Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции на тему «Easter in Great Britain»
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Сценарий литературно-музыкальной композиции
на тему «Easter in Great Britain»
на фоне пасхальной мелодии показываются слайды с символами пасхи.
Праздник начинается стихотворением “Easter Day” by Evelyn Stein:
Easter is the time of joy
For all people, girls and boys
Joyfully today we sing:
Jesus is arisen King.
Ученица Easter is a holiday of spring, life and flowers. In Britain people usually celebrate it between late March and late April. Easter starts on the Friday before Easter Sunday.
Ученица: а капелла исполняет песню “Halleluiah”
Ученик 1 Easter is the story of Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem before his death. Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate a holiday. As he came into Jerusalem, people saw Jesus coming and covered the path with palm leaves. They shouted: 'Jesus is the King.'
Ученик 2But the Jewish leaders wanted to kill him because they didn’t` like that he said he was the Son of God. The next morning the enemies of Jesus came to arrest him. So, they decided to crucify Jesus. The soldiers made Jesus take his own cross. They made fun of Jesus. They nailed Jesus to a cross. When Jesus died they placed his body in a tomb. It was like a cave, made of stone.
Ученик 3 Two days later, a friend of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, was walking past the cave and saw there was nobody there. Then she saw a man not far from the tomb. Suddenly he turned and spoke to her and she recognised that it was Jesus. He had risen from the dead. People were so happy when they saw him!
(Звучит мелодия песенки и выходят участники сценки)
Исполняется сценка.
Granny: Ann, Jane come here. You were going to help me with hot cross buns.
Jane: Yeah, with great pleasure.
Ann: Well, what do we need for buns?
Granny (перебирая пакеты): flower, baking powder, milk, water, salt, nuts, raisins, eggs and butter.
Ann: Granny, why do people call them hot cross buns?
Granny: Well, listen. Once, long ago in England there lived a monk. In this town there were a lot of poor families. Very often they had nothing to eat.
Jane: Even on Easter?
Granny: Yes, so he baked many buns with raisins inside and decorated them with crosses.
Ann: And why did he decorate them with crosses?
Granny: The cross has a special meaning to Christian. It represents Christ victory over death.
Jane: Who helped him?
Granny: A poor boy. He went from house to house singing a song. Do you guess what song he sang?
Jane: Oh, yes. Hot cross buns!
(Все вместе поют песенку )
Песня. Hot Cross Buns.
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns.
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Give them to your daughters
Give them to your sons.
One a penny, two a penny, hot cross bus.
Speaker 1Another symbol of Easter is an Easter Tree. There are 12 eggs on the Easter Tree.
People walk around the Easter Tree and hope that each month of the year will be happy for them. (Выходят 4 детей, представляющих сезоны, у каждого какой-то атрибут. Они читают стихи и каждый вешает на пасхальное дерево расписанное яйцо.)
In January falls the snow
In February cold winds blow
In March peep out the early flowers
And April comes with sunny flowers
In may the roses blooms so gay
In June the farmer movers his way
In July brightly shines the sun
In August harvest is begun
September turns the green leaves brown
October winds then shake them down
November days are bleak and drear
December comes and ends the year.
Ученик 3 People are happy to have this holiday. In England they celebrate Easter having springtime dances to frighten away the evil spirits of winter.
Исполняется “Morris Dancing”
Появляется Кролик под музыку
Here comes the Easter Bunny
Hop, hop, bunny
Here comes the Easter Bunny, say hello!
Happy Easter (hop.hop)
Happy Easter (clap, clap)
Happy Easter (hop,hop,hop)
Here comes the Easter Bunny
Hop, hop, bunny
Here comes the Easter Bunny, say hello!
Happy Easter (hop.hop)
Happy Easter (clap, clap)
Happy Easter (hop,hop,hop)
(в руках у него корзина с яйцами)
Все дети поют и повторяют движения
Кролик раздает яйца и все выйдя вперед поют «Happy Easter”
Окончание. Все учащиеся выходят на авансцену.
Все Happy Easter!
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