ИКП "Revision" 10 класс
элективный курс (10 класс) по теме

Дмитрук Лариса Евгеньевна

Презентация создана в качестве обобщающего материала для повторения пройденного уч-ся по курсу ИКП с использованием учебного пособия "Санкт-Петербург" автор Гацкевич. Презентация включает в себя темы (с упражнениями и иллюстрациями): 1. The Spit (Strelka) of Vasilievsky Island 2. The Kunstkammera 3. The Twelve Colleguims Building 4. The Menshikov Palace 5. The Academy of Arts


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The H istory of St. Petersburg REVISION

Слайд 2

The Spit ( Strelka ) of Vasilievsky Island

Слайд 3

Match the events with the dates 1. There was a port until … 2 . The foundation stone was laid… 3 . The Stock Exchange was founded… 4 . The building of the Customs House was erected… 5 . The two Rostral Columns were installed… 6 . Peter the Great decided to make Vasilievsky Island the centre of his newly built capital… 7 . The building of the architectural ensemble of the Spit began… 8 . The commercial port was situated here till… … in 1709 … between 1829 and 1832 … in 1710’s … between 1805 and 1810 … 1837 … the middle of the 19 th century … in June 1805 … in the first third of the 19 th century

Слайд 4

The kunstkammer

Слайд 5

Choose the correct item 1. In 1878, the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography ……… . w ill be formed w as formed i s formed 2 . The upper part of the building ……… in 948 – 1949. w as restored i s restored w ere restored 3. The façade of the building ……… in three parts. w as divided were divided is divided 4 . In 1836, on the base of the Kunstkammer collection several academic museums …… . 5 . First, the private collections of Peter the Great …….. In this building. w as created a re exhibited w ere created is created i s exhibited w ere exhibited

Слайд 6

The Twelve Collegiums Building

Слайд 7

Put these words in each sentence 1. The numerous state establishments ( prikazy ) ……………….. …… in 1718 by “collegiums” set up by Peter I. a re enrolled, was started, faces, were committed, is divided, stretches, were replaced 2 . The construction of the Twelve Collegiums building ..………………. after Domenico Trezzini’s project in 1722. 3 . The colleges …..…………………….. in the direction of certain branches of economy and state services. 4 . The building ………………… into twelve identical but independent sections. 5 . Nowadays, over 17,000 students ……………………. in its departments. 6 . One end of the building ………………… the Neva, the main façade ……………………. f or nearly half a kilometre into the island. were replaced was started were committed is divided are enrolled faces stretches

Слайд 8

The Menshikov Palace

Слайд 9

Express the same in English Александр Меншиков был ближайшим другом и помощником Петра Великого. Alexander Menshikov was Peter the Great’s closest associate and friend . 2 . Главной обязанностью Меншикова было осуществлять все проекты Петра I. 3. Петр I подарил Меншикову Васильевский остров. 4. Когда Меншиков владел островом, он сумел построить для себя роскошный дворец. 5. В 1727 году Меншиков проиграл борьбу за власть и был сослан в Сибирь, где умер через два года. 6. В конце XX века дворец был восстановлен, и сейчас там находится музей. Menshikov’s main duty was to realize all Peter’s projects . Menshikov was given Vasilievsky Island as a present by Peter I . When Menshikov owned the island, he managed to built luxurious palace for himself . In 1727 Menshikov lost the struggle for power and was sent to Siberia where he died two years later . At the end of the 20 th century the palace was restored, and now it houses a museum .

Слайд 10

The Academy of Arts

Слайд 11

Alexander Kokorinov Ivan Shuvalov

Слайд 12

The Inauguration of the Academy of Arts , a painting by Valery Jacobi.

Слайд 13

Ivan Ayvazovsky Karl Bryullov

Слайд 14

Ilya Repin Vasily Surikov

Слайд 15

http://tochek.net/lofiversion/index.php/t26023.html http://myworldshots.com/ru/Russia/St-Petersburg/Kunstkamera-Museum/Vasilevsky-Island-Kunstkamera-Building-95.html http://spbfotos.ru/postcard.img500.htm http://hellopiter.ru/Building_of_twelve_boards.html http://welcomespb.com/menshikovpalace.html http://travel-live.ru/dvorec-menshikova-v-sankt-peterburge.html Автор презентации: Дмитрук Л.Е., учитель английского языка ГБОУ № 180 http://www.megabook.ru/MediaViewer.asp?AID=608870 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Levitsky_kokrinov.jpg?uselang=ru

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Спасибо за предоставленный материал. Работаю по учебнику Гацкевич. Обязательно воспользуюсь Вашей презентацией.