Учебно-методические материалы для 6 класса
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Презентации и разработки к УМК О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Complete the Dialogue - Hello. - …… . How are you? - ………… . And ……..? - I’m fine. Where ……….? - I went to the country in July. ………..? - I played with my friends and visited my granny in Tula. - ………….? - Yes. It was pleasant.
Complete the Dialogue - Excuse me. ……? - Yes, sure. Sit down, please. - Thank you. My name is -----. - I’m ------. Where…….? - I’m from Russia. ……… and you? - I live in Dzerzhinsk . ……? - Yes, I have. We spend a lot of time together.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Why did the girl’s garden look beautiful all the year round?
Why did the girl give her ring to the little man?
Who helped the Queen?
Was the woman really blind?
What do the English put in to their tea?
How many players are there in a basketball team now?
Did Zebra throw the stick higher than other animals?
How long did it take the men to go from California to London?
What is Shakespeare?
Supplementary Material
- Why did Mrs.Large go to the kitchen?
- How many roses did the florist send to the girl?
- What does a shoeblack do?
- Was Ivan Susanin a traitor?
- What are well-known stereotypes about the English?
- Where do Robinredbreasts do their nests?
- What cities did Christina visit during her journey?
- What don’t they sell at the Ladies’Dress Department?
- What music did he listen to at Pete’s home?
- What’s the Derby?
- Who decides where each Olympics will take place?
- What is Pharos at Dover?
- What is Sherlock Holmes’s address
- What did the fisherman’s wife want to be at last?
Предварительный просмотр:
Christmas Carol
1 variant True, False, Don’t know
- Scrooge was very selfish at the beginning.
- Cratchit earned little money.
- Scrooge’s nephew wasn’t very polite.
- People liked Scrooge.
- Scrooge was the first who left the office.
- Scrooge knew the ghost.
- Scrooge’s partner was happy when he was alive.
- Scrooge’s sister loved him.
- The Cratchits forgot about Scrooge when they celebrated Christmas.
- Scrooge couldn’t change his life completely.
1 variant True, False, Don’t know
- Scrooge was very selfish at the beginning.
- Cratchit earned little money.
- Scrooge’s nephew wasn’t very polite.
- People liked Scrooge.
- Scrooge was the first who left the office.
- Scrooge knew the ghost.
- Scrooge’s partner was happy when he was alive.
- Scrooge’s sister loved him.
- The Cratchits forgot about Scrooge when they celebrated Christmas.
- Scrooge couldn’t change his life completely.
1 variant True, False, Don’t know
- Scrooge was very selfish at the beginning.
- Cratchit earned little money.
- Scrooge’s nephew wasn’t very polite.
- People liked Scrooge.
- Scrooge was the first who left the office.
- Scrooge knew the ghost.
- Scrooge’s partner was happy when he was alive.
- Scrooge’s sister loved him.
- The Cratchits forgot about Scrooge when they celebrated Christmas.
- Scrooge couldn’t change his life completely.
2 variant True, False, Don’t know
- Scrooge did not care much about other people at the beginning.
- Cratchit could hardly write because he didn’t like his job.
- Scrooge agreed to give money for charity.
- People disliked Scrooge.
- Cratchit was the first who left the office.
- The ghost was unknown for Scrooge.
- Scrooge’s partner wasn’t generous in his life.
- Scrooge’s sister was sick.
- The Cratchits wished Scrooge all the best.
- Scrooge kept his promise.
2 variant True, False, Don’t know
- Scrooge did not care much about other people at the beginning.
- Cratchit could hardly write because he didn’t like his job.
- Scrooge agreed to give money for charity.
- People disliked Scrooge.
- Cratchit was the first who left the office.
- The ghost was unknown for Scrooge.
- Scrooge’s partner wasn’t generous in his life.
- Scrooge’s sister was sick.
- The Cratchits wished Scrooge all the best.
- Scrooge kept his promise.
2variant True, False, Don’t know
- Scrooge did not care much about other people
- Cratchit could hardly write because he didn’t like his job.
- Scrooge agreed to give money for charity.
- People disliked Scrooge.
- Cratchit was the first who left the office.
- The ghost was unknown for Scrooge.
- Scrooge’s partner wasn’t generous in his life.
- Scrooge’s sister was sick.
- The Cratchits wished Scrooge all the best.
- Scrooge kept his promise.
Предварительный просмотр:
The UK (1 variant)
- Match
- England a) Cardiff
- Wales b) London
- Scotland c) Belfast
- Northern Ireland d) Edinburgh
- Britain’s population is more than…… million people.
- 66 2)56 3)46 4)65
- Who built the White Tower?
1)William the Conqueror 2)William the Conquer
3)William the Congueror 3)William the Conguer
- What did The Tower of London use to be?
1) a prison, a castle
2)a fortress, a prison
3)a castle, a palace
- How many crosses does the Union Jack have?
1)two 2)three 3)four
- Who makes laws in the UK?
1)the Queen 2) the Prime Minister
3)The House of Lords 4) the House of Commons
- Where can we find the Poets’ Corner?
1)in St.Paul’s Cathedral 2) in Westminster Abbey
3)in Hide Park 4) in Trafalgar Square
- The geographical center of London is
- Piccadilly Circus 2)Trafalgar Square
3)Parliament Square 4)Charing Cross
- Westminster is a …center of London.
1) political 2)cultural 3)industrial 4)business
- True\False
- The members of the House of Lords are elected every 2 years.
- The members of the House of Lords are not elected.
- The members of the House of Lords are permanent.
The UK (2 variant)
- William the Conqueror came to England in…
1)1166 2)1066 3)1666 4)1266
- The original name of the British capital was…
1)Londoner 2)Londinum 3)Londinium 4)Landinum
- There are many farmlands in Britain, especially in the…1)north 2)south 3)east 4)west
- Who does the power in the country belong to?
1)the Queen 2) the Prime Minister
3)The House of Lords and the House of Commons
4)The Parliament and the Government
- How long did the Great Fire last?
1)for 5 days 2)for 4 days 3)for 6 days 4)for a week
VI. Now The Tower of London is…
- A palace 2) a castle 3) a tourists’ attraction 4)a prison
- The cross of St.Andrew a) England
- The cross of St.George b) Ireland
- The cross of St.Patrick c)Scotland
VIII.True \False
1)The Queen of Great Britain is also the Queen of Canada.
2)Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth.
3)The Commonwealth included Ireland, New Zealand and others
IX. People can hear the sound of Big Ben every …1)quarter of an hour 2)2 hours 3)3 times a day 4) hour
Whitehall is….
1) A palace 2) a street 3) a hall 4)a prison
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