ИКП 9 класс презентация "Кунсткамера"
презентация к уроку (9 класс) по теме
Данная презентация является сопровождением к тесту "Кунсткамера" учебного пособия М.А. Гацкевич "Санкт-Петербург" (элективный курс по ИКП) для уч-ся 9го класса. Презентация содержит большой иллюстративный материал и является своего рода заочной экскурсией по теме.
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The word Kunstkammer comes from the German words Kunst meaning “art” and Kammer meaning “a chamber” or “a room”
The building of the Kunstkammer is one of a few survived monuments of the Russian Baroque
Its construction started in 1718 by the architects Georg Mattarnovi, Nikolay Gerbel and Gaetano Quiaveri and was completed by Mikhail Zemtsov in 1734 No photo No photo Georg Mattarnovi Nikolay Gerbel Gaetano Quiaveri Mikhail Zemtsov
The facade of the building is divided into three parts The parts are linked by a multi-tiered tower The upper part of the building was destroyed by fire in 1747 and restored between 1948 and 1949. The building was returned to its original appearance.
First, the private collections of Peter the Great were exhibited in this building. There were a lot of kinds of rare stones, stuffed exotic animals, Buddhist idols and anatomical preparations .
Peter I liked to travel abroad and round Russia and often brought back different exotic things. He kept those things in his Summer Palace. The collection grew very quickly, because not only Peter I brought such things and he ordered his people to bring different rarities from everywhere .
P eter the Great did not intend to amass riches. He had another goal: to enlighten his country. By acquiring anatomical, zoological, mineralogical and other rarities, "natural or created by skill" he hoped to get a "systematic idea of natural history" and wanted them to serve, as Leibniz had said, "as a means for perfection of arts and sciences".
Peter I started a museum for his collection in the Kikin’s Mansion. In a city full of architectural treasures, this wonderful old baroque building dates back to the era of Peter I and it is possibly the oldest building in the city.
But this mansion was far away from the centre of the city and Peter I decided to place the museum somewhere closer. In 1727, when the new building in Vasilievsky Island for his museum wasn’t yet finished the collections of natural sciences founded by Peter I were transfered from the Kikin’s Mansion.
Until the late 18th century this building was the seat of the Academy of Sciences. Mikhail Lomonosov was the founder of the Academy. From 1741 to 1765, the great Russian scientist worked there. The museum of Mikhail Lomonosov is located there and consist of the following sections: The Life and Scientific Activity of Lomonosov, Lomonosov and 18th-century Russian Astronomy, the Great Academic Globe.
This building housed the country’s first public library and observatory of the Academy of Sciences . In 1836, on the base of the Kunstkammer collection several Academic museums were created.
In 1878 the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography was formed. Its collections are dedicated to everyday life and culture of the peoples of the world. The expositions demonstrate the traditional culture and way of life of the peoples of Africa, America and Asia, their musical instruments and the attributes of secret cults.
Peter's museum was a cabinet of curiosities dedicated to preserving "natural and human curiosities and rarities", a very typical type of collection in the period. The tsar's personal collection, features a large assortment of human and animal fetuses with anatomical deficiencies .
Стоимость входного билета: взрослые (иностранцы) - 250 рублей дети и студенты (иностранцы) - 150 рублей взрослые (граждане России) - 150 рублей студенты, школьники, пенсионеры - 50 рублей Часы работы: вторник-воскресение с 11 до 18 часов вторник-воскресение с 11 до 19 часов (летом) санитарный день – последний вторник месяца касса закрывается на 1 час раньше Адрес: Санкт-Петербург, Университетская набережная, дом 3
Интернет-ресурсы http://photo.dmitrov.su/?act=showpic&id=2169 http://ffclub.ru/topic/225424/ http://www.opoccuu.com/310112.htm http://www.peoples.ru/state/translator/nikolaj_gerbel/photo.html http://www.peterburg.biz/zemtsov-mihail-grigorevich.html http://artclassic.edu.ru/catalog.asp?cat_ob_no=17829&ob_no=17839 http://spbfoto.spb.ru/foto/details.php?image_id=868 http://www.hellopiter.ru/Kunskamer_photo75.html http://ikeep.ws/index.php?newsid=1181 http://www.irk.ru/news/20091209/curiosities/ http://tamara-she.narod.ru/ob18/p_letpeter1.html http://web1.kunstkamera.ru/history/encyclopaedia/eng/first_museum.htm http://www.nevsky-prospekt.com/kikin.html http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/barucaba/post161738295/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunstkamera http://skidki.newsproject.ru/dva_bileta_na_vistavku_kunstkamera_i_voskovie_figuri_anomalii_e161916.html http://alkupone.ru/deals/5070 http://arina-tour.ru/gid/museum/kunstkamera/kunstkamera_glav.htm
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