Healthy Food
методическая разработка по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Задача урока: пропаганда здорового образа жизни.
Цели урока:
- развитие монологической и диалогической устной речи учащихся по данной теме;
- развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения нужной информации;
- развитие навыков догадки;
- развитие навыков чтения с непосредственным пониманием.
Оснащение урока:
- использование классной доски;
- использование картинок, поощряющих высказывания учащихся: весы и яблоко, больница, сигарета и рюмка, кроссовки и мяч, кусок торта;
- CD диск для аудирования;
- компьютерная презентация с иллюстративными материалами урока: использование картинок, поощряющих высказывания учащихся: весы и яблоко, больница, сигарета и рюмка, кроссовки и мяч, кусок торта;
- плакаты с пословицами;
- плакат “Food pyramid”.
I. Речевая зарядка
- Good morning! Let’s greet our guests. Take your seats, please.
- Well, it’s about 11 o’clock now. Half of your school day is over.
- Are you tired or are you still full of energy to go on learning?
- Did you have a good breakfast before you went to school?
- What did you have?
- Did you have a light or a substantial breakfast?
- What breakfast do you think you need at your age? Why?
II. Сообщение цели урока
- Well, boys and girls! At this lesson we are going to continue working at our topic “How to Keep Fit”, but the main thing we are going to discuss today is “Healthy food”.
- By the way do you feel the difference between the sentences “I am well” and “I am healthy”? If I want to tell you how I feel at the moment, what shall I say? “I am well” or “I am healthy”? (“I am well”)
- Perhaps I’m not very well now, but I want to say that in general I’m OK, I have no serious diseases, I’m fit. What shall I say? (“I am healthy”)
III. Аудирование
- Now, please, look at the picture. Who do you see in it? (Бегущая девушка в спортивной форме)
- Her name is Maureen Dunne. (Имя записано на доске)
- We are going to listen to her interview. She’ll tell us about healthy food and some other things we should do to keep fit. There are 3 words in her story which are very important for us. Look at the blackboard! (Слова записаны на доске в одну строчку)
- Vitamins Carbohydrates Protein
Объясняется значение этих слов, и они отрабатываются фонетически.
- Copy out these words into your exercise-books in a line!
- Now listen to the interview! Never mind if you don’t understand everything. Try to find the answer to the following question: “From what food do we get these things?”
- Write it in your exercise-books while listening!
Прослушивается запись. В ходе первого прослушивания учащиеся заполняют данную табличку в своих тетрадях. После прослушивания учащимся предлагается заполнить табличку на доске. Все сравнивают свои записи с образцом.
Vitamins Carbohydrates Protein
Fruit Bread Meat
Vegetables Potatoes Fish
Pasta Beans
- After the second listening try to answer the questions on the blackboard:
1. What is the most important thing in food? (Balance and variety)
2. Which of the vitamins is very important? (Vitamin C)
3. What do eggs and milk give us besides protein? (Calcium-выписать на доске)
4. What other useful advice does the Olympic runner give us? Make notes if necessary!
Ответы учащихся на последний вопрос можно кратко выписать на доске.
- Eat regularly every day.
- Not too much before training.
- Have a good breakfast.
- Never smoke.
Can we continue this list?
Учащиеся делают свои дополнения. Наиболее удачные выписываются на доске.
IV. Чтение с непосредственным пониманием
- And now we are going to read a text about the man you can see in the picture.
Повесить картинку с изображением толстяка.
- What can you say about his look? (Stout, short, doesn’t look strong or healthy, has got weak muscles, doesn’t lead an active way of life, enjoys watching TV and hates sports.)
- Read the text to yourself. Think about what advice you can give this man.
Учащиеся читают текст про себя. Учитель помогает наиболее слабым учащимся справиться с текстом.
- Is everything clear? Good.
- Now, read out what the man writes about his breakfast. What advice can you give him? What about late morning? Read his words. Read about his lunch, about the way he has dinner, etc.
- What wrong things does he do?
Учащиеся называют ошибки в его образе жизни.
- Well, now let’s divide into 2 groups. The first will tell us about the result if he follows all your advices. The second will try to predict what will happen if he doesn’t follow them.
Учащиеся описывают два варианта: здоровый и нездоровый образ жизни этого человека и его состояние здоровья.
- So, you see food plays a very important role in our life. You know a car needs fuel to run. What do people need to live? (Food)
- Can we say that food is a kind of fuel for people?
V. Proverbs
You know some proverbs about health. Let’s read them all together:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. To have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Good health is above wealth.
Read your favorite proverb.
VI. Тренировка в постановке вопросов
- Now, boys and girls, in pairs ask each other about your way of life. Then you’ll tell the class about your partner’s way of life.
Класс задает вопросы. Учащиеся высказываются.
- Say what you personally do to keep fit.
Учащиеся делают небольшие монологические высказывания. Дать возможность высказаться всем.
VII. Project presentation
Not long ago students from your class answered the questionnaire about healthy habits.
Kate will present now the results of this project.
VIII. Подготовка к устному домашнему заданию
- Now it’s time to summarize everything we’ve been speaking about today.
- What should we do to keep fit?
- Try to say as much as you can. My pictures will help you. You have them on the desks, too.
Your homework is to speak about how to keep fit.
Картинки показываются по очереди.
- If I show you an apple, it will mean healthy food.
You can say: “We should eat healthy food. Food must be balanced and varied.” Clear?
Яблоко и весы:
We must eat fruit and vegetables, as they contain vitamins, especially vitamin C.
We should avoid sweet things. They make us fat and they are bad for our teeth.
Кроссовки и мяч:
We should go in for sports regularly. Spend much time outdoors.
Рюмка, сигареты:
We shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol.
We should consult the doctor regularly to prevent illness.
По каждой картинке можно дать несколько вариантов ответа, дав высказаться нескольким учащимся.
IX. Подведение итогов. Оценка работы учащихся
Примечание: итогом работы по данной теме предполагаются монологические высказывания учащихся, а также диалоги, охватывающие лексический материал по теме.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

урок Healthy food
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