Famous People (работа с текстом)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Johnny Depp (born on the 9th of June, 1963, in Owensboro, Kentucky, the USA) has Irish and German ancestors. His great-grandmother was a real Cherokee! Johnny doesn't know the origin of his surname but he often jokes that Depp means 'an idiot' in German.
He has one brother, Danny, and two sisters, Christie and Debbie. Christie is now Depp's personal manager.
When Johnny Depp was a child his family was always on the move so the boy lived in more than twenty different places!
When Johnny was twelve his mother bought him a guitar. The boy wanted to learn to play the guitar so much that he shut himself in his bedroom for two years in order to do so.
Johnny says that when he was a school boy he often copied test answers from his classmates.
At the age of sixteen Johnny decided to drop out of school to become a rock musician. He joined the band called The Kids and even married the sister of the drummer, Lori Anne Alison. In 1985, Depp and Allison divorced.
Depp is now in a long-term relationship with Vanessa Paradis, a famous French singer and actress. The couple has two children, a daughter and son.
Johnny's first important role was in the 1984 horror film Nightmare on Elm Street.
The director of Pirates of the Caribbean says that Depp's Jack Sparrow character closely resembles the actor's own personality. But Johnny Depp says that he based the character on the Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Johnny believes that Keith Richards is the coolest musician in the history of rock and roll.
Johnny likes art. One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. When Johnny was young he didn't have posters of rock stars in his room, instead he had Van Gogh reproductions.
In 1999, Depp was arrested for being in a fight with the paparazzi in front of a restaurant in London.
Johnny wears a silver skull ring on the ring finger of each hand. The skull ring is a constant reminder that life is short and each moment should be lived to the fullest.
Johnny Depp has lots of hobbies. He plays the guitar, draws, paints and does sword fighting. He is also fond of collecting things. He has a bug collection, and a gun collection.
Johnny loves animals very much. A few years ago he saved and adopted a horse.
Johnny Depp's quotes:
"I'm not a 'blockbuster boy'. I never wanted to be."
"I'm going to do only the things that I want to do, interesting things and things that stimulate me."
Ancestor- предок
Move – движение
To drop out - выбывать
Drummer - барабанщик
Relationship- отношение
Couple- пара
Paparazzi - папарацци
Skull ring – кольцо черепа
Чтение с выборочным пониманием читаемого.
1.Предтекстовый | Задачи этапа Побудить к прогнозированию содержания текста Обеспечить осознание коммуникативной задачи, нацеливающей на то, как читать Предоставить возможность снять часть трудностей | Действия учителя - Today we will read the text about Johnny Depp. First of all look at the pictures and answer the questions. What is this text about? - Now you will read this text. You should understand the main idea of this text and tell me about his hobbies. - First of all let’s read the new words after the text. | Действия учащихся Смотрят на картинки к тексту и предполагают о чем этот текст. “I think this text is about famous person, his life and work” “This text is about the life way of Johnny Depp” “To my mind this text is about love, family and friends of Johnny Depp” Читают новые слова после текста: Ancestor-предок Move- движение To drop out- выбывать Drummer- барабанщик Relationship- отношения Couple- пара Paparazzi- папарацци Skull ring- кольцо черепа |
2. Текстовый | Нацелить на чтение текста с разной степенью проникновения в его содержание и смысл. Нацелить на информационную переработку текста в процессе чтения с целью его лучшего понимания | - Now you will read this text one time. Try to find and understand the information about his hobbies. - And now tell me. What is this text about? | Читают текст один раз, используя словарь при необходимости. Говорят о чем этот текст: “This text is about Johnny Depp, his life and his hobbies” “This text is about the life way of Johnny Depp” |
3. Проверка понимания текста | Осуществить контроль полноты и адекватности понимания содержания и смысла текста в зависимости от смысла чтения | - Now I will read some facts about his life and you should find this information in the text and tell me: The family of Johnny Depp. He likes to play guitar. Johnny and Vanessa Paradis. Johnny likes art. Johnny Depp has lots of hobbies. | Ищут в тексте информацию, о которой говорит учитель. He has one brother, Danny, and two sisters, Christie and Debbie. Christie is now Depp's personal manager. When Johnny was twelve his mother bought him a guitar. The boy wanted to learn to play the guitar so much that he shut himself in his bedroom for two years in order to do so. Depp is now in a long-term relationship with Vanessa Paradis, a famous French singer and actress. The couple has two children, a daughter and son. One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. When Johnny was young he didn't have posters of rock stars in his room, instead he had Van Gogh reproductions. He plays the guitar, draws, paints and does sword fighting. He is also fond of collecting things. He has a bug collection, a gun collection. |
4. Информационная переработка текста | Повторно вернуться к тексту и информационно его переработать. Присвоить информацию и языковые средства, необходимые для совершенствования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции | - Now tell me, please, another name of this text. - And now make up the plan of this text (5 points). - Now answer the questions: What does Depp like to do? What was his first role? What does he wear on the finger? What is his motto? | Придумывают собственный заголовок текста: “Depp’s life” “A popular man” “Interesting facts from Depp’s life” Составляют план текста (5 пунктов): 1. His family 2. His career 3. Depp’s hobbies 4. Silver skull ring 5. Johnny Depp's quotes He plays the guitar, draws, paints and does sword fighting. He is also fond of collecting things. He has a bug collection, and a gun collection. He likes to play guitar. Johnny likes art. Johnny's first important role was in the 1984 horror film Nightmare on Elm Street. Johnny wears a silver skull ring on the ring finger of each hand. The skull ring is a constant reminder that life is short and each moment should be lived to the fullest. Johnny Depp's quotes: "I'm not a 'blockbuster boy'. I never wanted to be." "I'm going to do only the things that I want to do, interesting things and things that stimulate me." |
5. Совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции | Обеспечить осознание коммуникативной задачи, нацеливающей на совершенствования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции на основе текста или в связи с текстом | - Tell me please your opinion of this text. - And now tell me about this man, only main ideas. | Высказывают свое мнение о тексте: “I like this text. It’s very interesting. It teaches us how to live interesting”. “I like this text, too. I want to be like Johnny Depp”. “I have learnt new information about this man. He has a bug collection, and a gun collection”. Johnny likes art. One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. When Johnny was young he didn't have posters of rock stars in his room, instead he had Van Gogh reproductions. Johnny wears a silver skull ring on the ring finger of each hand. The skull ring is a constant reminder that life is short and each moment should be lived to the fullest. Johnny Depp has lots of hobbies. He plays the guitar, draws, paints and does sword fighting. He is also fond of collecting things. He has a bug collection, and a gun collection. Johnny Depp's quotes: "I'm not a 'blockbuster boy'. I never wanted to be." "I'm going to do only the things that I want to do, interesting things and things that stimulate me." |
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