Открытый урок в 9 классе.
план-конспект урока (9 класс) на тему
План – конспект открытого урока, проведенного учителем английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 5 г.Климовска Московской области Ерощевой Т.Г.
Класс: 9
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План – конспект открытого урока, проведенного учителем английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 5 г.Климовска Московской области Ерощевой Т.Г.
Класс: 9А
УМК: «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ», О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева.
Тема урока: «Television: For and Against».
Тип урока: данный урок является одним из завершающих уроков по теме «Mass Media: Television». Урок обобщает знания о средствах массовой информации, в частности телевидения.
Развивающие цели урока: урок развивает способности к формулированию выводов из полученной информации, способности к ведению дискуссии.
Образовательные цели: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме, навыков аудирования и говорения, активизация навыков поискового чтения и перевода, грамматических навыков (Passive Voice).
Воспитательные цели: воспитание в детях вежливости в общении, при ведении дискуссии, толерантности к мнениям других людей, развивать умение слушать и слышать другого.
Структура и этапы урока:
Речевая зарядка
Фонетическая зарядка
Высказывание по проблеме
Чтение предложенного материала
Закрепление грамматики (пассивный залог)
Введение новых слов (словообразование)
Объяснение домашнего задания
Подведение итогов
Оргмомент. Перед началом урока собираются тетради с домашней работой в письменном виде.
Today we continue talking about a wonderful invention, one of the kinds of the mass media – television. To do it we are to revise the words on the theme and to listen to some people speaking about TV and their children, then we’ll have a talk about different points of view and check your homework revising the Passive voice.
Фонетическая зарядка
First of all now you are having Phonetic Competition. You are to read the words in the card correctly.
service addicted threat spread broadcast society entertainment serious
advertise humorous cruelty fail equal shame quiz depress
worldwide interrupt spoil instead asleep rude failure imagination
current equality serial series humour serve minor documentary
cartoon criticize naturally immoral entertain intimate addict servant
major advertiser violence valuable cater enlightenment spy humiliate
Речевая зарядка
Now make as many word combinations as you can. For example, entertain the guests, an honest servant, an immoral film. (Some pupils’ examples.)
Now we are going to talk about modern television and its influence on our lives. Let me ask you some questions:
John Logie Baird was the first to show how television worked, wasn’t he?
When did he show his set?
Where did colour television begin?
How much do you watch television?
What about your parents, (name)?
Do you watch TV for information or entertainment or both?
What programmes do you prefer/hate?
How often do you watch the news?
What programmes do men traditionally watch? And women?
What is your favourite channel?
What are the most watched films in your family?
Does your Mum watch serials?
Работа в парах или фронтальный опрос. Why do we watch TV?
Suggested answers:
Television gives us the opportunity to watch the world. We get first-hand information. It is both a pleasant companion and a real member of a family. It makes people’s living much more comfortable. It is the quickest means of spreading news and information. TV plays an important role in reflecting the life of society and building opinions and shapes our views.
Аудирование. I can say you can’t live without television. I know that there are two or even more TV sets in every flat. Some families have television on most of the time. But there is another point of view that TV has a bad influence on people, especially on children. So the question is if TV is a good thing.
Now we are going to listen to five parents speaking about TV and their children. Listen to different parents’ opinions. It is in Ex.1, page 51 in your books. And after that we are having a talk to express our views on TV.
Высказывание по проблеме, работа в группах. As we can see parents have different points of view on TV and children.
Now let’s have a talk about the influence TV has on you, my students.
You may use some ideas from Ex.9, page 56.
There are some hints on the board: TV and… information, education, health, time/pastime, taste and behavior, commercials, entertainment, politics, moral standards, viewers, …
Suggested answers:
For Against
the quickest means of spreading news too much violence and cruelty
educates people teaches people immorality
helps travel about the world too much commercials
keeps us informed about… affect the eyesight
offers instructive and entertaining programmes kills conversation and hobbies
makes us think more makes us lazy
cater for all ages and tastes occupies our spare time
It is a very interesting discussion. Let me to sum it up. There are advantages and disadvantages of television. There is no doubt that TV is a great force in the world making us well-informed, giving wonderful possibilities for both education and entertainment. But not to be its slaves we should limit the time spent in front of our TV sets and use television for our best benefits and enrichment.
Чтение. There are a lot of different kinds of programmes on modern TV. Can you name some of them?
Suggested answers: the news, talk shows, educational progrmmes, quizzes, magazine programmes, different kinds of feature films (thrillers, western, melodramas, sitcoms, serials, “soap” operas, comedies), cartoons, sports programmes, pop-music concerts, science programmes, political broadcast, documentaries.
Now do Ex.5, page 54 on your own and we’ll check it in some minutes.
(The students read the TV guide to one selves, checking the task).
Закрепление грамматики (Passive voice)
Работа по карточкам, один ученик у доски.
The task is to make the sentences passive. For example, we watch current news every evening. – Current news is watched every evening.
Введение новых слов и их закрепление. Ex.2, page 51(word formation).
Домашнее задание. The lesson is about to end. Your home task for the next lesson is ex.3, page 52 and ex.6, page 55.
Подведение итогов. You’ve been active and I’m pleased with you. We listened to some people and talked about the role TV has in our lives, revised the Passive voice and did some exercises. The lesson is over.
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