Урок "День Святого Валентина"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок «День Святого Валентина» (8-11 класс)
Цель урока:
развитие положительной мотивации обучения, воспитание чувства уважения к традициям и культуре других народов, обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка.
Задачи урока:
развивающие– познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычаями празднования Дня Святого Валентина
обучающие – активизировать лексику по теме «День Святого Валентина»
– развивать навыки аудирования с пониманием деталей
Воспитательные – воспитывать чувство прекрасного и уважения к традициям других народов
презентация Power Point “Happy St. Valentine’s day”
компьютер, видеопроектор
Ход урока
T.: Good morning, everybody! I am very glad to see you. How are you? Let’s start our lesson!
T.: Look at the screen and fill in each gap with words below, remember that poem must rhyme, will you? (Slide 1)
Roses are …
Violets are…
Sugar is …
And so are …
(you, blue, red, sweet)
T.: Who is ready? Read the poem, please.
T.: Well done, thank you.
T: Now look at the symbols of a holiday and match the pictures and the words. (Slide 2)
T.: Do you like holidays? What English holidays do you know? What holiday is the poem and the symbols about? (Обучающиеся высказывают свои предположения). Yes, you are right, it is about St. Valentine’s Day. Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year, when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into atmosphere of love and friendship, to take part in party games, to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy Valentine’s Day (Slide 3).
T: Let’ remember the words, connected with this holiday. (Slides 4-22 )Listen and repeat:
Let’s play a game on-line using these words (Slide 23 ) (при наличии Интернета)
– review (озвученные картинки)
– game
a) listen and select the correct picture
b) collect all 10 candy hearts to win the game
Do you know anything about St. Valentine’s day? Let’s see. (Slides 24-26)
Викторина «What do you know about St. Valentine's
1)Who was the Valentine who lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ in the Roman empire? (a Christian priest.)
2)What did he do the night before he was executed? (He wrote the jailer's daughter a farewell letter, signing it «From your Valentine».)
3)What holiday did people celebrate in Rome many years ago? (a Roman holiday, held in honour of the Goddess of Love.)
4)What is St. Valentine's day now? (It is a day for sweethearts.)
5)What can you do on this day? (Send a postcard with the words of love to any person, bake a special cake, make a special present in the form of a heart, send roses, «Valentines» and greetings.)
6)How do American children celebrate this holiday at schools? (On February 14 the teacher opens the box and gives the Valentines to each pupil, then they have a small party with refreshments.)
7)What is Cupid with his bow and arrow?( It is a symbol of love).
8)What is to get a red mitten on Valentine’s Day? (It means that his/her girl/boy doesn’t like him/her).
9)What is the ribbon on a Valentine Card? (It means you are tired up, you are my girl.)
T: Now you are going to watch a video about St.Valentine’s Day. Be ready to answer my questions. Especially pay attention to the origin of St. Valentine’s Day. (видеофрагмент)(Slides 27-28) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWzEL_brPvo
Answer the questions (Slide 29)
- What is the origin of St. Valentine’s Day? There are two legends about it.
Answer: – Some historians believe that this holiday came from ancient Rome, it was a pagan holiday and then it became Christian. Others say that there lived in Rome one priest who married young couples against the order of the Roman Emperor Claudius-II who believed that single men made better soldiers. When the Emperor learnt about the priest he ordered to kill him, and on the 14th of February the priest, whose name was Valentine was executed. But young couples started celebrating a new holiday on this day – St. Valentine’s Day.
2. Who is Cupid and what does he look like?
Answer: Cupid is the Roman god of love. It is a charming boy with a bow and arrows to hit human hearts.
3. What are the most popular presents on St. Valentine’s day nowadays?
Answer: – Roses, chocolate, cards, diamonds.
T: As the most popular presents on this holiday is a rose, we will speak about the meaning of their colours. Different Rose colours have been assigned different meanings by the society.
