Открытый урок в 8 классе по теме «Books in our life»
план-конспект занятия (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Диалог "At the Bookstall".
1. What can I do for you?
2. Please, I want a book as a birthday present for my cousin.
1. What books does she prefer?
2. She prefers love stories.
1. What about this one? It is an interesting love story.
2. Sorry, but I don't like these dime novels.
1. 0. K. What about the classic one? It's Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
2. How much is it?
1. 90 roubles.
2. Here is the money.
1. Here is your change. You are always welcome.
Диалог «About a Book>>
1. What are you reading?
2. I'm reading a comic book.
1. How long have you been reading it?
2. For a week.
1. How many pages have you read?
2. About 100.
1. Is it interesting?
2. Rather!
1. Will you give it to me after you finish it?
2. Of course I will.
1. Agreed!
Диалог "At the Library".
1. Good morning!
2. Good morning! I’m your new librarian. My name is... What do you want?
1. I want to take out a volume of Chekhov's works. Our school is celebrating its 45th anniversary.
2. How long are you going to use it? This book is in great demand now.
1. Not more than a week.
2. 0. K. I'll write it down into your card. You may take it.
1. Thank you very much.
Today we are going to speak about books and reading. The theme of our lesson is “Books in our life”. (На экране появляется слайд-шоу, презентация. Слайд № 1). Reading is not very popular nowadays, I should say. And I'm sorry about it.
We can't imagine our life without books and reading. Beginning from our childhood we are surrounded by a lot of books. But who was this man who invented printing? Do you know his name?
I should say that he was a genius. His name will be famous in ages. It was Johann Gutenberg who printed the so-called Gutenberg Bible in 1456. (Слайд № 2).
The first printed English book was "Sayings of the Philosophers". It was printed in 1477.
The Russian pioneer of printing was Ivan Fyodorov. He issued the first Russian printed book "Apostle" in 1564.
It seems to me reading is and will be part and parcel of our life. We can't imagine our life without books. First we see them in our childhood when our parents read us books with pictures, nursery rhymes and fairy tales.
Later at school we start reading with the first ABC book. And the books are with us almost every day. We copy them, study, borrow and lend, translate and use.
What do you think about reading?
Is it so important nowadays as it was in the 16th century?
Or do the teenagers prefer watching TV?
Please, tell us about your attitude towards reading.
План урока по теме:
"Books in our life".
1. Тренировать учащихся в аудировании, устной речи и чтении по теме: «Книги в нашей жизни»
2. Контроль навыков аудирования по тестам.
3. Привитие любви к чтению.
1. Мультимедийный проектор, видеокассета, видеомагнитофон, компьютер.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент:
а) Приветствие
б) Представление гостей.
в) Вступительное слово учителя.
Today we are going to speak about books and reading. The theme of our lesson is “Books in our life”. (На экране появляется слайд-шоу, презентация. Слайд № 1). Reading is not very popular nowadays, I should say. And I'm sorry about it.
We can't imagine our life without books and reading. Beginning from our childhood we are surrounded by a lot of books. But who was this man who invented printing? Do you know his name?
I should say that he was a genius. His name will be famous in ages. It was Johann Gutenberg who printed the so-called Gutenberg Bible in 1456. (Слайд № 2).
The first printed English book was "Sayings of the Philosophers". It was printed in 1477.
The Russian pioneer of printing was Ivan Fyodorov. He issued the first Russian printed book "Apostle" in 1564.
It seems to me reading is and will be part and parcel of our life. We can't imagine our life without books. First we see them in our childhood when our parents read us books with pictures, nursery rhymes and fairy tales.
Later at school we start reading with the first ABC book. And the books are with us almost every day. We copy them, study, borrow and lend, translate and use.
What do you think about reading?
Is it so important nowadays as it was in the 16th century?
Or do the teenagers prefer watching TV?
Please, tell us about your attitude towards reading.
II. Устные высказывания учащихся о пользе или вреде чтения.
а) Примерные высказывания учащихся.
1. It seems to me books help us in self-education and in deciding problems of life. Books help to discover new things and to explore new ideas. I think reading is important because books can teach us how to behave in difficult situations.
2. I can't agree with you. Reading is boring. It hurts your eyes. It gives you headache.
б) Комментарий учителя.
So many minds, so many thoughts. A. Pushkin said. "All books are divisible into 2 classes: the book of hour and the books of time".
Would you like to know about my tastes in reading? Please ask me questions about books and reading.
