Викторина по теме "Famous people"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Викторина для 6 класса по теме «Famous people»
Биболетова М.З. и др. EnjoyEnglish
Возраст участников - 6 класс
Форма проведения – внеклассное мероприятие
Цели: 1.систематизация лексического материала по теме «Знаменитости» ;
2.активизация страноведческих знаний;
3.развитие интереса учащихся к иностранному языку;
4.развитие лингвистической догадки.
Оборудование: портреты знаменитостей, раздаточный материал ( карточки с заданиями).
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends. We are glad you've come to us today. You have already learned a lot about famous people. And now let’s check up what you know. We have a contest of the cleverest and the most quick-witted. You should dividеinto two teams, think about the name of your team and choose the captain.
Let me introduce the jury. It’s time to start!
1. Write the words correctly.
Ramk Waitn- Mark Twain
Nellonn Hojn- John Lennon
Liechar Plinach - Charlie Chaplin
Vaplova Naan- Anna Pavlova
Lesarch Winrad- Charles Darwin
Lliamiw Serapekesha - William Shakespeare
2. Do you know these people? What are they?
1. Tchaikovsky was a … (composer)
2. Charlie Chaplin was an … (actor)
3. Lewis Carroll was a … (writer)
4. Michelangelo was an … (artist)
5. Gagarin was a … (spaceman)
6. Archimedes was a … (scientist)
7. Cleopatra was a … (Queen)
8. George Washington was a … (President)
9. John Lennon was …a (singer and a composer)
10. Ivan IV (the Terrible) was a … (Tsar)
3. W hat is his (her) name?
1. He was a lecturer and a writer. He is famous for his story about Tom Soyer
(Mark Twain)
2. He wrote the story about Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
3. This man was very fond of nature and often went alone on trips through England and Wales. He is famous for his landscapes (Joseph Turner)
4. He was famous for his theory of evolution.(Charles Darwin)
5. She was a famous politician. (Margaret Thatcher)
6. She is famous for her story about Harry Potter (Joan Rolling)
7. Who is the creator of the famous characters of Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle)
8. He was a famous comic actor. (Charlie Chaplin)
4. Link the names and works
J.R.R. Tolkien «Hamlet»
Leonardo da Vinci famous landscapes and sea pictures
William Shakespeare «Mona Lisa»
Alexander Pushkin «The Hobbit»
Charles Darwin «The story about the fisherman and the goldfish»
Joseph Turner theory of evolution
5. Task for the captains
You should write the names of famous people and their masterpieces or achievements.
You ’ll be given 5 minutes.
6. And the last task.
Is he a writer, a composer or a scientist?
Divide the names of famous people into three columns. You should be attentive, because there are names, which don’t belong neither to composers or writer nor to scientists.
Writer Composer Scientist
John Lennon
Charles Darwin
Garry Kasparov
William Sheakespear
Agatha Christie
Elvis Presley
Elizabeth II
Jack London
Britney Spears
Joseph Turner
John Tolkien
7. Make up the crossword -puzzle of 10 words (About famous people)
Teacher: Our game is over. Let’s sum up. The winner is the team of …Our congratulations to the winners. It was a real pleasure to play with you.
1. Write the words correctly. Ramk Waitn ______________________ Nellonn Hojn ______________________ Liechar Plinach _______________________ Vaplova Naan _______________________ Lesarch Winrad _______________________ Lliamiw Serapekesha ____________________
4.Link the names and works
J.R.R. Tolkien «Hamlet»ред.Биболетовой М.З и др.
Leonardo da Vinci famous landscapes and sea pictures
William Shakespeare «Mona Lisa»
Alexander Pushkin «The Hobbit»
Charles Darwin «The story about the fisherman and the goldfish»
Joseph Turner theory of evolution

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