РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА на тему "Урок-путешествие" (билингвальный урок)
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему
Целью урока является развивать умения говорить и читать в рамках темы на двух языках (английском, немецком)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Окружной конкурс
«Современные образовательные технологии в работе учителя иностранного языка»
(билингвальный урок в 8 классе)
Номинация «Лучшая методическая разработка»
Бубнова Людмила Ивановна,
учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №1»,
конт. телефон 89115868365;
Коткина Антонида Александровна,
учитель немецкого языка МБОУ «СОШ №1,
конт. телефон 4-60-35
Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1
города Нарьян-Мара»
Тема: « Подготовка к путешествию»
Цель: Развивать умение читать и говорить в рамках темы на двух языках.
1. Образовательные:
- Активизировать лексику по теме
2. Развивающие
- Развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь
- Совершенствовать навыки аутентичного чтения
- Развивать смысловую догадку
3. Воспитательные:
- Прививать интерес к языкам, культуре народов.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Приветствие на английском и немецком языках. Предъявление темы.
Рапорт дежурных:
Today is the 7th of February. Today is Monday. Everybody is present. Everybody is ready for the lesson.
Heute ist der 8. Februar. Niemand fehlt. Die Klasse ist zur Stunde bereit.
Учитель-Look at the board, please. Read and try to give the Russian equivalent to the English saying Seeing is being.
What does it mean? How can you explain it?
(I think…. I suppose…. I believe….)
(слайд №1) см. приложение
Учитель- Danke. Hier ist ein deutsches Sprichwort: «Reisen kostet Geld doch erкennt man die Welt. » Ubersetzt bitte ins Russisch! Seid ihr damit einverstanden? Unser Thema heisst «Reisevorbereitungen. »
(слайд№2,3) см. приложение
II. Речевая зарядка
1. Are you fond of travelling?
2. Why do people travel?
3. How do they travel?
4. What places have you visited?
5. Do you take a camera with you? What do you usually photograph?
6. What countries would you like to visit?
IV. Основная часть.
- Учитель- Womit beginnt man die Reisevorbereitung? Was macht man zuerst?
Ученик- Man wahlt das Reiseziel.
Учитель-Was hilft uns bei Wahl? Uns helfen verschiedene Reklamen und Anzeigen.
Hier sind Anzeigen. Lies die Satze der Aufgabe. Sucht das Passende in der Anzeige, nennt der richtige Buchstabe, z.B. der Satz № 1- der Buchstabe . ..
(слайд №4-10) см. приложение
2. Повторение, активизация лексики.
Reist ihr gern? Jetzt sprechen wir uber Reisevorbereitung. Was macht ihr um sich zu einer Reise vorzubereiten? Reisevorbereitungen. Was bedeutet das?
Ученик- Man bestimmt die Reisezeit, das Reiseziel Man wählt das Verkehrsmittel, man kauft die Fahrkarte; man kauft Souvenirs und man packt den Koffer, man wechselt Geld.
Учитель – So gut. Und was nimmt man mit? Was legt in den Koffer?
Ученик- Kleinigkeiten
Учитель- Ja, das ist eine angenehme Sache, nicht wahr/? Und keine leichte. Wiederholen wir bitte die Lexik. Arbeitet zu zwei, aber in schneller Tempo. Nennt bitte alle Wörter aus dem Thema
Ergänzt diese Assoziogramme. Ich gebe euch eine halbe Minute.
(слайд №11) см. приложение
Учитель- Wer hat den Koffer gepackt? Erzählt bitte.
3. Рассказ ученика
- Ich fahre bald nach Berlin. Ich fahre mit dem Zug. Zuerst gehe ich ins Warenhaus, kaufe einige Kleinigkeiten und Souvenirs. In die Reisetasche lege ich einen Kamm, eine Zahnburste, Zahnpasta, ein Stuck Seife, ein Taschenmesser. Ich nehme auch einen Sportanzug, Turnschuhe, 2 Hemden und einen Anorak. Ich nehme Geschenke für meine deutsche Freunde: Abzeichen, einige T- Schirts mit Wahrzeichen Moskaus, Matrjoschki- Puppen in der Puppe, bemalte Schatullen. In meine Reisetasche lege ich auch eine Flasche Mineralwasser, ein Stuck Hühnchen, Schwarzbrot, Eier, Apfel, eine Tafel Schokolade. Für das Lesen nehme ich einen Comic, einen Reiseführer, ein Buch von H. Fallada. Ich lese diesen deutschen Klassiker gern.
- Диалогическое высказывание учеников.
- Guten Tag, Tanja!
-Guten Tag, Walja!
- Wohin gehst du?
-In die Bank. In einer Woche fliegen wir in die Schweiz, ich muss das Geld wechseln.
-Mit wem fliegst du?
- Mit den Eltern. Mein Bruder bleibt zu Hause. Und du? Wohin gehst du?
- Ich gehe ins Warenhaus um meinen Freunden Geschenke zu kaufen. Ich will euch russische Souvenirs schenken.
- Ja, sehr gut. Und wohin fährst du?
- Meine Familie fahrt nach München, dort leben Verwandten meines Vaters. Hast du schon den Koffer gepackt?