в) Беседа о чтении в режиме РР Т. Учащиеся задают вопросы о книгах и чтении, учитель отвечает
г) беседа с гостями о чтении.
We have some guests today. Please, ask them questions about reading and books. Dear colleagues, are you ready to answer these questions?
Учащиеся задают гостям 6-8 вопросов.
д). Подведение итогов высказываний.
Let's sum up. Our conversation was very interesting. What can you say about my statements?
Agree or disagree with my statements about reading.
1. Reading is boring
2. Reading is captivating.
3. Reading is good for your future education.
4. Reading is the perfect way to feel comfortable.
Учащиеся соглашаются с учителем или опротестовывают его мнение.. I'm sorry… I'm against it... I fully agree to this...
III. Рассказы – загадки учащихся о писателях и книгах.
a) Вступительное слово учителя.
And now we are going to have some fun. The pupils have prepared their own stories about writers. These writers are American, English, Scottish and Russian. Try to guess their names. (4-5 учащихся рассказывают о писателях).
Примерные фразы для рассказов.
I want to tell you about one writer. He (she) is an English writer. He (she) was born in... He (she) was the only child in the family. His father was ... His mother was...They influenced his literary career. He began to write when he was very young. His first book was published in... He became famous when his first book was published. He was interested in... His books are all masterpieces of English literature. I think all his books make interesting reading.
He visited many countries. He died in... I have read his books ... I like his works very much. Who is this writer? What do you know about him?
б) Now we'll try to guess the works of the famous British (Russian, American) writers. Match the names of the authors and the titles of the books. (На доске выставлены книги английских, русских, американских писателей и их портреты. Учащиеся называют имя писателя и его книгу).
в) Рассказы – загадки учащихся о книгах.
So you know these authors and their works. And now try to guess the title of the book which your classmates will describe to you.
Прослушивание загадок о книгах. "Treasure Island" by R. L. Stevenson, "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare, "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells, "A Gold Fish" by A. S. Pushkin.
Примерные фразы для рассказа-загадки:
I shall tell you about the book by a famous -English (Russian) writer. This book is about ... The main characters are ... The events described in this book take place in ... I like reading it because ... There is a screen version of this book. It is a great book and I recommend it to everyone. The book is interesting and easy to read. What is the title of the book?
IV. Диалогическая речь по теме.
a) Слово учителя:
Every time when we speak about books we understand that they are around us. Where can we see them?
At the Bookstall.
At the Library.
At Home.
6) Диалоги учащихся
Диалог "At the Bookstall".
1. What can I do for you?
2. Please, I want a book as a birthday present for my cousin.
1. What books does she prefer?
2. She prefers love stories.
1. What about this one? It is an interesting love story.
2. Sorry, but I don't like these dime novels.
1. 0. K. What about the classic one? It's Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
2. How much is it?
1. 90 roubles.
2. Here is the money.
1. Here is your change. You are always welcome.
Диалог «About a Book>>
1. What are you reading?
2. I'm reading a comic book.
1. How long have you been reading it?
2. For a week.
1. How many pages have you read?
2. About 100.
1. Is it interesting?
2. Rather!
1. Will you give it to me after you finish it?
2. Of course I will.
1. Agreed!
Диалог "At the Library".
1. Good morning!
2. Good morning! I’m your new librarian. My name is... What do you want?
1. I want to take out a volume of Chekhov's works. Our school is celebrating its 45th anniversary.
2. How long are you going to use it? This book is in great demand now.
1. Not more than a week.
2. 0. K. I'll write it down into your card. You may take it.
1. Thank you very much.
V. Практика в чтении и устной речи по теме «Байрон – британский писатель»
a) Слово учителя:
We've talked about reading, we've discussed different books and asked your classmates about their likes and dislikes in reading. And now I want you to learn more about one of the greatest British writers George Gordon Byron. Please, listen to your classmate. She'll tell you about Byron.
6) Рассказ о Байроне. (презентация слайда № 3, портрет Д.Байрона)
George Gordon Byron.
The greatest English revolutionary poet G.G. Byron was born in London on the 22nd of January, 1788, into an old aristocratic family. His mother was very rich. His father was a poor army officer. The boy was lame from birth, yet, thanks to his strong will and regular training, he became an excellent rider, swimmer and boxer. He spent first ten years of his life in Scotland. He loved natural scenery and later it was reflected in his poems. He inherited the title of lord in 1798. His literary career began at Cambridge University. In 1809 he left England on a long journey which took 2 years. Byron visited Portugal, Spain, Greece and Turkey. His first two cantos of the poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" were published in 1812. Byron wrote many poems. Among them are "Don Juan", "Cain", "The Prisoner of Chillon", "The Age of Bronze" and others.