Guess please. (Slide 30)
Red Roses – Romantic Love
Yellow Roses - Friendship and freedom
White Roses - Innocence
Pink Roses – Fun and Happiness
Black Roses – Farewell
Orange roses – Desire
T: In many countries lovers can’t wait until February 14th – the day which is called after Saint Valentine’s name. In this day, most wedding proposals are made, thousands of love letters are sent, and people are looking for their “valentine”, their one and only true lover.
There are different amazing facts about this special holiday. I’ll try to find out if you know all of them. May be you will find out something new. (Slides 31-33)
- Tell me who generally sends more cards and who buys more flowers on this holiday?
- Women usually send more cards and men buy more flowers.
- What do unmarried women do in Britain and Italy before sunrise on this day?
- They stand by the window and the first man to pass by is supposed to look like their future husband or have the same name.
- Now where is the ring worn in many Western countries and why?
- The ring is worn on the second finger of the left hand because it is believed that a nerve in this finger runs straight to the heart.
- What do Danish men do for Valentine’s Day? How do they sign their Valentines?
- Danish men write “joking letters” to their sweethearts and sign them with dots instead of a name. And the girl has to guess the name by counting the dots.
- What did one German scientist find out about kissing couples?
- He watched a lot of kissing couples in the parks and found out that most of them turn their heads right when kissing.
- Tell me now, what do Japanese women buy for men on this day? What happens on the 14th of March in Japan? How do they call this day?
- Japanese women buy two kinds of chocolate – obligatory chocolate for their colleagues and bosses, and special chocolate for those men they are serious about. Then men give them presents on the 14th of March. This day is called White Day.
- What did Valentine cards look like in the 19th century?
- They were handmade and hand painted, with love verses, decorated with dried flowers, seashells, feathers, lace and ribbons.
- Who are Victorians and what did they invent?
- Victorians lived during the rule of English Queen Victoria, and they invented a special chair for a couple, for them to sit together and talk, but not too closely.
- One Italian psychologist recommended this to cheer up if you’re lonely on this day?
- He recommended to gather all the lonely people together, stand in a circle, put on some sad music, like sobbing violins and cry together. He thinks it would cheer up.
- What do you have to wear on this day?
- People have to wear something red or pink, and some women even wear special hats on this day.
- Do you know a story about one poor Taiwanese man?
- One Taiwanese man was so in love with some girl, that he wrote her about 300 letters. But she married a postman, who had delivered all these letters.
T: Now I think it’s time to play.
What does it mean? They are E-valentines: (Slide 34)
WUBMY (Will you be my Valentine?”)
ILU (I love you)
LUWAM<3(Love you with all my heart)
BK (Big kiss)
- Give the Russian equivalents of the proverbs: (Slide 35)
You can take the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink (Насильно мил не будешь)
Like father like son (Яблоко от яблони…)
A friend in need is a friend indeed (Друг познаётся в беде)
Tastes differ (На вкус и цвет товарищей нет)
- The next task is to find and match words with their definitions: (Slide 36)
A part of your body - heart
A man who cared for people - Valentine
A boy who shoots arrows - Cupid
Used with a bow - arrow
A kind of candy - chocolate
A kind of flower - rose
A bunch of flowers – bouquet
- Find the Valentine’s Day words below the grid: (Slide 37)
- The letters in words connected with St. Valentine’s Day are mixed.
Make the words. (Slide 38)
Thear (heart), Ryfebrua (February), chotecola (chocolate), hodayli (holiday), orse (rose), velo (love)
- Match the famous couples (Slide 39)
Lady Di – Prince Charles
Rhet Butler-Scarlet O’Hara
- The last task is to make up as many words as possible using the letters in the words: St' Valentine's Day. (Slide 40)
Our lesson is almost over. I hope you enjoyed it. (Slide 41)
Thank you for your participation. And at the end of the lesson I would like to show you a very romantic video presentation and wish you Happy St. Valentine’s Day. (Slide 42)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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