ИКП 10 класс презентация "Манеж"
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Презентация создана дл урока ИКП на английском языке для уч-ся 10 класса к учебному пособию М.А. Гацкевич "Санкт-Петербург"
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This building is situated in the south-western corner of St Isaac’s Square. It looks like an ancient temple.
The Manage was built after the design of Giacomo Quarenghi between 1804 and 1807 for the famous Horse Guard Regiment.
The Manege was built in the classical style. Over the entrance there is a bas-relief. The scenes of riding competitions in the ancient circus are depicted there.
Wide stairs lead to the main entrance. They are graced with two marble sculptures of Dioscuri.
The statues were made in the workshop of Paolo Triscorni between 1810 and 1811. They are miniature marble copies of the ancient statues of the Quirinal Palace in Rome. The Quirinal Palace was the residence of the Italian kings from 1870 to 1946.
The Dioscuri are the heroes of ancient mythology twin brothers Pollux and Castor . They were so alike that they couldn’t be distinguished from one another. However, Castor was mortal while Pollux inherited immortality from his father. Both of them were excellent horsemen and brave warriors. They loved each other and were inseparable. When Castor was killed in a battle Pollux felt so lonely, that he begged Zeus to allow him to die. Zeus permitted Pollux to share his immortality with his twin brother.
Zeus, Hera, and Amor observe the birth of Helen and the Dioscuri According to the mythology Zeus sometimes descended from Olympus to enter into nuptial relations with women who didn’t belong to the realm of the gods. As a result of one such visit the twins Castor and Pollux were born to Zeus and the wife of the Spartan King, Tyndareus.
Close to the Manege at the beginning of a boulevard there are two columns crowned with figures of Glory.
They were placed here between 1845 and 1846. These statues were cast in Berlin from a model by the sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch and presented by the Prussian King to Nicholas I. Christian Daniel Rauch
The sculptures of the goddesses of Glory hold laurel wreaths. The columns are made of polished granite from the town of Serdobol. These columns commemorate the feats of the Horse Guards Regiment in battle during the war against Napoleon.
Nowadays, the Manege building houses the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists.
The Manege is one of the best architectural monuments of St Petersburg.
Интернет - ресурсы http://www.navystavke.ru/expo/centre/manegespb/ http://panphoto.spb.ru/files/pages/page0001.htm http://www.spbtravel.ru/konnogvardeyskiy-manej-vistavochniy-zal-manej.html http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giacomo_Quarenghi http://www.allworldwars.com/Russian-Horse-Guards.html http://www.citywalls.ru/house719.html http://www.hellopiter.ru/Arena_konnogvardejsky_regiment_photo.html http://www.123rf.com/photo_12972298_quirinale-palace-the-home-of-the-italian-president-rome-italy.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castor_and_Pollux http:// ru.wikipedia.org/wiki http://kn.sobaka.ru/n86/05.html http://www.nahalyavu.com/spb/exhibitions/place/439/ http://www.artrussia.ru/russian/artnews_arc.php?ye=2012&mo=01
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