Урок английского языка в 3 классе
методическая разработка на тему

Евдокимова Юлия Юрьевна

Урок английского языка для 3 класса на тему "Путешествие в страну Здоровья".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: «Travelling to the Healthy Land»

Цели урока:

                    - образовательные: обобщить изученный материал по теме: «Еда», закрепить правила употребления much/many;

                    - воспитательные: воспитать в детях заботу о своём здоровье, чувство разумного отношения к питанию;

                    - развивающие: развить умения и навыки устной речи учащихся.

Оборудование: слайдовый проектор (презентация)

Ход урока.

I. Оргмомент.

- Good morning, children! Sit down, please.

- Let's start our lesson.

- Who is on duty today? Who is absent in your group?

- What date is it today? What day of the the week is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Yes, the weather is cool and cloudy. And that’s why people are ill. So, let's go to the Doctor.

II. Station 1. «At the Doctor»

1. Речевая зарядка.

- Children, today we haven’t a simple lesson, but a lesson-travelling! And we don’t go anywhere, but to the Healthy Land!

- And as our way is long, we need a stop at the stations. But before we begin our interesting travelling, write down the date, class work and the theme of our lesson.

- Let's repeat a proverb: «An apple a day keeps a Doctor away»

- The first station is «At the Doctor»

- Do you know me? What do you think about my profession? Yes, you are right! I'm a Doctor.

Answer my questions, please.

  • Do you run in the park?                                  
  • Do you eat meat in the morning?              
  • Do you like to play tennis?                            
  • Do you swim in the river?                          
  • Do you sleep well?                                      
  • Do you drink much coffee?                        
  • Do you like fish?                                            
  • Do you keep fit?                                          
  • Do you eat healthy food?                            
  • What kind of healthy food do you know?

III. Station 2. «Healthy food»

1. Закрепление изученной лексики.

  • Our next station is the Healthy food. Look at the slide, find and name only healthy food. Name only unhealthy food.

2. Письменная работа.

     - Write down healthy and unhealthy food in two columns. In the first column there is healthy food, in the second column there is unhealthy food.

- Let's check. Read healthy food, unhealthy food.

3. Введение названия витаминов.

     - Look at the slide and repeat after me.

1. Apple is rich in vitamin C.      

2. Butter is rich in vitamin A.        

3. Bread is rich in vitamin B.        

4. Carrot is rich in vitamin A.      

5. Milk is rich in vitamin D.          

6. Lemon is rich in vitamin C.    

IV. Dynamic pause.

   - Now before we go to the next station, we need doing some actions. Let's repeat «Clap your hands»

V. Station 3. «At the sport stadium»

- So, our next station is «At the sport stadium»

Animals usually go to the stadium. They run, jump, skip, swim, skate, ski, play football, play basketball, volleyball, hockey, tennis.

      - Answer my questions, please.

  1. Do you like to run at the stadium?
  2. Do you like to eat cakes at the stadium?
  3. Do you like to jump at the stadium?
  4. Do you like to sleep at the stadium?

Работа в парах.

- Children, work in pairs.

- Ask each other what you like to do at the stadium.

- But now we go to the last station.

VI. Station 4. «Our Health»

1. Подведение итогов урока.

- And the last station is «Our health»

- Answer my question, what do you do to be a healthy person?

- What is better for you? One apple a day or visit to the Doctor?

2. Домашнее задание.

- Open your diaries.

- Write down your home task.

- Your home task is to write a story about your healthy activity, 6-8 sentences.

- You are good pupils today!

- The lesson is over. See you later! Good-bye!

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