Разработка урока "The Place We Live in" для 5 класса к учебнику И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева IV
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
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Урок по теме "The place we live in"
Развитие монологической и диалогической речи по теме;
Развитие коммуникационных способностей учащихся.
Задачи обучения:
активизировать ранее изученные ЛЕ и РО по теме,
развить навыки устной речи и аудирования, повторение английских предлогов,
умение составлять разделительные вопросы,
обучение чтению информационного текста с извлечением основной информации.
Задачи развития:
развивать способности к логическому изложению,
осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия,
формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения,
повышать мотивацию к изучению языка.
Задачи воспитания: прививать любовь к родному дому, очагу, близким.
Наглядность: тематические картинки, раздаточный материал, карточки с разделительными вопросами, макет замка.
Ход урока
1. Организационные моменты:
T: Good morning, children. Glad to meet you.
- How are you getting on?
- How are you going? If everybody is fine let’s start.
T: Today we are going to talk about flats and houses people live in dramatize the dialogue, use different preposition in your speech. And now let’s speak about season and weather.
2. Речевая зарядка:
T: What season is it now?
P1: It is winter.
T: How many months are there in winter?
P2: There are 12 months.
T: What are they?
P3: December, January, February.
T: What month is it now?
P4: It’s December.
T: How many days are there in December?
P5: There are 31 days in December.
T: Do you know any poem about months?
P6: Yes, I do. (ученик декламирует стихотворение «Thirty days has September…»)
T: What date is it today?
P1: Today is the eleventh of December.
T: What day is it today?
P2: It’s Tuesday.
T: What poem about the days of the week do you know? (декламация стихотворения «Solomon Grundy»)
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
(учитель показывает транскрипционные значки, а дети читают слова и отрабатывают звуки)
[ŋ] – living-room, sitting-room, dining-room
[ө] – bathroom
[t∫] – kitchen
[Λ] – front
[ai] – behind
[כ:] – hall, corner
[a:] – armchair
[әυ] – sofa
[ǽ] – flat
[eə] – upstairs
[ә:] – furniture
[ә:] – curtain
4. Чтение слов по транскрипции (на доске записана транскрипция, дети читают).
(house, kitchen, toilet, behind, back, flat, fireplace, middle, corner, over)
5. T: You have already known a lot of words now let’s revise our home task and try to remember them. (дом, ванная, цветок, кухня, туалет, жилая комната, прихожая, квартира, столовая, гостиная, диван, кресло, стул, камин, наверху, внизу, мебель, занавеска, зеркало (учитель называет слова на русском языке, дети переводят их на английский)).
6. T: And now I want you to complete the sentences:
We cook in the … (kitchen)
We sleep in the …
We wash in the …
We watch TV in the …
We eat in the …
We read books in the…
We take off our over coats in the…
7. T: A lot of words can be used for the description of rooms. What words will help you to describe your living-room, bedroom.
P1: There is a table in the living-room.
(P2, P3, P4, P5; учитель показывает картинки, дети описывают их)
8. Т: Для описания комнаты мы используем не только существительные, но и предлоги для того, чтобы указать местонахождение предмета.
T: What is the English for:
в углу – in the corner
по середине – in the middle
напротив – opposite
на – on
у, около – at
слева – on the left
справа – on the right
за – behind
перед – in front of
между – between
среди – among
над – over, above
рядом – near, next to
под – under
далеко – far from
(дети называют предлоги на английском)
And now let’s translate the following, expressions from Russian into English:
на столе
в вазе
слева от стола
справа от дивана
возле шкафа
под стулом
перед домом
за домом
9. Let’s work with the text. Everybody will get the card. Try to read the text and find the sentences with the prepositions. Работа с текстом. Дети читают текс про себя и выбирают предложения с предлогами.
10. T: As you see it’s a typical Russian flat. Let’s speak about English homes. Open your books. Ex. 13 p. 124. Read the text and describe the picture and say what there is on the ground floor and the first floor. (дети описывают картинку английского дома)
11. T: There were a few proverbs in this text. Let’s check who the most attentive person in the group was. (класс делится на 2 команды, получают карточки со словами и составляют пословицы на англйском языке – «East or west home is best», «There is no place. Like home»).
12. T: Do you like to visit your friends? Let’s visit Robby. His flat is nice and cozy. Прослушвание песенки «This is my room». Дети слушают песенку, потом поют ее и отвечают на вопросы учителя:
T: What is there in Robby’s room?
P1: There is a desk and a chair.
17. T: Т: Different people have different traditions. Different people have different houses. English and Russian houses differ from each other. I’ll read you a description of the house and you’ll choose is it an English or Russian house.
a) There are two floors in their traditional house. English
b) They don’t usually have a sitting-room. Russian
c) There is only one front door in the house. . Russian
d) There are two doors: a front door and a back door. English
e) The sitting-room is the largest in the house. English
f) There is a fireplace in a house. English
g) People sit by the fireplace and read books. English
12. Open your diaries and write down your homework.
18. Подведение итогов.
T: Some of you have excellent marks, some of you have good marks. You were very industrious and worked hard. Thanks a lot for you work. Our lesson is over. Good bye.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
Put the words into correct order, make a story and guess which house it is.
Составьте предложения.
- big, rather, is, the house.
- has, floors, it, two.
- a kitchen, there is, on the ground floor, a sitting room, and.
- two green, in the sitting room, there are, armchairs.
- between, a lovely flower, armchairs, there is.
- bedrooms, upstairs, two, there are.
- in the house, a bathroom, isn’t, there.
- in, a bed, there is, bedroom, one.
- in another(в другой), a fireplace, there is, bedroom.
- armchair, green, the fireplace, a lovely, there is, in front of.
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