Сценарий спектакля "Гадкий утенок"/ "The Ugly Duckling"
методическая разработка по теме
Данный сценарий предназначен для учеников 3-4 класса, не зависимо от того по какому УМК они обучаются. В данной разработке отрабатывается материал по теме "Семья", модальный глагол can, глагол to be, специальные вопросы.
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Сценарий спектакля на английском языке «Гадкий утенок»/ “The Ugly Darkling” (по мотивам сказки Г. Х. Андерсена)
Составила: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ с. Чуваш-Кубово Теплова Ольга Анатольевна
- совершенствование навыков устной речи;
- совершенствование навыков произношения;
- совершенствование навыков монологической речи.
- ознакомление учащихся с международно-известной сказкой Г. Х. Андерсена «Гадкий утенок»
- сплочение коллектива
- развитие актерских способностей;
- совершенствование навыков устной публичной речи;
- развитие умения держаться на публике
популярная английская детская песня «The more we get together», декорации, костюмы участников.
Подготовительная работа:
перед спектаклем проводились репетиции с учащимися 4 класса, где особое внимание уделялось навыкам произношения, устной речи, умению держаться на публике и сплочению коллектива.
The Script of the performance “The Ugly Darkling”
Mother-goose, 2 darklings, the ugly darkling, the dog, the cockerel, the fox, the bear, the wolf, the hare, the hedgehog, 3 swans.
Scene 1. In the yard
Mother-goose: My sweet darklings, let’s go swimming! Did you get together?
1, 2 Darklings: Yes, we did!
(2 darklings sing the song)
The more we get together
Together, together,
The more we get together
The happier we are!
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we get together
The happier we are!
1 Darkling: Uh, this big egg is still here!
(the ugly darkling is pipping)
The Ugly Darkling: What a big world! Good morning!
Mother-goose & Darklings: Good morning! What big you are!
Mother-goose: Well, it’s time to go to the lake!
1, 2 Darklings: We can swim and we can dive!
(2 darklings sing the song)
I can dive and I can swim,
Dive and swim, dive and swim
I can dive and I can swim,
And you can dive with me!
(other domestic animals are going to the lake)
The dog: All darklings are so beautiful, but that one is so big!
The cockerel: It’s an ugly darkling!
Mother-goose: It’s not so beautiful, but it is kind and nice. It can swim well too!
(Mother-goose is patting on its back)
1, 2 Darklings: You are ugly, we won`t play with you!
The Ugly Darkling: Nobody wants to play with me! I will go away!
(The Ugly Darkling is going towards the forest)
Scene 2. In the forest
The Ugly Darkling: It’s autumn and it’s so cold here. I am so lonely!
The Fox: Hello! Who are you?
The Ugly Darkling: Hello! I am a darkling. Who are you?
The Fox: I am a fox. I live in this forest. What are you doing?
The Ugly Darkling: I am swimming and diving! (it shows it)
The Fox: I will eat you!
The Ugly Darkling: No, you won’t. I will swim away!
(the fox is going away)
(A baer is coming)
The Baer: Hello! What are you doing here? Winter is coming. It will be cold.
The Ugly Darkling: I know. But I can’t go home. Nobody wants to play with me. Do you want to be my friend?
The Baer: Ok, I can play with you only in spring, because I sleep in winter.
(the bear is going away)
(A Wolf is coming)
The Wolf: What an ugly darkling! I am so hungry. I will eat you.
The Ugly Darkling: No, you won’t. I will swim away!
(the wolf is going away)
(A Hare is coming)
The Hare: Hello! Who are you?
The Ugly Darkling: Hello! I am a darkling. Who are you?
The Hare: I am a hare.
The Ugly Darkling: How are you?
The Hare: I am bad. I am always afraid of everybody. Sorry, I must run. Bye.
The Ugly Darkling: What a pity!
(the hare is going away)
(A Hedgehog is coming)
The Hedgehog: Hello! Who are you?
The Ugly Darkling: Hello! I am a darkling. Who are you?
The Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog. Why are so sad?
The Ugly Darkling: Nobody wants to play with me. Can you be my friend?
The Hedgehog: No, I can’t. You are a child. And I have my own family.
(A Hedgehog shows his photo album)
This is my wife and these are my children: my son and my daughter. I can give you advice. Wait for big white birds – swans. Bye.
The Ugly Darkling: Thank you. Bye.
Scene 3. Swans have flown
The Ugly Darkling: I see big white birds! What beautiful they are!
Swan 1: Good morning! What beautiful you are!
The Ugly Darkling: No, I am not. I am an ugly darkling.
Swan 2: Look at the water!
The Ugly Darkling: Wow, I am white and beautiful! Who am I?
Swan 3: You are a swan too. Fly with us! We are flying to the South.
The Ugly Darkling: I can’t fly.
Swans: Try!
The Ugly Darkling: I can fly! I am so happy!
(All the swans are flying away)
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Сценарий спектакля на английском языке «Гадкий утенок»/ “The Ugly Darkling” (по мотивам сказки Г. Х. Андерсена)
Сценарий спектакля на английском языке «Гадкий утенок»/ “The Ugly Darkling” (по мотивам сказки Г. Х. Андерсена) Цели: практические: - совершенствование навыков устной речи; - совершенствование нав...

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