Famous people
презентация к уроку (11 класс) на тему

Гаджиева Рита Арташевна

Презентации к уроку Famous people в 11 классе


Файл mikhail_gorbachev966.37 КБ
Файл franklin_delano_roosevelt737.62 КБ
Файл princess Diana2.26 МБ

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Mikhail Gorbachev RUSSIAN POLITIC

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Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich -soviet and Russian state and public figure, Secretary general of CК of КPSS in 1985-1991гг.,initiator of alteration resulting in considerable changes in life of country and world

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In 1985 on March Plenum of CК of KPSS Gorbachev was officially select the Secretary general of CК of КPSS. Gorbachev also occupied and other higher posts in State: since 1989 Chairman of Presidium of Supreme Soviet of the USSR, And From a 1990 President of the USSR.

Слайд 4

Originally reforms brought back to life economic life. Commodities appeared on counters, but at the end of 1988 scarcity of goods was sharply intensifyed . A production in a number of industries began to fall

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Related to the name of Gorbachev the foreign policy of the "new thinking" assisted the native change of all international climate (stopping of "cold war" and war is in Afghanistan)

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Nobel Peace Prize of 1990 became an award to Gorbachev for his contribution to easing of international tension

Слайд 7

The domestic policy, first of all chaotic economic reforms, led at deepening of crisis in all spheres of society and a consequence, to sharp decrease in a standard of living for what blamed, first of all, Gorbachev

Слайд 8

At Gorbachev the bloody international conflicts broke out (in Nagorno-Karabakh, in Sumgait and Baku, etc. regions). Gorbachev's reaction was, as a rule, запоздалой.он followed the tastes of events not in a state to affect them

Слайд 9

In December, 1991 after signing of the Belavezha Accords about elimination of the USSR Gorbachev gave to resignation from the presidency of the USSR

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Слайд 1

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Слайд 2

Franklin Delano Roosevelt The future president was born into a wealthy and respectable family of James Roosevelt, whose ancestors emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in the 1740s. Roosevelt's father owned a talus Hyde - Park on the Hudson River and a solid package of shares in a number of coal and transportation companies. Roosevelt's mother, Sara Delano, also belonged to the local aristocracy.

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Starting his political career In 1910, Roosevelt received a tempting offer from the US Democratic Party in his native administrative district stand as a senator in the legislature of New York and won.

Слайд 4

Starting his political career Do not modify the third term in the state legislature , Roosevelt moved to Washington . As an assistant to the Minister of Marine (1913 1921 years ), he advocated the strengthening of the fleet , strengthening the defense of the United States , strong presidency and active foreign policy .

Слайд 5

Do not modify the third term in the state legislature , Roosevelt moved to Washington . As an assistant to the Minister of Marine (1913 1921 years ), he advocated the strengthening of the fleet , strengthening the defense of the United States , strong presidency and active foreign policy Starting his political career

Слайд 6

The First Presidency On assuming office in a cold cloudy day March 4, 1933, at the walls of the Capitol before thousands gathered 100 Roosevelt turned to his friends the Americans , saying : " It's time to tell the truth , the whole truth frankly and boldly . Does not befit us also evade fair assessment of the situation in which our country is today ... The only thing we have to fear is fear itself , reckless , faceless , unjustified terror which paralyzes the efforts required to convert retreat into advance . " Roosevelt urged Americans to act immediately , to acquire consciousness of the interdependence of each other . You can not just take , you must give .

Слайд 7

The First Presidency The country is experiencing the most profound and massive economic crisis in its history . By the time the formal entry of Roosevelt as President , the banking and financial system of the United States suffered a complete collapse . Banks could not function properly , and the governors of almost all states have announced their closure .

Слайд 8

The First Presidency His first working day , President Roosevelt had to start with the urgent emergency measures to rescue the banks , which in the United States , there were about 14,207, of whom 4897 were federal banks , and the other local .

Слайд 9

"New Deal" of Roosevelt " New Deal " Roosevelt's " New Deal " the name of the economic policies pursued by the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt since 1933 to overcome the scale of the economic crisis ( the Great Depression ), swept the United States in 1929-1939 yy ..

Слайд 10

New Deal " New Deal " Roosevelt's economic program " New Deal " were carried through Congress during Roosevelt's first term as president in 1933-1936, respectively . Their goal was to improve the situation of the unemployed , recovery of the economy , and reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat of the Great Depression.Roosevelt " New Deal " covers virtually all areas of public life , his reforms were : the stabilization of the monetary system , the agricultural reforms , the fight against unemployment and Recovery Act of industry , labor laws , pension funds , housing ..

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Слайд 1

Diana, Princess of Wales

Слайд 2

the most famous woman of the XX century

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