Урок- телемост "Москва-Лондон"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) по теме
Урок систематизации знаний по теме: "Россия"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 30 с углубленным изучением предметов образовательной области «Физическая культура» г.Нижневартовск, ХМАО-Югра
Урок по английскому языку в 8 классе
по теме «Москва - Лондон»
Автор: Тихонова Галина Фёдоровна
2013 год
Тема урока: Практика устной речи по теме: «Москва» - «Лондон».
Тип урока: Урок проверки знаний, умений, навыков в устной речи и чтении.
Форма урока: Урок – телемост.
Цели урока: а) Образовательные: практиковать учащихся в устной речи.
б) Развивающие: Развивать интеллектуальные возможности, уметь правильно передавать содержание имеющейся информации, умение слушать и понимать речь на слух, безошибочно выполнять задания в чтении, обогащая словарный запас, уметь выделять главное, передавать содержание прочитанного.
в) Воспитательные: Воспитывать доброжелательное отношение к людям, культуре другой страны, гордиться своей культурой.
Оборудование: ТСО, раздаточный материал, картины с видом Лондона и Москвы.
Ход урока.
I. Орг. момент.
Dear boys and girls. We are going to have some fun today. We are going to practice Satellite – Link «Moscow – London». You have to imagine, that you are Russian and English students on TV. You are divided in two groups. Everybody has an opportunity to express his or her opinion. I hope that you will find some interesting and new information for yourselves. Before starting the Satellite – Link, I want you to prepare your testing list. Be ready to form a correct estimate of your knowledge and your classmates’ knowledge. In each column put a point for your answer and your classmates’ answer.
Let’s start.
II. Satellite – Link «Moscow – London».
III. Now I want to know how well you listened to each other. I’ll ask you some questions:
1. What places are the most interesting ones in Moscow? (Red Square and the Kremlin);
2. What historical monuments do you know in the Kremlin? (The Tsar Bell and the Tsar Canon);
3. How old is London? (more than 2 thousand years old);
4. London consists of 3 parts. What are they? (The City, the West and the East End);
5. What is the City? (is the heart of business and financial life of the country)
6. What other interesting places do you know in London? (Trafalgar Square, a Monument to Admiral Nelson, the National Gallery …. and so on)
IV. I wonder if you have been to London. Who has been to London? Nobody? Would you like to go there? Today we’ll have a chance to see a short extract from the film about London (просмотр фильма о Лондоне, дети отмечают достопримечательности Лондона).
V. You will be given the following situation… You are in London and you want to get to some places (they are cinemas, museums, theatres and so on). Ask a passer – by to help you to find these places.
First listen to the tape- recording and then complete a dialogue according to this plan: - Ask for help
- Reply
- Ask for information
- Thank your helper
- Say «Thanks very much»
(Прослушивание диалога и составление своего диалога)
V – Visitor; P- Passer – by
V: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Picture Gallery is, please?
P: It’s just around the corner, on the opposite side of the road. Let me show you.
V: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.
P: Are you a stranger in the town?
V: Oh, yes. I’ve just arrived this morning.
P: Where are you from?
V: Newport.
P: That’s a nice town. I’ve been there. Oh, there’s the Picture Gallery there.
V: Thank you for your help.
P: You’re quite welcome. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit.
VI. What other cities of the country do you know except London? (Дети называют города)
You’ll be given two different texts about Glasgow and Cambridge. Read them and discuss with each other. Some of you will answer the questions and some of you will retell them. (Дети читают тексты, отвечают на вопросы, пересказывают)
VII. Now let’s sum up what we know. I’ll give you the cards and you must fill in the gaps.
(Работа детей по карточкам)
VIII. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
IX. Домашнее задание: Дифференцированные задания для каждого ученика по определённым текстам. (Comprehension reading).
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Satellite - Link Moscow London
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » Now I want to know how well you listened to each other. I’ll ask you some questions: 1. What places are the most interesting places in Moscow? (Red Square and the Kremlin); 2. What historical monuments do you know in the Kremlin? (The Tsar Bell and the Tsar Canon); 3. How old is London? (more than 2 thousand years old); 4. London consists of 3 parts. What are they? (The City, the West and the East End); 5. What is the City? (is the heart of the business and financial life of the country) 6. What other interesting places do you know in London? (Trafalgar Square, a Monument to Admiral Nelson, the National Gallery …. and so on)
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » I wonder if you have been to London. Who has been to London? Nobody? Would you like to go there? Today we’ll have a chance to see a short extract from the film about London ( просмотр фильма о Лондоне, дети отмечают достопримечательности Лондона).
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » You will be given the following situation… You are in London and you want to get to some places (they are cinemas, museums, theatres and so on). Ask a passer – by to help you to find these places. First listen to the tape- recording and then complete a dialogue according to this plan: - Ask for help - Reply - Ask for information - Thank your helper - Say « Thanks very much »
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » V – Visitor; P- Passer – by V: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Picture Gallery is, please? P: It’s just around the corner, on the opposite side of the road. Let me show you. V: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. P: Are you a stranger in the town? V: Oh, yes. I’ve just arrived this morning. P: Where are you from? V: Newport. P: That’s a nice town. I’ve been there. Oh, there’s the Picture Gallery there. V: Thank you for your help. P: You’re quite welcome. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit.
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » What other cities do you know in Great Britain except London? (Дети называют города) You’ll be given two different texts about Glasgow and Cambridge. Read them and discuss with each other. Some of you will answer the questions and some of you will retell them. ( Дети читают тексты, отвечают на вопросы, пере c казывают)
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » Now let’s sum up what we know. I’ll give you the cards and you must fill in the gaps. ( Работа по карточкам)
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
Satellite – Link « Moscow–London » Домашнее задание: Дифференцированные задания для каждого ученика по определённым текстам. ( Comprehension reading ) .
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