презентация урока для интерактивной доски (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Professions Libr arian Veget arian Play er Invent or Physic ian Music ian Pian ist
Jewell ery Crock ery Phys ics Geo metry astro nomy Collective nouns Science
Abstract nouns Flexibil ity Activ ity Happi ness Fellow ship Heal th Discover y Revolu tion
Action or process Bloc ade Casc ade Marri age Cour age Meet ing Proceed ing Move ment Appoint ment Protec tion Exclu sion
Complete the chart -ment -ant -ness -ist improve develop type govern consult entertain kind judge material advertise
Check your answers -ment -ant -ness -ist improve + develop + type + govern + consult + entertain + kind + judge + material + mad +
Give the nouns which describe people who do things or who come from places. Don’t beg. You’re not _______________ Manuel assists me. He’s my ___________ She always tell lies. She’s such a _______ Anna is studying history. She’s a fine ___ She drives well. She’s a good _________ I can’t play the piano. I’m not a ________ actor. assistant. liar. historian driver pianist.
Form nouns from the italicised words with the help of the suffixes. 1 . We couldn’t agree. We couldn’t reach an ______________________ 2. She described her trip. Her ______ was very full and interesting. 3. His health has improved since he’s been in the clinic.The_____ Is very noticeable. agreement description improvement
Use the words given in capitals to form a noun that fits in each gap. Many people who think they have a professional future in films go to Hollywood only to find __ B11 ____instead of success. They often have to give up the more enjoyable aspects of their chosen career to play parts in ___ B12 __because these provide financial ___ B13 _ _ -but they are not satisfying. For many actors, even basic __ B14 _ can be difficult. Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or electricity bills, and the time and money they invest in the __ B15 __of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted. Of course there is a possible __ B16 __why only 1%of __ B17 __are really successful. There are just too many people who believe that their next __ B18 __ will be the one that makes them a star! DISAPPOINT ADVERTISE SECURE SURVIVE PREPARE EXPLAIN ACT PERFORM
Check your answers. Many people who think they have a professional future in films go to Hollywood only to find disappointment instead of success. They often have to give up the more enjoyable aspects of their chosen career to play parts in advertisements because these provide financial security -but they are not satisfying. For many actors, even basic survival can be difficult. Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or electricity bills, and the time and money they invest in the preparation of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted. Of course there is a possible explanation why only 1%of actors are really successful. There are just too many people who believe that their next performance will be the one that makes them a star! DISAPPOINT ADVERTISE SECURE SURVIVE PREPARE EXPLAIN ACT PERFORM
Good luck!
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