Открытый урок в 10 классе на тему: «The beautiful world of the music»
учебно-методический материал (10 класс) на тему
The lesson is bout classical music and musicians, about French writer G. Leroux, and the great British composer A. L. Webber and his music work «The Phantom of the Opera».
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 10 классе
на тему: «The beautiful world of the music»
Цели и задачи урока:
1) активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся;
2)учить учащихся различать главную и второстепенную информацию; 3)развивать умение определять проблематику и идейный смысл, род и жанр произведения;
4) развивать умения и навыки аудирования и чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;
5) тренировать учащихся в употреблении изученных форм страдательного залога;
6) формировать у учащихся чувство уважения и интерес к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: доска, учебник 10 класса Spotlight, ИКТ, презентация, запись музыки.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент.
- Сообщение темы урока.
T. Today we’ll speak about classical music and musicians. We’ll learn much new about French writer G. Leroux, and the great British composer A. L. Webber and his music work «The Phantom of the Opera».
How do you think what will be the theme of our lesson?
P. I think we’ll speak about music, musicians and their works.
T. You are right. The theme of our lesson is «The beautiful world of the music».
You have some sheets with smiles before you. Fill them, please.
3. Речевая разминка.
T. 1) Do you like music?
2)What kind of music do you like?
3) What is your favorite singer ?
4) What Russian composers do you know?
5) What British composers do you know?
6) What are your favorite musical bands and musicians?
(примерные ответы учащихся: «The Beatles», «Pink Floyd», «Rolling Stones», Bob Dylan). (Слайд 2-3)
4. Работа над текстом о биографии Г. Леру.
T. And now we can’t but mention the name of the author of the novel about the phantom of the opera G. Leroux. Open your books at p. 128 ex. 1.
Let’s read the text about his biography.
(учащиеся читают текст, затем отвечают на вопросы)
T. Now, answer my questions, please.
- When was G. Leroux born?
- What did he study and where did he work after the graduation of the University?
- When was «The Phantom of the opera» written?
- How do you think what’s the story about?
Примерный ответ учащихся: ( I think the story is about a ghost who lives in a theatre). (Слайд 4)
5. Контроль домашнего задания.
T. You’ve read the text at home. Now let’s see how you understood the content of the text.
Look at ex.2 p. 128 and say how these names are related to the phantom.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
- Sorelli is the name of one of the principal dancers.
- Jammes is one of the ballet dancers.
- Giry is another one of the ballet dancers.
T. Well done, children. Now let’s do a little test of ex. 3 p.128 – 129.
Учащиеся выполняют тест.
6. Рассказ и презентация биографии британского композитора А. Л. Вебера.
T. I see that you know the names of many Russian and British musicians. And have you ever heard the name of A. L. Webber?
P Yes, he is a great modern composer and musician.
T. You are right. Webber wrote many musicals. But the best of them are:
«J. Christ – Superstar », « Cats and «The Phantom of the Opera».
T. Look at his portrait and listen to some facts from his biography. (Слайд 5)
Учащиеся рассказывают некоторые факты из биографии Вебера.
P1. A. L. Webber was born on March 22, 1948 in South Kensington in London, England and was the first of two sons of William Lloyd Webber, an organist and composer. His mother Jean Johnstone was a pianist and violinist. Young A. L. Webber learned to play various musical instruments at home and began composing at his early age. He continued his music studies at Westminster School. In 1964 he went to Oxford University. A. L. Webber shot to fame in 1971 with the opening of his rock opera «Jesus Christ Superstar»
P2. (слайд3). The rock opera «Cats» first opened in the West End in 1981. It is the second longest running show in Broadway history and has been translated into more than 20 languages.
T. In 1988 A. L. Webber composed his new musical « The Phantom of the opera».
It is also the longest running Broadway musical of all time and the most financially
Successful Broadway show in history. «The Phantom of the Opera» was translated into several languages and was produced in more than twenty countries.
T. Now I want you to listen to the piece of music from this opera and answer the questions.
Учащиеся слушают музыку и отвечают на вопросы. Slide1
- Did you enjoy the music?
- What characters sing this song?
- How does the song characterize the main heroes?
- What are your feelings of the song?
T. Please, express your emotions.
Ps. (amazing, fascinating, fantastic, what a wonderful song!)
7. Работа над текстом.