в) Самостоятельное чтение расширенного варианта текста о Байроне про себя и ответы на вопросы по тексту:
1. What do you know about G.G. Byron?
2. When and where was he born?
3. Where did he spent first 10 years of his life?
4. What was reflected in many of his poems?
5. What school did he go to?
6. His famous subject was English, wasn't it?
7. Why did the boys like him in Harrow School?
8. What happened when Byron was sixteen?
9. When did his literary career begin?
10. What do you know about the political situation in Europe and England at that period of time?
11. Byron hated exploitation, didn't he?
12. Did he graduate from the University in 1808 or in 1807?
13. What countries did he visit?
14. What book did he write after his journey?
г) Рассказ учителя о Байроне и А.С. Пушкине. (слайд №4)
I believe you know that Pushkin valued Byron and wrote his biography. But it was a draft copy. First Pushkin read Byron's works in the French translation. Then he studied English better and could understand the harmony and strength of Byron's verse.
They were contemporaries but never met. It seems to me they were 2 persons whose works will stand forever.
When Byron died, his friends wanted to bury him in Westminster Abbey where many of England's great writers are buried, but the English government was against it. And Byron was buried in his native place. Byron's death was mourned by progressive people all over Europe. Pushkin devoted a part of his poem "To the Sea" to Byron as a poet of freedom.
VI. Развитие навыков аудирования и тестирования.
Просмотр видеофильма о Стретфорде - на –Эвоне - родине В.Шекспира.
а) Слово учителя:
Now we are going to listen to a story about another genius of the English literature, the founder of the British drama, the greatest poet of all time and peoples, William Shakespeare.
(презентация слайда № 5. Портрет В. Шекспира)
6) Рассказ ученика о Шекспире.
English writers stand high in world literature. I know many English writers:
W.Shakespeare, G.G. Byron, P.S. Shelly, W.Thakeray, Ch.Dickens and others. I want to tell you about William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare was a famous English writer. He was born in a small town of Stratford-upon-Avon not far from London. He was a pupil of a Grammar school in Stratford-upon-Avon. Then he got married and went to London where he spent some years of his life. He worked as an actor and began to write plays. They are known all over the world: "Romeo and Juliet", "King Lear", "Hamlet", "Othello", "The Twelfth Night", "The Tempest” and others .
Shakespeare died in 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His native town is also the home of the Royal Shakespeare Company, which performs his plays in England and overseas.
в) Просмотр видеофильма о Стретфорде - на –Эвоне
г) Выполнение тестового задания по фильму (письменно).
1. Stratford-upon-Avon is ...
a) a nice village,
b) a lovely market-town,
c) a big city.
2. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre was built by public subscription
a) in the 1940s; b) in the 1930s; c) in the 1920s
3. Shakespeare Center has
a) a library and a reading rooms;
b) a museum and a library;
c) a monument and a museum.
4. The beautiful buildings are made of
a) glass; b) metal; c) timber.
5. In his childhood Shakespeare studied in
a) the 17th century Grammar School;
b) the 16th century Grammar School;
c) the 15th century Grammar School.
6. In 1616 Shakespeare died in
a) London; b) Edinburgh; c) New Place.
7. He was survived by:
a) his sister Ann:
b) his wife Ann;
c) his brother John.
VII. Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
Предварительный просмотр:
Date 29.03.2013
Class 8V
Theme: «Books in our life»
Aim and objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to act out dialogues, using the active vocabulary of the lesson.
Lesson procedure:
Timing | Methods or steps | Patterns of interaction |
2 min 2 min 7 min 3 min 10 min 2 min 12 min 3 min |
It has no mouth but speaks. It is not a tree but it has leaves. It is not alive but it can be a good friend … Right! It is a book The theme of our lesson today is “Books in our life”
But who was this man who invented printing? Do you know his name? P His name will be famous in ages. It was Johann Gutenberg who printed the so-called Gutenberg Bible in 1456.
What kind of books do British teenagers like to read?
Students look at the whiteboard. Of, course at the library.
Listen and answer the questions После прослушивания и ответов на вопросы, проверка Do you often go to the library? Watch the joke and say what was wrong with the girl?
Учащиеся собирают диалоги, затем приклеивают их на лист, представляют классу (2-3 пары)
Will the libraries exist in future? I think… I believe… In my opinion… | T-Cl T- cl Pair work T-Cl Individually In pairs T-cl |
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