методические разработки
методическая разработка по теме

таблица времён английского языка, сказка о модальном глаголе "can", раздаточный материал


Предварительный просмотр:

Предлагаю вашему вниманию сказку о ВелиCANе.
Грамматическая Сказка о всемогущем Великане "Саn"

Как-то в стране Грамматика появился всемогущий Великан Can. Он был настоящим силачом, потому что все мог и умел делать и физически и умственно. Он всегда говорил всем «I can...». Стоило ему появиться рядом с кем-нибудь, как этот человек или существо тоже начинал все уметь делать.
Жители страны узнали про него, и каждый хотел с ним встретиться. С кем бы ни встретился Великан, он всем передавал свои силы. 
Великан "Сan" был таким важным и почти никого и ничего не боялся, кроме маленькой и вредной частички not. Ей единственной он вынужден был подчинять¬ся. Станет частичка "not" справа от него, и превращается он тут же в ничего не умеющего "Сannot". Да чтоб не оторвался, крепко держит его с собой частичка "not". Но частичка "not" иногда становится совсем крошечной и сокращается до буквы t. А великан не мог с этим справиться и говорил- "I can't" [ka:nt]. Если «not» появлялась в тот момент, когда Великан был рядом с кем-то, то, конечно, он не мог передавать свои силы. И жители расстроенные возвращались домой и по дороге твердили «I can’t ...».
Королеве Грамматике стало интересно узнать, кого же успел научить Великан «Can» и спрашивала всех «Can ...», а жители ей отвечали «Yes, ... can\ No, ... can’t». 

Далее все закрывают глаза и Великан каждому выдает листочек, на котором написан ответ. Дети открывают глаза и каждому Королева задает вопрос «Can you...?», а ребенок читает свой ответ. Если ответ положительный, пусть покажет это действие и произнесет «I can...». Если ответ отрицательный, то ребенок отвечает «I can’t...». На последующих уроках Королевой и Великаном могут быть учащиеся. (для Королевы можно приготовить корону)

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

План- конспекта урока английского языка в 6-м классе на основе УМК «Spotlight 6»

 по теме

 «My neighbourhood»

Ход урока

(5 мин)

T: Good Morning!

    It`s nice to see you. How are you? ….I see that everybody is allright, and lesson begins.

    First, as usual, what are we going to do at the lesson? Today we continue working on       the topic «My neighbourhood». You will do some exercises and present you projects.

    But now I wonder who is absent today ?

   T: Oh! That`s good news . Sensation!!!!   Today our classroom is a new  neighbourhood. And I am not teacher, i`m chapter of neighbourhood! And this is a letter for us from our president!

   T:  I see that I have a problem! I need your help! Let`s read it!

(слайд  1 – e-mail)

«Dear residents, we have little time. There is one street to finish in your neighborhood. Today the competition of projects starts! You should do you chapter`s task. After each task you will get points. First team`ll get 3 points, second- 2 points, third- 1 point. After all tasks team gets the most points will build-up the street. Good luck!»

  •    Т: You have divided into three work-groups.  (TEAM 1, TEAM 2, TEAM 3).

      Now select the speaker. Each team has a layout of the street. There you will label the   places. Every team has one place on your maps. This is our school.  Also you have 5    envelopes with the tasks and 5 envelopes with indications of the places. (указания мест)

      After you finish task,  you should raise your hands. I will mark who is the first.  And then we`ll check  it.

      Let`s start. Be attentively!


(2 мин)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

(слайд 2-лексика)

T: First of all let`s remind what buildings we know . Look, listen and repeat.

post office, bank, baker`s, greengrocer`s, supermarket, newsagent`s, chemist`s, library, pet shop, restaurant, toy shop, sports shop.

  •  Ok. Thank you!

(4 мин)

  1. Работа с заданием №1 (конверт BANK)

T: Please, take envelope 1 and let`s know the place of bank on your maps. Open it !You have the task:

     Complete the sentences with THERE IS/ARE …BUT THERE ISN`T/ AREN`T.

  1. a computer (+) in my rooms/games (-)

There is a computer in my room but there aren`t games

  1. clock(+) on the desk/ lamp (-)


  1. apples (+) on the shelf/ bananas (-)


  1. sweets (+) in my bag/ orange(-)


  1. CD player (+) in the living room/ phone(-)


  1. pictures (+) in his bedroom/ mirror (-)

 T: I ` l l give you 3 min….. Let`s check it. Please, read sentences 1…..   That`s great! In this task first is  TEAM 1,2,3 .

     Now you can open your envelope with indications. Label the bank.

(5 мин)

  1. Работа с заданием №2 (конверт Library)

T: You should take the second envelope and open it. You see next task.  It is text. Please, read about Nick and do exercise 10. I give you 2 min. Who will be ready, raise your hand  (DON`T forget about it!)


