план-конспект урока (9 класс) по теме
Ресурс содердит конспект урока для 9 класса. Презентация не вошла из-за большого объема. Этот урок создан в рамках темы "Человек и общество" по учебнику Афанасьевой/Михеевой .Это урок развития общеучебных умений.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Провалинская Наталья Николаевна
Английский язык
9 класс
Учебник О. В. Афанасьевой 9 класс
Тема: «People and Society»
Цели урока:
1)Развитие общеучебных умений (чтения, аудирования, говорения)
2)Закрепление пройденного материала
1)Развитие умения использовать материал, изученный на уроках истории
1)Воспитывать чувство уважения к своим учителям и профессии учителя
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска
Ход урока
I Организация
II Речевая подготовка
III Сообщение темы и целей урока (1,2 слайды)
Today at the lesson you will ….
Sum up and revise the information of the previous lessons
Read and discuss some texts about the profession of a teacher
Practise your listening skills
Answer the question “What is the role of a teacher in our society?”
IV Повторение и обобщение материала по теме
During thousands of years on earth, man has constantly dreamt of a better life and a better society- a society without hardships. A lot of famous people made their contributions into society. Some people in sphere of politics while others in different fields of science. Look at the screen, name these famous people and say what field they worked in.
3 слайд (Candoleeza Rice, Charles de Gaulle, Sir Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy)
4 слайд (Mother Teresa, Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, Martin Luther King)
Listen to some information about these famous people and say who they are
1) As the Secretary General of the United Nation Organization he strengthened work in the areas of international peace and security, advocating human rights, the rule of law and values of equality, tolerance and human dignity)
2) She worked in the slums of Calcutta and started her own order ‘’ The Missionaries of Charity’’
3) He fought for the rights of black Americans and now his birthday is a holiday in America.
4) He was the 39th president of the USA and created a special center whose aim was to resolve conflict, promote democracy, to protect human rights and prevent disease and other problems.
What were they given their Nobel Prize for?
5 слайд (Sir Thomas More, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)
Who wrote about his teacher’s ideas?
Who had a very famous pupil who conquered other countries?
Who was forced to poison himself?
Who wrote his famous book “Utopia” and dreamt an ideal society?
V Чтение и практика устной речи
(6 слайд) Doctors, lawyers, politicians, engineers and people of other professions have made their contribution in society. But think a little. How did they all get to where they are today?
No matter the position someone may hold in society, in his childhood he was instructed, encouraged and inspired by people of one noble profession. What profession is this?
Some people say that teaching is a noble mission as it helps to shape another person by teaching and instructing them. This will be the subject of our discussion.
Now you’ll have a chance to read the story of Graham Lawrence and Brian Jenkins and say why they are proud of each other.( Приложение 1)
What kind of pupil was Graham?
How did Mr Jenkins help him?
What did Mr Jenkins think about Graham?
How does he feel about Graham now?
Why does Mr Jenkins love teaching?
I hope your teachers will also be proud of you.
VI Тренировка в аудировании
Surfing the internet not long ago I came across one amusing song. Now we are going to listen to it but first let’s work with the vocabulary.
(8,9 слайды)
Pre-listening activities
- decade ground where a dead person is buried
- to lose one’s temper a meeting for former students
- to apologize to say sorry
- to give up booze self-confident
- reunion to become angry
- smart bright, clever
- self-assured no longer drink alcohol
- tomb a period of ten years
Translate the following words
- read to the room
- turn out OK
- cardboard
- offspring
- tears
- pay taxes
- make laws
- cherish
- to sing in unison
(10 слайд) Listen to it and say why Miss Folley is his favourite teacher
If I’d Never Had a Teacher...
words and Music by Barry Lane.
Her name was Carolyn Foley
| Billy is a scientist |
(11 слайд) Why was Miss Foley his favorite teacher?
What kind of person was Miss Foley?
What did she do to get interested her students in the subject?
What feelings does the song arouse in you?
VII Чтение текста и практика устной речи (12слайд)
I think that some of you have heard the story of Ann Sullivan and her student. If not then
read the text ‘’The most important day’’ and say why it is titled so. (Приложение 2)
How was the girl different from other children?
Why was her teacher so important for her?
How did she learn new words?
Why did she feel happy when she understood the meaning of the word ‘’water’’?
What qualities do you think a teacher should have to work with disabled children?
VIII Практика говорения
- What qualities are desirable in a good teacher? List three the most important qualities and explain your choice.
‘’To my mind a good teacher is someone who…. (слайд 13)
- Read the following quotations and comment on them. (слайд 14) (Приложение 3)
IX Подведение итогов урока и домашнее задание
Write an opinion essay on the following subject “Teachers are backbone of every society” (слайд 15)
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