary. Present new instructions and revise the old ones. Work on comprehension and a little language production. Introduce and discuss the topic of pets. |
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