- Noch nicht. Ich habe noch eine Woche. Und du?
- Ja, natürlich. Wir fahren übermorgen. Die Reisevorbereitungen sind in vollem Gange. Ich muss noch Reisekulture besorgen, während des Fluges will ich Marchen von Bruder Grimm lesen.
- Und ich nehme meinen Sprachfuhrer mit, ich will mein Deutsch üben.
- Viel Erfolg und gute Reise!
-Schone Freizeit und alles Gute!
- Учитель английского языка.
Повторение лексики по теме '’The Pleasure of Reading” ( фронтальный опрос)
Учитель: Say it in English, please.
The book can be …..трогательная, достоверная, волнующая, легко читающаяся, остроумная, увлекательная, оставляющая сильное впечатление, развлекательная, забавная, плохо написанная, скучная, неоригинальная, затянутая, трудно читающаяся…..
The most popular types of books are… роман, научно-фантастическая книга, роман о войне, книга о путешествии, роман легкого содержания, исторический роман, народная сказка, повесть о любви, юмористический рассказ, страшный рассказ, классическое произведение….
Answer the questions.
1. Do you reading?
2. How much time do you spend on reading?
3. What kind of books do you prefer?
4. When and where do you usually read?
5. Have you got any favourite books (authors, characters)?
6. Do you take books on your holiday? Why?
6. Our friend is going to travel. What books can you advise him during his travelling?
Listen to some advice.
Звучит диалог, подготовленный учащимися.
Андрей: Bogdan,
Богдан: Yes?
Андрей: Can you help me?
Богдан: Certainly. What’s the problem?
Андрей: I need your advice. I’ve read all the books at home. Now I’m going to the local library because I want to borrow two or three books that I can read during our school holidays. Can you think of any good books? I want some really good stuff.
Богдан: What kind of books do you prefer? Do you read adventure novels or detective stories?
Андрей: Yes, I enjoy adventure novels a lot more.
Богдан: I see. Let me think … And do you like Mark Twain?
Андрей: I do. I read The Prince and the Pauper some years ago and … Well that’s it. Mark Twain sounds like a good idea. What novels by Mark Twain are the best?
Богдан: I personally like “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. It’s set up in America in the 19th century.
Андрей: O’K, I’ll think of it. What else? One book is not enough.
Богдан: If you like adventure novels why don’t you take something by Walter Scott? “Rob Roy”, for example. Rob Roy is was known as the “Robin Hood of Scotland” and the book describes him and his adventures.
Андрей: Great. Are you reading anything interesting now?
Богдан: I’m reading another English classic – “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens and I love it.
Андрей: I don’t think that I like Dickens who as much as you do … but … well, he is not bad. Thanks for your help, Bogdan. I knew you would give me good advice.
В библиотеке
Андрей: Hello, Masha, what are you doing here?
Маша: I’ve read “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain and I would like to borrow another book.
Андрей: Do you like Mark Twain?
Маша: Yes, he is my favourite author, I know a lot about him.
His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, he was born in the small town of Hannibal on the Mississippi River. The waters of the great river were his playground. When fishing and swimming with his friends, he used to shout to the boats passing by. Sometimes he climbed aboard and stayed with the bargemen, listening to their adventure stories. He was a bright boy. When Samuel was eleven years old, his father died. Samuel had to leave school and look for work. His elder brother was working as a printer, and he helped the boy to learn the printing trade. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for the town newspaper and later for his brother, who at that time had started a small newspaper of his own. Samuel wrote short humorous stories and printed them for their newspaper. Later the young boy decided to leave home. He dreamed of becoming a sailor. At twenty he found a job on a boat travelling up and down the Mississippi. On that boat he learned to be a pilot, and that is where he got his pen-name “Mark Twain’’. It was taken from the call of the Mississippi pilots when they measured the depth of the river. It means twelve feet of water below and a safe channel. Twain means “two”. The work on the boat gave him the opportunity to get to know a great deal about life.
Samuel did not have a proper education, but he knew well the folk-lore and tales. His first short story was “The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”. Then he published
“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, where he described the life of a boy in a Mississippi town at the time of his own boyhood. This book is easy–to read, funny and witty. I’m sure you will like it if you take this book.
Настя: As for me, I like to read historical novels, but when I am on holidays I prefer love stories. They are easy-to read, fast-moving, they are exciting. At the moment I am reading “Gone with the wind” by Margaret Mitchel. It has a very deep impression on me. The book shows some facts from the history of the USA and the love of the main characters, so I love it very much. The story tells about the time of the American Civil War between the Southern and Northern States. One of the main characters Scarlet O’Hare was born into the rich family. When the war broke out all her family’s wealth was taken away. Scarlet was wit (сообразительная), willful (упрямая). She had to use all her wit and intelligence to build a new life. But “Gone with the wind” is also a story about love. Maybe I can not understand some things in it but it is interesting to read it. I would like you to take and read it. I believe you will enjoy this book.
Андрей: Thanks for your advice, it was nice to be given a help.
6. Чтение.
- Um sich in einem fremden Land besser orientieren zu können, muss man Schilder lesen und verstehen können. Wie versteht ihr das?
(слайд№12-17) см. приложение
V. Подведение итогов урока.
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