Hello, i`m Nick and this is my house. There is a living room. And  that`s our new TV. It`s big! Tere is dining room. There is a kitchen. Upstairs there are three bedrooms. This is my mum and dad`s bedroom. Their bathroom is here. This is ny sister`s bedroom. It`s quite small. Her favourite colour is pink. There is a shower room.Tere`s a toilet.And this is my room. And here`s my hamster. His name `s Harry. His cage is quite big.

(задание 10)


  1. This is my sister`s bedroom________
  2. My favourite colour is pink__________
  3. My name is Harry_______________
  4. We`ve got a bedroom with a bathroom_____________
  5. My cage is quite big___________________

T: In this task team 1,2,3, is winner.

     Now you can see place of the library. Open and label!

(4 мин)


T: Ok! Let`s warm up. Listen to me and repeat.

  • Stand up next to your desks.
  • Take your pens
  • Raise your right hand
  • Put your right hand behind your head
  • Turn your heads to the left
  • Stand up straight (ПРЯМО)
  • Put your pens in front of you
  • Raise your hands opposite your right ears
  • Clap your hands (хлопните)
  • Click your fingers under your head (щелкните)
  • Click your fingers in front of your eyes
  • Stamp your foot on the floor (топните)
  • Sit down!

(6 мин)

5.Работа с заданием №3 (конверт sport`s shop)

Т: It`s time to know the place of  sports shop. Let`s do exercise.  Open next envelope. You see a picture.  Now i`ll read the text about  Dan and Michal`s bedroom. I`ll do it twice.    You have to listen to me and answer the questions. After reading i` ll give you 3 min. for  task. Ok? …. First, let`s read the questions……Is everything clear for you?  


I like my bedroom. I share it with my brother, Michael, and his hamster, Billy. Our room is blue. There are two big windows. We`ve got two beds, a big cupboard for our books. We`ve got two desks. Michael`s desk has got drawers but my desk hasn`t. There are three posters of Britney Spears in our room and one poster of Manchester United. It`s our favourite football team. Billy`s cage is on a shelf with some books. We haven`t got a television or,  computer in our room. But we`ve got a new CD player with a radio.  My two favourite things in my room are my guitar and my skateboard.

(задание к тексту )

  1. What colour is their bedroom?
  2. Who  is Billy?
  3. Whose desk has got drawers?
  4. Have the boys got a computer in their room?
  5.  Who has got a guitar?
  6. How many posters are there in their room?

     So first in this task is TEAM 1,2,3,.  Open indication and label place.

(4 мин)

6.Работа с заданием №4 (конверт supermarket)

Т: And it`s our next task.

« Where can you buy it…?»

(use  phrase I CAN BUY …)

  1. 2


  1. 6.

- post office, bank, baker`s, greengrocer`s, supermarket, newsagent`s, chemist`s, library, pet shop, restaurant, toy shop, sports shop.

T: Are you ready? Let`s check it!

That’s grate! Thank you! Opel last envelope and label it.

7.Работа с заданием №5 (конверт Bakery`s)

(8 мин)

T: Open our last task. Look at the map and read the sentences. Then match the letters in the map to the places.

  • The café is in the middle of the park
  • The toilets are also in the park
  • The library is opposite the toilets
  • The post office is in victoria avenue. It`s between the library and the park
  • The railway station is in London road. It`s opposite the park
  • The office is not very big. It`s near the railway station and the church.
  • The church is in thornton street , opposite the leisure centre
  • The cinema is next to the leisure centre in thornton street
  • The car park is behind the cinema and the leisure centre
  • The museum is in victoria avenue. It`s next to the park and opposite the office.
  • The hospital is in bridge street.

The time is over.  Let`s check it. Tell me

  1. The bank- k
  2. The café- d
  3. The car park- f
  4. The church- i
  5. The cinema- g
  6. The hospital- a
  7. The leisure centre- h
  8. The library- i
  9. The museum- b
  10. The post office- j
  11. The railway station- m
  12. The toilets- c
  13. The office - e

(4 мин)


Т: Now it`s high time to talk about your maps.  Look at it. Every team has completed map. I ask your speakers come out with the maps and present your project.

(дети рассказывают о своих проектах)

        Thank you. Sit down.

  1. мин)

8.Подведение итогов.

Т: Please, look at the table of progress. What do we see? TEAM1----

TEAM2----   TEAM3----

So I see that TEAM…..  is the fastest team today. I congratulate you! You are winner!

BUT! …. All projects are so good, that I`ve decided that I invite you all in my own team. Thank you for your work.

In conclusion, I would like to give each team thanks (вручение приглашения в команду)

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