План урока по английскому языку. УМК "Spotlight 3".
план-конспект урока по теме

Серганова Елена Геннадиевна

План урока по английскому языку (презентация урока по окончании курса по теме "Методика обучения английскому языку детей младшего школьного возраста (на основе курса Британского Совета Primary Essentials)".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Course-book/ Unit/Lesson:Spotlight/Unit5/Lesson10a

Aim: By the end of the lesson the Pp will be able to speak about animals and what can they do and  to write a short story about a pet.

Skills: Pp will practice:

  • Listening as a model for speaking
  • Speaking about animals
  • Reading for recognition
  • Reading for details
  • Writing a story( semi-controlled)

New language: crawl, spider, seahorse, walk, tortoise, talk, parrot.

Recycling: fly, bird, jump, rabbit, swim, run, sing, can/can’t.


Teacher does/say

Pp do / say

Aim of a stage



3 min

“Chinese whispers” game. Whisper to the student the word, he does the same to the next and so on.

“Rabbit, seahorse, tortoise…”

To prepare Pp for the new words, to create friendly atmosphere

Try to elicit



2.1 Listening as a model of speaking. (pre)

5 m

Do you like animals?

What animals do you know? Can a rabbit run? Can a bird sing?

Can a seahorse swim?

Try to answer and remember the animals.

To introduce the new words, to prepare for the context.

2.2 Listening (while). 3 m

Listen, point and repeat.

Try to understand the meaning and the pronunciation.

Recognition the new words in the context.

2.2. Listening

While 3 m

Listen, mime, show the animal’s pictures

Try to consolidate the meaning

Recognition the meaning in a game

2.3. Listening


Listening and speaking. 5 m

Can parrots talk?

Yes, they can.

Can spiders talk? No, they can’t.

Ex.2 p.78

“Birds can fly and sing, but they can’t talk”.

To develop speaking skills

Encourage Pp to speak

3.1 Reading


3 m

Have you got a pet ?

What is his name?

How old is he? Can he talk?

Answer the T-questions.

To prepare Pp for the context  and understanding the questions

3.2 Reading (while)

5 m

Read the text about a pet and answer the q-s in pairs.

To develop reading skills and to work in pairs.

3.3 Reading (while)

Reading and semi-controlled writing 5m

Encourage Pp to read the text aloud and answer the q-s.

Read and answer.

To check the pronunciation

3.4 Reading (post)

Reading and semi-controlled writing 10 m


To explain the Pp the task.

To write the short story about a pet.

To consolidate knowledge, to practice writing



3 m

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