T. Let’s remember what you know about the main characters.
Pupils: The life of Christine Daue was a mystery.
Christine was a soloist of the Paris Opera House.
Strange things happened at the Opera House.
Christine loved Raoul Chagny a French aristocrat.
T. Do you know the end of the story?
P. (No, we don’t)
T. Do you want to know it?
P (Yes, we do).
(учащиеся читают II часть текста «The Phantom of the Opera»)
( Приложение 1)
Вопросы к тексту:
1) Why did the Phantom live in the basement of the Paris Opera?
2 What did the Phantom decide to do with Christine?
3) Why did he kidnap Christine?
4) What did Raoul do when he understood who had done that?
5) What happened with the Phantom?
6) What happened with Raoul and Christine?
8. Работа над грамматикой.
Passive Voice.
T. Well done , children. Now, let’s remember about grammar, Passive Voice.
Let’s do some grammar exercises.
Open your workbooks on page 54 ex.
Подведение итогов урока. ( Приложение 2)
T. You have some sheets before you. Fill them, please.
Thank you for your work, children. You did your best this lesson.
Выставление оценок.
10. Домашнее задание.
WB ex. 1-6 p. 54; AB ex. 6 p. 129
Приложение 1
The Phantom of the Opera
Part II
The Phantom lived in the basement of the Paris Opera House. People who entered the
Basement couldn’t find the way out. Who was he? A ghost, a living being, a monster?
Only Christine knew that the Phantom was an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had to cover his face with mask. He travelled around the world and learnt many things,
He knew many fascinating stories and legends and he was a great singer.
At last the Phantom decided on kidnapping Christine and made her marry him. When
Christine had disappeared Raoul understood who had done it: it was the Phantom.
Raoul rushed to the basement and was captured by Phantom. In the long run the
Phantom understood that Christine didn’t love him. He freed Christine and Raoul. They
Left Paris forever and lived alone in a quit place. The Phantom died in the basement
of the Opera House alone and lonely.
Приложение 2
« The beautiful world of the music»
Pupil____ 10th Form
(name, surname)
1. Choose from the list of figures the one that matches your mood
at the beginning of the lesson and mark it.
2. Choose from the list of figures the one that matches your mood
at the end of the lesson and mark it.
I have everything worked out It was bored I expected the best
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? 3) What is your favorite singer ? What Russian composers do you know? 5) What British composers do you know? Речевая разминка .
6) What are your favorite musical bands and musicians? Речевая разминка . The Beatles Pink Floyd Rolling Stones
G. Leroux When was G. Leroux born? What did he study and where did he work after the graduation of the University? When was «The Phantom of the opera» written? How do you think what’s the story about? 1868 - 1927
A . L. Webber A. L. Webber was born on March 22, 1948 in South Kensington in London, England and was the first of two sons of William Lloyd Webber, an organist and composer. His mother Jean Johnstone was a pianist and violinist. Young A. L. Webber learned to play various musical instruments at home and began composing at his early age. He continued his music studies at Westminster School. In 1964 he went to Oxford University. A. L. Webber shot to fame in 1971 with the opening of his rock opera «Jesus Christ Superstar»
The rock opera «Cats» first opened in the West End in 1981. It is the second longest running show in Broadway history and has been translated into more than 20 languages « Cats »
In 1988 A. L. Webber composed his new musical « The Phantom of the opera». It is also the longest running Broadway musical of all time and the most financially Successful Broadway show in history. «The Phantom of the Opera» was translated into several languages and was produced in more than twenty countries.
Did you enjoy the music? What characters sing this song? How does the song characterize the main heroes? What are your feelings of the song? « The Phantom of the opera»
Вопросы к тексту : 1) Why did the Phantom live in the basement of the Paris Opera? 2 What did the Phantom decide to do with Christine? 3) Why did he kidnap Christine? 4) What did Raoul do when he understood who had done that? 5) What happened with the Phantom? 6) What happened with Raoul and Christine?
I do not are I worry that all I get? I feel good, I'm ready for the lesson 1. Choose from the list of figures the one that matches your mood at the beginning of the lesson and mark it. 2. Choose from the list of figures the one that matches your mood at the end of the lesson and mark it. I have everything worked out was bored I expected the results
Домашнее задание. WB ex. 1-6 p. 54; AB ex. 6 p. 129
Thank you for your work!
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